Category Archives: Blogging

Why are influencers changing their Instagram handle names?

Wearing: Shoes: Manolo Blahnik, Bag: Bulgari, Dress and Blazer: Zara, Belt: Black & Brown

When I was starting to write a blog back in autumn 2009 it was all so new. Most bloggers were using blogspot and there was no Instagram. We were all just having these online diaries, sharing what we wear, what we did and our lives.

Bloggers were looking for a catchy names for their blogs and when you landed on their pages you would see the name of the blog that later became a brand – The Blonde Salad, Glam & Glitter, In the Frow, Hello October, Pink Peonies, Something Navy, Style Scrapbook just to name the few. I will not lie. I often did not know the bloggers by their first and second names and referred to them as Something Navy or in my case Glamazon. And I am still doing it to be fair.

Well, many years later when the websites were taken by Instagram the same “brands” were growing rapidly on this social platform and not just this one. There was a nice continuity and when you loved the blog and wanted to follow your favourite blogger on Instagram, Twitter and many others you could easily find them based on the blog name.

This has shifted recently and I am thinking why. Does it mean it is no longer cool to be found on Instagram as Pink Peonies or Five inch and up? Is it a new trend? Is it lust for fame with your own name? However, so many influencers started to changed their original names which to me were the actual brand and started to use their real names.

I personally find it so hard especially when Instagram does not work the same way as before. Now, if you constantly do not engage with certain content, that feed is not coming up despite you following them. So with some people you do not see a single picture or video for months. This makes it even more difficult if you want to find them. As an example I wanted to send this blogger I know personally from the industry na image that popped up somewhere and I was looking forever for her handle. Sadly, I did not remember her full name so I was lost. It took me so long to find her and yes she was one of the people that changed her original blog name to her name. And this happens so many times. I find it so confusing when I quickly want to look somebody up.

I still have not decided if it is a good or bad thing. There are few people that started their blogs with their own name. One that comes to my mind is a Czech Influencer Pavlina Jagrova. Well, good for her as she does not have to confuse followers with all these changes. There is also one case I can think makes full sense and that is Arielle Charnas from Something Navy. Something Navy became her clothes brand so it was a natural move to keep the traffic of her original brand. She used her blog for her online clothes shop and then change her influencer social accounts to her actual names. This is a brilliant and logic move for sure. There is a lot of gain out of this.

I wish I could answer to my question in the title? Is it trend? Is it where we are heading? Will the original names just fully disappear? I guess only time will show.


Kdyz jsem zacinala s blogem koncem roku 2009, vsechno bylo nove. Vetsina blogeru pouzivala originalni blogspot a Instagram jeste neexistoval. Byly to pro nas takove online diare, kde vetsina z nas sdilela outfity, nas kazdodenni zivot a podobne.

Vetsina blogeru chtela prijit na trh s poutavym jmenem, ktery pritahne pozornost a ktere ji vybuduje znacku. Z tech dob me napadaji jmena jako The Blonde Salad, Glam & Glitter, In the Frow, Hello October, Pink Peonies, Something Navy, Style Scrapbook a jine. A nebudu vam lhat, jmena blogeru jsem moc neznala a brala je jako The Blond Salad nebo v mem pripade Glamazon.

Par let na to prisel Instagram a vetsina blogeru rozsirovala svuj influence na ruznych socialnich platformach. Vsechno bylo krasne propojeno a kdyz si ctenar chtel najit influencera napriklad na Instagramu, ve vetsinu pripadu stacil nazev blogu. A proc taky ne, bylo to jednoduche, byla to jejich znacka, kterou pilne budovali na webovych strankach a davalo to smysl. A tak kdyz jsem si oblibila napriklad blog Pink Peonies, vedela jsem, ze mi staci tohle zadat na Instagramu do vyhledavace a voila.

Jenze to se ale v poslednich asi dvou letech zacalo menit a spousta at uz top influenceru tak micro-influenceru zacala menit sva jmena na Instagramu na sva skutecna jmena. Sedim tady a premyslim proc? Je to novy trend? Je to out mit nazev blogu jako hlavni jmeno? Nebo je to zkratka jenom touha po slave pod jejich skutecnym jmenem? Tak ci tak, ja to shledavam dost matouci (to bude sranda az tomu prijdu na chut a zmenim si to taky LOL), protoze v dnesni dobe kdyz Instagram ma zcela jiny algoritmus, je tak tezke najit jenom tak blog, kdyz si nepamatujete jejich jmeno.

