Wearing: Boots: Allsaints, Dress: Zara, Blazer: Zara, Sunglasses: Dior, Belt: Black and Brown
Professionalism is something that is expected in any area of work so why does it seem there is a lack of it within blogging? I have been in this industry for many years and encountered many different people. Are they all professional? No. However there are many that extremely professional and they create a good reputation in this industry. And that is the direction it should go. Sadly over the last week I came across so many stories within my circle of “colleagues” and I must say at times my jaw just dropped.
Let’s face it bloggers have been criticised so many times in printed and online publications and some critique came from highly respected people. And although the criticism probably does not apply for everybody in some ways some points are valid. Firstly there should be more respects in between creators towards each other. Some ways of communication are just not acceptable. And all it is is change the language, the tone and phrase things differently.
A friend of mine recently told me about a message on Instagram she recently got and she could not believe her eyes as somebody she barely knew asked for sensitive piece of information. On one hand I understand that being direct sometimes gets you what you need but you have to really judge these things carefully. And actions like this only create a bad image of influencers. Another friend that works within PR told me about an incident when the brand rejected a blogger’s proposition and what followed was extremely rude and aggressive response. If I was that PR I would have blacklisted that person forever as there simply would not be trust. I could not collaborate with anybody that has that sort of attitude.
Another friend got a message from an influencer that has recently started asking tell me how to make money fast! Is that so bad? No … but in the context of any other industry it is just strange. I cannot imagine that another professional for example within real estate, recruitment, audit, modelling contacts total stranger and asks them tell me how to make money fast. It is not professional way to do it and plus the tone of the message was very aggressive. Also hundreds of influencers share their tips on things like growth, money making and so on all over the internet. So it would question the other persons proactivity as anybody can find lot of information online and on youtube as well.
And these are just few things that made me thinking what can we do to change it. Yes if 50 % of us are going to be professional that is still only half and whoever has got dealing with the other half will get bad experience. I am glad there are extremely professional people and in some ways it is improving but it is still such a new industry, anybody can start at any minute, the competition is big and sometimes the circumstances are forcing people to act how they act.
Profesionalita se ocekava v mnoha oborech a tak premyslim, proc je ji v blogovani tak malo. Jsem pravdepodobne jedna z tech prvni blogerek a tak uz to delam nejaky ten patek a muzu rict, ze jsem potkala spoustu velmi rozlisnych lidi. A jsou vsichni profesionalni? Bohuzel ne. Nastesti je ale spousta, ktera jsou extremne profesionalni a ja doufam, ze timto smerem to take pujde dal. V poslednich par tydnech jsem slysela z kruhu svych “kolegu” pribehy nad kterymi mi zustava rozum stat a zaroven se nedivim, ze maji blogeri tak spatnou reputaci.
Co si budeme povidat, blogeri se probirali v nekolika tistenych i online casopisech a novinach a kritika byla v hodne pripadech od respektovanych zurnalistu. A prestoze se urcite nevztahuje kritika na vsechny, nektere body me ani neprekvapuji. V prvni rade musi byt influenceri vice profesionalni mezi sebou. Nektere zpusoby jednani jsou proste neprijatelne. Vse je o tom jak mluvite, staci trosku slusnosti, spravneho tonu a hned to vypada jinak.
Jedna znama mi nedavno rozhorcene rikala, jak ji nekdo koho sotva zna napsal na Instagramu o prosbu, ktera si myslim, ze byla docela drza a nemistna. Ja ocenuji, kdyz jde nekdo tvrde za svym, ale tohle byl trosku jiny pripad. Druha znama, ktera pracuje jako PR mi rikala, ze jedna blogerka, ktera je oslovila na spolupraci a byla zamitnuta reagovala velmi agresivni odpovedi. Zustaval mi az rozum stat. Pokud bych ja byla v situaci te PR tak tento clovek bude zapsan na blacklistu, protoze bych jich nemohla nikdy sverit do rukou propagaci zadneho produktu.
Dalsi znama mi rikala, ze ji nekdo naprimo a velmi zvlastnim tonem napsal, at ji rekne jak na Instagramu vydelat penize co nejrychleji. Je to blba otazka? Ani ne ale jakmile si tuto situaci aplikujete na cokoli jineho, je to prinejmensim divne. Predstavte si napriklad personalistu, realitniho maklere, auditora jak vkraci ke konkurenci nebo jim napise email and napise jim, at mu reknou jak rychle vydelat penize. V tomto pripade me napada jen to, ze to musi byt nejaky linejsi clovek, protoze internet je zaplaveny tolika tipy jak rust, jak zacit a ta dana osoba si to muze proste jenom vyhledat.
Je smutne ze ne vsichni si uvedomuji, ze kazi reputaci ostatnim, pokud se chovaji nemistne. A tohle je jenom par prikladu za poslednich par dni. I kdyby 50 % z nas bylo profesionalnich, porad je to jenom polovina. Bohuzel blogovani je neco, kde neni treba kvalifikace a nejsou urcena pravidla a je to vlastne relativne nova zalezitost. Kdokoli muze zacit prave tady a ted a to je obcas ten problem. Blogovat muze zacit starsi slusny clovek, mladsi vysokoskolak a stejne i ten, kteremu profesionalita absolutne nic nerika. Urcite se to da zmenit, ale je potreba tohle tlacit vic do sveta a ukazat ostatnim, ze profesionalni chovani je treba ve vsem.