Outfit: You are worth it

Wearing: Jacket: Airfield, Trousers: Airfield, Bag: Chanel, Shoes: Minna Parikka, Sunglasses: Nelly

If you have been following me for a while you probably know I like everything beauty, skincare and fashion and of course travel and food! Does that make me an all rounder? LOL

However in the last few years I started to look into things like meditation, balancing your life, yoga and self love. All of this in the positive way. And it is changing my life. As lot of people I have had doubts in everything I did whether that was personal life, work and so on. Every time I felt somebody used me for things like help, information I kept asking why is that and I simply started to look for answers. That kind of triggered this interest. And when you start to read all these books, you realise how important self-love is. It is so crucial to realise we are all worth it. We deserve everything and more we want in our lives.

I am not an expert in this field and cannot tell you why you should do this or that. I cannot give you clear advise how to do things but you will find answers only inside of you. Just remember you are worth it. You are worthy of your desires and everything you have ever dreamt about.

Pokud me sledujete uz nejaky ten patek, asi vite, ze miluju kosmetiku, modu a taky cestovani a jidlo. Jsem takova vsehochut ze? LOL Ale v posledni letech jsem se zacala zajimat o meditaci, jak najit sam sebe, yogu a vubec naucit se mit rada. To vse v pozitivnim slova smyslu.

A hrozne mi to pomaha, porad si ctu clanky o karme, o aurach, meditaci, jak se mit rad a snazim se veci aplikovat do sveho zivota. Ono to zacalo tak nejak tim, ze pokazde, kdyz jsem mela pocit, ze me nekdo z okoli zneuzil treba jenom na pomoc, radu, kontakt atd a pak me smetl ze stolu, tak jsem chtela vedet, proc se tak deje. A proc mam treba pocit, ze me clovek zneuzil? 

Kdyz clovek zacne cist, shromazdovat informace, zjisti, ze opravdu zacina ve vas ve vnitr a ze sebelaska je hrozne dulezita. Je dulezite se vzdy podivat do vaseho nitra a zacit tam. A take je treba si porad uvedomovat, ze vy za to stojite. Kazdy z nas si zaslouzi jenom to co si preje, to nejlepsi a to ze vam nekdo rika neco jineho je blbost. 

Nejsem zadny odbornik, abych tady psala o tom, co mate udelat. jak a proc, ale spis chci povzbudit vsechny tim, ze vam reknu, ze mame vsichni na to co chceme, vsichni jsou hodni toho, co si preji a o cem sni. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


3 comments on “Outfit: You are worth it

  1. Cerna a bila nezklame nikdy. Ten retizek je hezky. Pravda, diky meditaci zpomalis a jsi vyrovnanejsi, navic je dobra i na intuici. Navic, diky pravidelny meditaci zacnes rozpoznavat, jakou “Oblast” mas v nerovnovaze. Ja kdyz pred pul rokem zacala s blogem, tak jsem zacala mit problemy s nahbi chakrou (spokojenost v rodine, zazemi, v praci). Jelikoz je blog casove narocny, tak se to da docela pochopit, kde to zacalo skripat prvne.
    xx Vera

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