Jako priklad uvedu, kdyz jsem nedavno chtela poslat fotku jedne influencerce, kterou znam osobne a zacala ji hledat na Instagramu a zkratka to neslo. A jelikoz jsem si nemohla vzpomenout na jeji jmeno, bylo to o to tezsi. Nakonec jsem se po delsi dobe proklikala pres jine lidi a fotku ji poslala. No co vam budu povidat, hrozne me to stvalo. LOL

Vyhodu maji ti blogeri, kteri tak zacali hned na zacatku. Jako priklad uvedu Pavlinu Jagrovou. Ta si svou znacku vybudovala na svem vlastnim jmene a ma to ted jednodussi. Dalsi priklad, kdy mi zmena dava smysl je Arielle Charnas z blogu Something Navy. Arielle si vybudovala znacku obleceni, kterou nazvala Something Navy a velmi chytre tak mohla okamzite vyuzit jak navstevnost blogu, z nehoz se stal online shop a take Instagramovy ucet. Svuj puvodni ucet si zkratka zmenila na sve skutecne jmeno. Ale tohle je opravdu logicky tah, kterym ziska opravdu hodne.

Bohuzel si sama nemohu zodpovedet na svou otazku v titulu? Nevim, jestli je to trend. Nevim, zda je to vyhoda ci nevyhoda, jenom vim, ze kdyz si chci opravdu nekoho najit, ze me to akorat mate. Myslim, ze na tohle nam odpovi jedine cas a treba nakonec jmena blogu jako takovych zcela zmizi.


Digital content transformation after 2020??

There I am standing on the charming Parisian balcony during one of the busy PFW seasons few years ago. Those were the days when I juggled full time job, blog, fashion weeks, shoots, travelling and was non stop creating content for my platforms. There was not an occasion where I would leave my Canon Mark II at home despite it being so heavy and always in the way. However that annoying heavy machine could capture moments and outfits in the most beautiful way.

A friend of mine from the industry messaged me few days ago and made me think. After reading that sentence…”Everytime I look at your old content I think it’s so good” I have been looking back and she is actually right in a way. My content was more curated. I sacrificed all my free time to be out there and take the best possible images. I published 6 blogposts a week and so much more. When I had Liam (my son) my priorities shifted and it was harder to synchronise my time with the people can help me to create good level of images and content. If you want to do it you need to meet that person with the same passion as you that has similar schedule to you. And that individual has to be fully committed.

In the last ten years I have been shooting with many people but there is one maybe two that meet those requirements. You need a flexible, passionate individual that is happy to meet you half way, turns up, does not cancel last minute after you sorted babysitting and that is becoming more challenging than ever.

This sequence of thoughts led me here when I am contemplating how the digital content changed for me personally but also in the world of social media as a whole.

What is audience looking for in 2021?

There is no doubt the face of social media and digital has shifted. Even before pandemic I felt there has been huge increase in showing reality rather than picture perfect dreamy images. The content went from highly photoshopped images, filters, flower walls, immaculate backgrounds, exotic destinations and escapism to showing cellulite, stretch marks and under eye circles of tired new moms. Sometimes content creators went too far for my liking in order to shock and revolt. However these kind of accounts and posts reach huge engagement as it is clearly relatable. Many people no longer seek escapism after hard day but they want to see that it is ok to struggle at work, with newborn baby or put on few pounds. Even some of the top influencers have been publishing quick Iphone images and showing off rather dress down effortless looks.

The video content took social media by storm and TikTok became fastest growing social media platform. It offers something new, something more real and very different from those still perfect images. The stranger the content the more your chances are for it to become viral. Audience is seeking content that entertains, is original and they can relate to. The most viral videos are the ones people can relate to. There are still videos that show luxury, beautiful people and immaculate life however they usually do not get that reach as something very simple. It is no longer so much about 5 star hotels, mansion houses but a video filmed in one bedroom messy flat on the other side of world can explode. Of course, Instagram did not want to be behind and brought reels which was definitely nice new challenge for those staying away from TikTok. However, due to so many influencers being on Tiktok already they replicate they content on reels and vice versa. The questions is whether the Instagram audience loves reels as it does bring in that TikTok culture to this platform. I have definitely noticed there are two camps when it comes to this.

