Tip of the week: ESKA PRAGUE

Eska is a hot spot in Karlin Prague which I have heard so much about from my two friends Katerina and Iva. So I knew I had to try this place as soon as I arrive in Prague.

Eska was exactly what I expected and the whole atmosphere reminds me many places you find in East London. It has got cool vibes of Shoreditch and delicious food. The business sources good quality ingredients and also offers their customers to buy fresh products like bread and pastry in the downstairs bakery. You can also get hands on many organic products and those are honestly top quality. Yes I had to try it myself.

I feel the deco and the menu as well are such a fabulous combinations of traditional and new and they create a great whole. I heard it can get very busy during weekend brunch so we decided to book a table for something smaller around 3 pm and the restaurant wasn’t that busy which was great for a nice chat, glass of their organic wine and one of their open sandwiches. What a great afternoon siesta with friend.

The menu really has got interesting dishes to offer and the bread is to die for. I love Czech bread and really miss it in London but this one is on another level. I wish I could bring at least three loafs to London with me. I ordered beef on their delicious bread and it had such great flavour combinations that I can highly recommend it. What I also loved was their open kitchen as I firmly believe it is a good sign of any restaurant when you can see in the kitchen. Nobody or nothing can hide behind closed doors. LOL

And I could not leave without something sweet from their downstairs bakery which was super delicious. If you ever get a chance to visit I can highly recommend.

Eska v Karline v Praze je misto o kterem jsem slysela hodne od svych kamaradek Ivus a Katky. A tak pri me posledni navsteve v Praze byl vyber mista, kde si urcite musime neco dat jasny.

Eska byla presne podle mych predstav a pusobila na me jako mista, ktera najdete v Londyne spise ve vychodni casti v oblasti Shoreditch apod. Industrialni a zajimavy interier a kvalitni suroviny tvori vyborny celek a tak i lakaji mnohe milovniky dobreho jidla. Jak menu tak i vnitrek restaurace je pro me spojenim tradicniho a moderniho. Menu nabizi klasiky, ktere maji vzdy neco navic a take chleba, ktery tato restaurace serviruje je bezkonkurencni. Mam chut si tam zajet ho koupit a zmrazit si alespon tri bochniky a odvezt si je sebou do Londyna. Cesky chleba mi v Londyne hodne chybi, ale ten jejich je opravdu o level vys. 

Jelikoz jsem slysela, ze napriklad v dobe brunche a obeda muze byt restaurace plna, rozhodla jsem se jit do Esky asi kolem treti, kde nas cekala prijemna atmosfera, zadny hluk a vubec jsem si to uzila. Byla to idealni doba na to si dat jeden z jejich oblozenych chlebu a pokecat nad vinem. Serviruji organicka vina, ktera ja osobne moc nemusim, ale nebylo vubec spatne, takze se nebojte. Menu je opravdu zajimave a prestoze pusobi tradicne, cekaji na vas zajimave chute a take prekvapive kombinace. Ja jsem si dala chleba s hovezim, krenem a jablky a muzu jenom doporucit.

Jestli budete moznost si sem zajit, tak urcite bezte. A jak se dalo cekat, musela jsem si koupit i neco sladkeho na zub v jejich pekarne.

Love Glamazon xoxo 

4 comments on “Tip of the week: ESKA PRAGUE

    1. Ted jsem si vzpomela, ze kdyz jsem psala diplomku, tak byla v CJ jenom zaver a uvod v Anglictine, ale po 5 letech studovani v Anglictine ta Cestina teda byla silena a dokonce mi to moje vedouci diplomky rekla, ze ten Anglicky text je mnohem lepsi nez ten Cesky. Takze o tom vim. Mozna bych mela zacit cist znovu knizky v CJ, jen najit ten cas pri tom vsem.

  1. Hmm, tak nevim, zda te za to obdivovat nebo hanit, ze jsi diplomku v cj mela horsi. Na druhou stranu mam ted rusky kurs a domnivala jsem se, ze cestina muze mit jen jeden zapor ve vete, tak jako anj nebo nej…pro me znelo dobre: nikdo zna. Rusove maj taky dva zapory. A navic ceske pady jsem jaksi uz zapomnela – ted delame v rustine 6 a 4 pad a ja si nedokazala vzpomenout na nasich 7 padu. Hm, v cj ctu jen clanky na internetu. Cteni je dobra vec.
    xx Vera

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