(Source – http://inmyownstyle.com)
In my last interview I did for Aktualne.cz I was asked a bit about how bloggers make money. I am sure that bloggers that have got big blogs know this already however I wanted to share with some start up bloggers some tips and ideas. This article is not to list all the ways how to financially benefit from blogging but more give you some ideas. You can always make it yourself and I am sure that every company that approaches you for collaboration will always welcome new ideas.
1. Affiliates – This is one of the most common way how you can earn money. You can either have percentage of sales with specific brands or you can use one of the platforms like reward style, skimlinks and similar.
2. PR Articles – This will really be a case by case basis. You may just do an outfit post, cosmetics review, restaurant review. It really depends on your blog and content and obviously bloggers will have different rates for this.
3. PR Video – This is more for people with big youtube following however there are still some bloggers that do videos every now and then. It would work on a similar basis as PR article just different way of promoting product.
4. Selling your own items – This is not a direct way of earning from a blog but partially it is seen as one of the biggest ways how to earn money. Bloggers get ridiculous amount of clothes and you cannot keep them forever unless you have a super huge walking closet. So why not to recycle and sell some of the pieces you don’t wear.
5. Instagram Earning – There are so many ways how to earn money with instagram. You can set up your own rates for companies to be advertised on your account. You can do intstagram takeovers or just have affiliates similar to like.it .
This is a very short list of ways how to earn money. Perhaps I will share more with you in future. You just need to go for it and really one thing. Blogging is an actual work/job and you do not have to be ashamed to get paid for this. You would get paid normally in your employment and nobody asks you to do anything for free. You have to be able to offer companies something in exchange and trust me it will work for you in the end.
Nedavno jsem mluvila v rozhovoru na aktualne.cz o tom cim si blogeri vydelavaji. Tech zpusobu je opravdu spousta a rozhodla jsem sepsat par zakladnich tipu, ktere snad pomuzou zacinajicim blogerum. Timto clankem nechci sepsat vsechny moznosti, spis upozornit na ty hlavni a mozna i vas napadnou v budoucnu ruzne tipy spolupraci. Myslim, ze kazda firma by uvitala zajimave napady, jak promovat jejich produkt.
1. Affiliates – Vetsina blogeru vydelava procentem z prodeje. Bud muzete uzavrit jednotlive smlouvy s jednotlivou firmou a nebou pouzivat platformy jako skimlinks ci reward style. Ja osobne povazuju druhou moznost za vice pohodlnou. Urcite se podivejte a udelejte pruzkum, protoze jich existuje mnohem vice.
2. PR clanky – To je snad nejzakladnejsi zpusob jak vam muze blog vydelavat. Je na vas jakym zpusobem clanek napisete. Muze to byt klasickou outfit post, wish list ci recenze na produkt. Kazdy bloger ma urcite jine poplatky za takovy post a to uz urcite na vas kolik si za takovy clanek berete a jake mate podminky. Musite ale byt schopni klientovi vysvetlit proc prave takove podminky a jake vyhody z toho bude mit.
3. PR videa – Trosku jina forma PR, ktera se podoba klasickemu PR clanku jenom ve forme videa.
4. Prodavani vaseho satniku – I kdyz tohle neni primy zpusob jak vydelavat tak jsem se rozhodla tento zpusob zaradit. Je to velmi jednoduche a pritom to vetsinou tvori velkou cast prijmu blogera. Vetsina z nas dostava kvanta obleceni a pokud nemate satnik velikosti Buckinghamskeho palace, tak se vam do bytu casem vsechno nevleze. Je vyborne obleceni recyklovat.
5. Instagram – Z doslechu vim, ze instagram nema v Cesku takovou silu jako v zahranici a je to skoda. Podle me je to momentalne nejsilnejsi marketingovy nastroj. Na Instagramu jsou skoro vsichni a ja nachazim inspiraci hlavne tam. Na blogy nemam totiz cas chodit. Spolupraci je opravdu hodne. Muzete udelat firme instagram takeover, ci si si stanovit poplatky za PR na vasem instagramovem uctu. Myslim, ze predstavivosti se v tomto pripade meze nekladou.
Myslim, ze typu spolupraci je opravdu hodne a tohle je takovy maly zaklad. Ale o tom az nekdy priste.
Mejte se krasne a pamatujte si, ze tohle vse je jenom na vas. Blogovani je prace a za praci se plati. Takze preju vsem hodne uspechu.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Definitely agree that there is no shame in getting paid for working as a blogger! Having blog for close to a year now, I have to say blogging is hard work and requires a lot of time and effort! Thanks for sharing your tips!
I was at bloggers conference yesterday and some conmpanies pay so much money for posts and work that I could not believe my ears x
This is really informative!! Thanks for sharing
no worries.. x
Great tips! Thanks for sharing! :)
Nikoleta, xoxo.
Glad you find it useful x