Pandemic changed a lot when it comes to digital. Anything that was not possible to happen took on digital form. The fashion industry had to quickly adapt and the consumers and followers too. The type of content changed as we legally could not do the usual things. The brands were reporting the sales of loungewear hugely increased whilst sales of high heels was the lowest ever. That of course reflected also influencers’ content. We were all and still are on the same boat and that means we have to adapt to the situation. It is no longer about the perfect backdrops unless you change paintings in your living room on a weekly basis.

When it comes to travel and content it was like walking on a thin ice. Most my non-influencer friends travelled still a lot during 2020 however they are not in the spotlight. One of my good friends from the industry who’s content is a lot about luxury lifestyle travelled still quite a lot during pandemic however only to countries which had opened borders and she followed all regulations. Sadly due to the circumstances the audience couldn’t relate which led to hateful comments. It was only few days later when huge media noticed and thanks to her 15 seconds video she got criticised by the biggest publications including British Vogue. This is telling me that we all need to adapt and we need to be more relatable as that is what the market requires. We need to find new creative ways how to keep the audience engaged.

I cannot help but wonder..Is this all taking us back to where it all started? Instagram used to be about an instant image, instant experience and being more real? Is that the way we are heading? Maybe in a slightly different form but along those lines.

I believe audience is seeking relatable content full of entertainment, they want valuable information and fun.

What do you think?

Divam se na fotografie, ktere jsou porizeny par let zpatky. Stojim na kouzelnem balkone v Parizi behem jednoho z fashion weeku a vzpominam na to jake to tenkrat bylo. Byly to dny, kdy jsem obetovala kazdou minutu volna sve vasni. Mezi praci na plny uvazek jsem bez prestavky tvorila obsah pro sve platformy, fotila, tocila, cestovala, psala a byla k nezastaveni. Nebyla chvile, kdybych nechala svuj Canon Mark II doma, protoze jsem vzdy nasla dalsi moznost tvorit. Prestoze to je tezky, mohutny a otravny stroj, vedela jsem, ze mi muze krasne zachytit dalsi moment nebo outfit.

Pred par dny mi jedna moje kamaradka napsala zpravu, ze pokazde kdyz vidi me starsi fotografie, tak si pomysli jak jsou dobre. A ma pravdu. O obsahu jsem vice premyslela, planovala, obetovala tomu veskery cas. Kazda fotografie v sobe nesla vice usili, planovani a organizace. Vydavala jsem sest clanku tydne. Ale s ditetem prisly prekazky jako cas, synchronizovat cas s tema, kdo me mohou fotit a take jine priority.

Jedna z nejvetsich prekazek za poslednich deset let bylo najit nekoho, kdo je flexibilni, zapaleny a schopny. Clovek, ktery vam pomaha s vasim obsahem musi mit stejne velkou vasen pro to co delate jako vy. Za cela ty leta jsem potkala mozna dve osoby, ktere takove jsou a to je nejvetsi kamen urazu.

A vsechno tohle premysleni o obsahu a digitalnim svete me privedlo az sem. Je totiz ocividne, ze tvar a dynamika obsahu se meni a to nejen pro me osobne, ale pro vsechny z nas.

Co chteji videt sledujici v digitalnim svete v roce 2021?

Myslim, ze uz pred pandemii se obsah na socialnich sitich dost zmenil. Transformace byla sice pomalejsi, ale je viditelny ustup dokonale upravenych fotografii a prehnanych filtru. Naopak zacina byt popularni uprimna realita. A tak na me na Instagramu misto idylickych fotografii s nadechem luxusu vyskakuji fotografie celulitidy, plnych zenskych tvaru a unavene obliceje novorodicek. Influenceri v mnoha pripadech odhazuji fasady a jdou s kuzi na trh. Na muj vkus mozna nekdy az moc. Ja totiz rada pres socialni media unikam realite, ale jde videt, ze spouste sledujicich tento trend apeluje. Uprimne posty maji v mnoha pripadech nekolikanasobny engagement.

