Tag Archives: Ceru

Tip of the week: Afternoon Tea in Ceru

It is not a secret that I am a hugely into Lebanese, Turkish cuisine and similar to these. And you may also remember my previous post about incredible CERU restaurant that have previously been open more as a pop up spot. They finally found their home and it is such a stunning place that is only few minutes away from the South Kensington tube station. The deco took my breath away as it is a perfect blend of traditional and modern and has got that touch of Arabic countries. I really love what they have done with the place (perhaps you saw my Insta Stories last week as I could not resist to film their stunning toilets LOL).

I was lucky enough last week that my husband had few days off and I could visit this marvellous restaurant with my friend Helena for their afternoon tea. I love good afternoon tea and it is such a good way how to catch up with friends. Ceru definitely adds their own touches to it so do not expect traditional cakes and sandwiches. Imagine sandwiches and cakes with that levant touch and delicious spices. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

My favourite sandwich was definitely creamed feta, lemon and pickled cucumber but cannot really decide on the top choice from the sweet selection. They all had something surprising. You can chose tea with or without champagne and guess what I went for? Yes with LOL. It would not be me otherwise. As I have been in the restaurant few times previously I wanted my friend Helena to try some of the stuff I liked previously like their signature lamb (OMG what a dish) or other things. So we ordered few bits after the tea.

It was honestly such a lovely afternoon and I am definitely coming back. If you are around West London and you want to try something different definitely stop by as Ceru will take you on a lovely journey of tastes and great food.

Neni zadnym tajemstvim, ze miluju kuchyne jako Tureckou, Arabskou ci dobroty z Libanonu. Zkratka kuchyne Levantu. A mozna si i pamatujete nektere predchozi clanky o vyborne restauraci Ceru, ktera drive pusobila spise jako Pop up. To uz je ale minulosti a konecne jeji majitele nasli domov a otevreli si prekrasnou restauraci jenom par minut od zastavky South Kensington. Uz po prichodu se mi libilo jak si majitele poradili s interierem, ktery je uzasnym balancem moderniho a tradicniho. Najdete tam kusy dovezene primo z Maroka, ale i moderni navrhy, ktere do restaurace krasne zapadaji (mozna jste zrovna vy videli moje insta stories z jejich prekrasnych toalet – opravdu jsem si nemohla pomoci haha). 

Minuly tyden jsem mela zrovna stesti, ze muj manzel mel volno a tak jsem mohla jit do Ceru se svou kamaradkou Helenou na jejich Afternoon tea. Ja osobne mam Afternoon tea (neboli caj o pate) moc rada a je to super zpusob jak si pokecat s kamaradkou a dat si neco dobreho. Necekejte samozrejme tradicni Britsky caj, ale spise sandwiche a zakusky s chuti Levantu a vyborneho koreni. 

Nejvice mi chutnal sandwich s kremovou fetou, citronem a nakladanou okurkou, ale uprimne se nemuzu rozhodnout, ktery zakusek byl nejlepsi. Muzete si vybrat verzi bud s sampanskym ci bez a take si muzete vybrat i caj podle svych chuti. Ja jsem hrozne Helene chtela predstavit par jinych specialit a navic jsem mela sileny hlad (klasika co), takz jsme si jeste objednali jehneci a par jinych lahudek. 

Pokud  budete v okoli South Kensington, urcite se sem zastavte treba zrovna na jejich Aftenoon tea. Ja jsem si to moc uzila a snad se v Ceru bude libit i Vam.

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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