A jedna z nejvetsich zmen je video obsah. Ten vzdy existoval, ale diky rozmahu popularni platformy TikTok dosahuje novych rozmeru. A co je nejzajimavejsi, ze i v tomto pripade velmi dominuje realita. Na viralni video nemusite byt milionar na jachte ci vlastnit padesat tasek Hermes, viralni video muze byt cokoli a velmi casto jsou to prave videa, ktere jsou proste normalni, vtipne a obecenstvo bavi. Originalita je velmi dulezita a hlavne plati, ze cim vetsi blbost, tim vetsi sance na to, ze video bude viralni. Tim netvrdim, ze fashion blogeri se zamerenim na luxusni modu nemaji sanci. To ne. Jenom jde videt, ze sledujici miluji obsah, se kterym se mohou ztotoznit a ktery je pobavi. Instagram nechtel byt v pozadi a tak predstavil na sve platforme reels. To bylo pro uzivatele neco noveho, ale jelikoz spousta influenceru pouze duplikuje obsah z Tiktoku nebylo to uplne pro vsechny. Vice a vice narazim na uzivatele Instagramu, kterym reels nevyhovuji a nedokazou se ztotoznit s Tiktok trendy.

Pandemie ale prinesla do digitalniho sveta celkovy obrat. To co nebylo mozne uskutecnit, nabralo digitalni formu. Firmy i influenceri se museli rychle adaptovat. Zmenila se forma obsahu uz jenom tim, ze pro vsechny platila podobna pravidla a to byt doma. Socialni platformy byly najednou plne fotografii domova, pohodlnych teplakovek a stories o tom, na co se podivat na Netlixu. Podle statistik byl prodej pohodlneho obleceni nejvyssi za posledni leta a na druhou stranu luxusni znacky botu hlasi velky propad v prodeji vysokych podpatku. Svet se musel zkratka prizpusobit.

Co se tyce cestovani, to bylo v lonskem roce hodne omezene. Presto spousta mych pratel, kteri nejsou influenceri cestovalo. Bohuzel pro blogery je to trosku jine. Je to jako chodit po tenkem lede, jestli cestujete a tvorite stejny obsah jako drive pro spousty lidi je to neprijatelne. Jedna z mych dobrych kamaradek, jejiz obsah je prave o luxusnim zivotnim stylu a cestovani vydala video o cestovani v roce 2020 a to pobourilo nejednoho uzivatele na Tiktoku. Za par dni bylo video viralni a toho si vsimla svetova media a casopisy a dokonce Britska Vogue. Pro spousty tohle bylo neprijatelne a sobecke, prestoze tato blogerka cestovala do zemi, kde to bylo mozne a dodrzovala regulace.

A tak premyslim, zda nas to nevratilo vse na samy pocatek Instagramu. Instagram byl o neupravenych fotkach, sdileni reality a momentek. Mozna nas tohle vsechno vratilo par let zpatky. Lide hledaji obsah s nimz se ztotozni, u nehoz se pobavi nebo si treba u nej i pobreci. Obsah musi take bavit nebo nam neco predat. Co myslite?


Outfit: Why We need more professionalism in blogging?

Wearing: Boots: Allsaints, Dress: Zara, Blazer: Zara, Sunglasses: Dior, Belt: Black and Brown

Professionalism is something that is expected in any area of work so why does it seem there is a lack of it within blogging? I have been in this industry for many years and encountered many different people. Are they all professional? No. However there are many that extremely professional and they create a good reputation in this industry. And that is the direction it should go. Sadly over the last week I came across so many stories within my circle of “colleagues” and I must say at times my jaw just dropped.

Let’s face it bloggers have been criticised so many times in printed and online publications and some critique came from highly respected people. And although the criticism probably does not apply for everybody in some ways some points are valid. Firstly there should be more respects in between creators towards each other. Some ways of communication are just not acceptable. And all it is is change the language, the tone and phrase things differently.

A friend of mine recently told me about a message on Instagram she recently got and she could not believe her eyes as somebody she barely knew asked for sensitive piece of information. On one hand I understand that being direct sometimes gets you what you need but you have to really judge these things carefully. And actions like this only create a bad image of influencers. Another friend that works within PR told me about an incident when the brand rejected a blogger’s proposition and what followed was extremely rude and aggressive response. If I was that PR I would have blacklisted that person forever as there simply would not be trust. I could not collaborate with anybody that has that sort of attitude.

Another friend got a message from an influencer that has recently started asking tell me how to make money fast! Is that so bad? No … but in the context of any other industry it is just strange. I cannot imagine that another professional for example within real estate, recruitment, audit, modelling contacts total stranger and asks them tell me how to make money fast. It is not professional way to do it and plus the tone of the message was very aggressive. Also hundreds of influencers share their tips on things like growth, money making and so on all over the internet. So it would question the other persons proactivity as anybody can find lot of information online and on youtube as well.

And these are just few things that made me thinking what can we do to change it. Yes if 50 % of us are going to be professional that is still only half and whoever has got dealing with the other half will get bad experience. I am glad there are extremely professional people and in some ways it is improving but it is still such a new industry, anybody can start at any minute, the competition is big and sometimes the circumstances are forcing people to act how they act.

Profesionalita se ocekava v mnoha oborech a tak premyslim, proc je ji v blogovani tak malo. Jsem pravdepodobne jedna z tech prvni blogerek a tak uz to delam nejaky ten patek a muzu rict, ze jsem potkala spoustu velmi rozlisnych lidi. A jsou vsichni profesionalni? Bohuzel ne. Nastesti je ale spousta, ktera jsou extremne profesionalni a ja doufam, ze timto smerem to take pujde dal. V poslednich par tydnech jsem slysela z kruhu svych “kolegu” pribehy nad kterymi mi zustava rozum stat a zaroven se nedivim, ze maji blogeri tak spatnou reputaci. 

Co si budeme povidat, blogeri se probirali v nekolika tistenych i online casopisech a novinach a kritika byla v hodne pripadech od respektovanych zurnalistu. A prestoze se urcite nevztahuje kritika na vsechny, nektere body me ani neprekvapuji. V prvni rade musi byt influenceri vice profesionalni mezi sebou. Nektere zpusoby jednani jsou proste neprijatelne. Vse je o tom jak mluvite, staci trosku slusnosti, spravneho tonu a  hned to vypada jinak. 

Jedna znama mi nedavno rozhorcene rikala, jak ji nekdo koho sotva zna napsal na Instagramu o prosbu, ktera si myslim, ze byla docela drza a nemistna. Ja ocenuji, kdyz jde nekdo tvrde za svym, ale tohle byl trosku jiny pripad. Druha znama, ktera pracuje jako PR mi rikala, ze jedna blogerka, ktera je oslovila na spolupraci a byla zamitnuta reagovala velmi agresivni odpovedi. Zustaval mi az rozum stat. Pokud bych ja byla v situaci te PR tak tento clovek bude zapsan na blacklistu, protoze bych jich nemohla nikdy sverit do rukou propagaci zadneho produktu.

Dalsi znama mi rikala, ze ji nekdo naprimo a velmi zvlastnim tonem napsal, at ji rekne jak na Instagramu vydelat penize co nejrychleji. Je to blba otazka? Ani ne ale jakmile si tuto situaci aplikujete na cokoli jineho, je to prinejmensim divne. Predstavte si napriklad personalistu, realitniho maklere, auditora jak vkraci ke konkurenci nebo jim napise email and napise jim, at mu reknou jak rychle vydelat penize. V tomto pripade me napada jen to, ze to musi byt nejaky linejsi clovek, protoze internet je zaplaveny tolika tipy jak rust, jak zacit a ta dana osoba si to muze proste jenom vyhledat. 

Je smutne ze ne vsichni si uvedomuji, ze kazi reputaci ostatnim, pokud se chovaji nemistne. A tohle je jenom par prikladu za poslednich par dni. I kdyby 50 % z nas bylo profesionalnich, porad je to jenom polovina. Bohuzel blogovani je neco, kde neni treba kvalifikace a nejsou urcena pravidla a je to vlastne relativne nova zalezitost. Kdokoli muze zacit prave tady a ted a to je obcas ten problem. Blogovat muze zacit starsi slusny clovek, mladsi vysokoskolak a stejne i ten, kteremu profesionalita absolutne nic nerika. Urcite se to da zmenit, ale je potreba tohle tlacit vic do sveta a ukazat ostatnim, ze profesionalni chovani je treba ve vsem.



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Outfit: Top things PR could learn from Influencers?!

AD (Includes Affiliate links)

Wearing: Dress: Allsaints, Bag: Chloe, Hat: Asos, Boots: River Island, Cardigan: H&M, Coat: Zara, Earrings: The Triplets

The PR world is such a dynamic industry and everybody working in this area needs to keep up to date with new things coming up, keeping the relationships going, keeping fresh market knowledge and keeping on top of things. And I bet it is not easy at all especially when the leadership has no clue about PR techniques or are not open to use digital influencers and any new PR techniques. I was thinking about this all the other day and realised that us influencers can be actually such a good source of knowledge to any PR individual out there.

We influencers gather market  knowledge by talking to each other, brainstorming, coming up with strategies for our own websites and social channels. We work pretty much 24/7. Most of us have been doing this for years, went through different transformations and learnt by trial and error whilst for some press and communications professionals this can be a brand new world. I feel myself I have also learnt so much during my career in recruitment/sales and there are so many things I can apply in what I do. Whether it is ability to sell something, networking, negotiate. There is honestly so much. At the end of the day without sales there would be hardly any business going on. I have seen it so many times that the people that are reward the most are those who can sell. It is amazing if you have that amazing technical person that can solve problem but If you have nobody to solve that problem for you are stuck. And other influencers perhaps learn a lot from their previous jobs too. You never know what it is we can offer.

Use our market knowledge – Most of us spend hours and hours on social media, we meet, we talk, we research as it is part of what we do. You as a PR specialist do that as well however you also do tons of other things and probably look at different aspects of everything. I like to understand what different brands are doing for their campaigns, what influencers they are using and why. It helps me to get an idea about the strategy of that particular brand. As this all helps me to get to know the brand and figure out if my brand is a match for them. I also love to come out with ideas who may be suitable for the brand. I have no problem to recommend people who may be suitable for certain job. I have been doing it pretty much at most meetings. My contacts may discover somebody truly amazing and I feel good about it. So I would always recommend to ask us.  Ask us about who, what, when and why? You never know what you can learn.

Utilize our ideas – There are so many brands that have a vision and they do not want to go outside of this. They give you scripted plan of the project and you have to fit in that box. Going back to my recruitment days I would call it fit us exactly in the job spec. Why not to be more flexible? Listen to our ideas as we are the creative crowd and maybe there could be other ways how to attract new potential buyers for the brand, increase sales or awareness of the brand. We may even have suggestions for venues, type of events, how to collaborate or how to boost the awareness for the brand.

Meet us – This obviously isn’t something you learn from us but by meeting us you can create relationship and you help us to understand your brand more and you understand us and our brand. It is crucial in any business relationship. Nothing is as efficient and effective over emails or phone as meeting face to face. That has always been rule during my career in sales. And I know PR world is busy and demanding however if you find that time you can learn new things from us, understand us, get ideas. Any influencer will always create better content if they know the brand well rather than reading some scripted brief for collaboration. I am always keen to meet face to face as it is the best way how to develop understanding and good relationship with the brand.

Listen to us and let us listen to you  – During my career in sales I have been told every day that listening is the most important part. By listening you get to the point of the problem and then you can offer solution. Good listening skills are one of the best things in any relationship and in life. You understand more each other, you communicate and you find solutions together just by good listening. I always laugh at that old drawing which is a joke showing client brief and client’s budget…And it reminds me so much when influencers trying to explain to PR professionals yes we can create what you want but we also need budget for it and time for it. We need to pay other people to help us to create X,Y,Z and if we do not have the budget there is no certainty of what our Instagrams husband can deliver for “free” LOL.

Like us try to keep up with all the platforms – This is tough even for me so I cannot imagine how on earth could all PR manage this effectively however to understand any influencer’s work and understand if they are the right fit you should be able to follow all of their platforms. Hard I know…However I try to do it as an influencer and follow people across variety of platforms…you honestly discover so many new things. Some people show totally different content on their Youtube and their Instagram stories can be more personal whilst their feed is focused on luxury. Only by following all platforms you can determine the suitability of the individual. You may even discover that in the end you only want to collaborate with them via Instagram stories or twitter. If you focus on one you may miss certain things. You can understand the whole package only if you look at the influencer’s brand in more complex way. Somebody can have a dreamy Instagram feed but swear a lot on their stories and you may realise they are no good for your high end classic old school brand.

Give us a chance/Be open minded – As an influencer I get approached by brands a lot (very grateful for that) and I try to be open-minded and give everybody a chance. Not every time it is the right fit for me but just because it is a small start up I will not discount them. Everybody starts somewhere and I look at the potential. I would say brands should be the same and not to look just at numbers, sales and engagement. Look at all aspects of bloggers with smaller following. What is their content like, what is their potential, what could they do for us as a brand? It is important to be able to balance things out. I work with smaller and less known brands and also big brands. It is very hard to decide sometimes trust me and it must be the same for PR however mixing things is up can bring positives. Try to bring new influencers on board, bring them on a trip, invite them to event. It again reminds me so much from my career in sales. Big corporate hiring several agencies and mixing the well established agencies with huge databases and the smaller new niche agencies with maybe three employees. They all have different things to offer. And eventually in few years that niche one can become huge anyway.

So let’s help each other out, let’s learn together and be open-minded. Many exciting things and great relationships are ahead of us.

Svet PR je velmi dynamicky, neustale prichazi nove veci a vsichni, kdo pracuji v tomto oboru se musi ucit, prizpusobovat novym zmenam a udrzovat sve znalosti. A to urcite neni jednoduche. Nejhorsi situace nastava, kdyz vedeni nevi nic o digitalnich influencerech a je to pro ne neznamy svet a PR se je snazi presvedcit, ze tohle je ta spravna strategie. Obcas profesionalum v tomto oboru opravdu nezavidim. Nastesti jsou tu influenceri, kteri maji za tech nekolik let, co tuhle praci delaji urcite znalosti a proc je tedy nevyuzit. Myslim si, ze kazdy PR profesional muze cerpat od nas hodne informaci a znalosti a posouvat se tak dale. 

My se ucime tim, ze komunikujeme mezi sebou a je to nase kazdodenni prace. Resime strategii, mame prehled o ostatnich v branzi a ucime se tim, ze zkousime veci, ktere bud funguji nebo ne. Vetsina z nas bloguje leta a prizpusobejeme se zmenam a novinkam, ktere neustale prichazi. Ja mam i pocit, ze jsem se naucila hodne veci diky me predchozi praci v oblasti naboru a personalistiky. Jednou z nejdulezitejsich veci ve spouste oborech je totiz umeni prodat. Je skvele, kdyz je nekdo technicky dobry, ale kdyz nemate komu prodat vase napady a nevite jak je prodat, tak je vam to k nicemu. Naucila jsem vyjednavat a take networking. To jsou vsechny veci dulezite nejen v oblasti prodeje, ale temer vsude. A proto nikdy nevite, co vam muze dany influencer poradit. A co se od nas muzete teda naucit? 

Vyuzijte nase znalosti trhu – Vetsina z nas travi hodiny na socialnich medii, potkavame se, resime nasi praci a je to soucasti naseho denniho programu. PR to samozrejme delaji taky, je to jejich prace byt na Instagramu, ale maji bohuzel i dalsi zalezitosti a pro nektere muzou byt nektere veci uplnou novinkou. A tak se nebojte vyuzit nasich znalosti. Ja travim na socialnich hodne casu, protoze me zajimaji veci jako jakou maji firmy strategii, kdo na cem pracuje, co se zmenilo, jake trendy zacinaji v urcite oblasti. Osobne nemam na schuzkach problem doporucit PR ostatni influencery, ktere si myslim, ze jsou vhodni pro danou znacku. A tak se nas nebojte zeptat na uz je to tip na influencera, jak usporadat akci, co ted frci…

Vyuzijte nase napady – Existuje tolik firem, kteri prijdou s napadem a snazi se influencery strcit do te jejich vize a krabicky, ale co kdyz to neni idealni reseni, co kdyz ma onen bloger treba zajimavejsi napad, pohled na vec a treba zrovna ta muze mit vetsi efekt? Zkuste byt vice flexibilni. Naslouchejte nasim napadum, protoze treba zrovna ty mohou pomoci k vetsim prodejum ci lepsi reklame. 

Seznamte se s nama tvari v tvar – To neni teda neco, co vas muzeme naucit, spise chci rict, ze osobni schuzka vam vzdy prinese nejvice. Emaily ani telefon nemaji silu osobni schuzky. Jenom tak skutecne muzete poznat nas a my vasi znacku. Behem me kariery v naboru jsem tohle slysela denne a je to pravda, jakmile jsem klienta pozvala na obed, vse slo lepe. Lepe jsem hledala ty spravne lidi a dokazala lepe prodat potencialnim zamestnancum to ci ono. Behem osobni schuzky zjistite nejvice, vse dukladne proberete a poznate se. Dokonce bych rekla, ze to cloveka motivuje a je to profesionalni pristup. 

Naslouchejte a nechte nas naslouchat – Behem me predchozi prace jsem zjistila, ze nejvetsi prodejni tajmestvi spociva v tom, ze umite naslouchat. Jenom tak dokazete vse analyzovat tak, ze nasledne dokazete najit problem a nabidnout reseni. Kdyz opravdu poslouchate, co je receno, vice si rozumite, budujete kvalitnejsi vztahy a je to opravdu dulezity aspekt v jakemkoli vztahu. Obcas si behem schuzek vzpomenu na takovy vtip, ktery jsem jednu dobu vidala hodne, je to kresleny v tip, kdy klient ma urcite predstavu, da vam zadani, ale rozpocet takovy, ze to neni mozne docilit. Casto od nas firmy ocekavaji dokonaly obsah, ale ten neco stoji. Kdyz je predstava hodne narocna, potrebuju zaplatit fotografa, najat misto na foceni a potrebuju cas. Pokud mi dana firma nezaplati nebo nezaplati dost, riskuje, ze jim nedodam, co si predstavuji. A proto poslouchejte co se vam snazime rict a budte dostatecne transparentni, at muzeme naslouchat my vam. 

Sledujte vsechny nase platformy – Stejne jako vetsina influenceru sleduji vsechny platformy tech ostatnich, je to dobre k tomu, aby jste si udelali predstavu o jejich “znacce” (Az po case si vyselektuju, ktera platforma me bavi vice ci mene). Je to samozrejme casove velmi narocne, ale jenom tak muzete videt daneho influencera vice komplexne. Kazdy z nas muze mit uplne jiny obsah napriklad na youtube a nase stories mohou byt vice osobnejsi. Pokud si reknete, ze ma nekdo super Instagram a napriklad se nepodivate  i na Twitter, insta-stories (kde dany mluvi jako dlazdic) nemuzete si byt jisti, ze ten bloger je vhodny prave pro vasi firmu. Ja jsem pred par lety zjistila, ze Stefano Gabbana sam odsouhlasuje kazdeho influencera a pak teprve da PR teamu sign off. Prochazi si jejich socialni site a platformy sam. Byla to pro me obrovska pocta, ze jsem prosla jeho sitem a take klobouk dolu, ze si na to udela cas. Takze i takovy lide si najdou cas, protoze je pro ne dulezite, kdo reprezentuje jejich znacku.

Dejte nam sanci a budte otevreni – Jako influncera me oslovuje hodne firem a moc si toho vazim. A snazim se dat vsem sanci a byt uprimna, kdyz si opravdu myslim, ze firma neni vhodna pro moji znacku. Ale chapu, ze kazdy nekde zacina, rada podporim mladou znacku, pokud se ke me hodi. Je dulezite videt potencial a drzet balanc. Ja jsem za celou dobu spolupracovala s mensima znackama i s velkyma. Je obcas velmi tezke se rozhodnout, ale udrzovat balanc je dulezite a muze casto prinest spoustu pozitiv. Vzpominam si dokonce i behem me kariery v naboru, ze je naprosto normalni zadat jednu praci nekolika rozlisnym firmam. Firmy jako velka ctyrka casto najimaly ty nejvetsi personalni agentury, co maji mega databaze, ale i mini firmy, kteri zamestnavaji treba dva tri lidi. A navic nikdo nevi, co se z te malicke firmy muze jednou vyklubat. A proto nemusite na sve press tripy brat jenom mega youtubery, ale dat sanci i mensim a zacinajicim influencerum, protoze nikdy nevite, co ten “novacek” dokaze. Cisla nejsou vsechno a je treba vzit v potaz obsah, kteri influenceri tvori, potencial a jine aspekty. 

A tak si proste navzajem pomahejme, ucme se a cekaji nas uzasne veci a pevne vztahy. 

Eva x 

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