What an event guys, honestly. Phoebe Philo who you probably know as she put Celine to top of the fashion industry was fantastic. I love how real she was and I love that she is not ashamed of being a real woman and admitting that family is at first place for her. It is crazy how talented some people can be and she got plus points from me as when she did not like the question she just did not answer. What a legend. When you see the results she delivers and perfect and always surprising collection you just have to admire her. She blew me away with her personality as the same as her designs for Celine – she was different.
Vogue festival was full of excitment and suprises. How many times does it happen that you go out of the building and major top model like Karlie Kloss is shooting editorial for Vogue and the photographer asks you to be in the shot. Well, I have to pinch myself again to make sure it actually did happen.
And when Harrods tweeted me to ask to be on their catwalk I did not hesitate. Well, life is great and for a while I was living on a special planet called Vogue. Good work from all the organisers and Harrods as well.
Tohle byla naprosto dokonala akce. Mela jsem tu cest videt uzasnou Phobe Philo, ktera za posledni leta dostala Celine na vrchol modniho prumyslu. Byla jsem nadsena z toho,ze si na nic nehrala a je uzasne, ze opravdu rodina je u ni na prvni miste. A co bylo uplne nejlepsi a doted se tomu smeju, kdyz nechtela odpovedet na nejake otazky, co se ji nezdaly, tak proste odmitla. Tomu rikam zenska. A stejne jako jeji navrhy u Celine proste byla uplnej jina a plna prekvapeni. Znam ji z vypraveni od kamaradky Veroniky, ktera pro ne pracovala jako modelka, ale az ted jsem nejak pochopila, jak vlastne je.
Tento Vogue Festival mi prinesl spousty necekanych prekvapeni. Kolikrat se to v zivote stava, ze vyjdete ven z budovy a venku foti svetova Top Modelka Karlie Kloss editorial pro Vogue a fotograf vas poprosi byt v zaberu. Musela jsem se stipnout, abych si potvrdila, zda bdim ci snim. Tak jsem si to par minut stala vedle Karlie a pozovala. Nektere fotografie jste mohli videt na mem instagramu.
No a aby toho nebylo malo, tak mi Harrods poslal tweet, ze se jim libi muj outfit a at si zkusim jejich prehlidku Harrods Live. Zivot mody je zkratka plny prekvapeni a velke diky organizatorum z Vogue a Harrods za tuhle skvelou akci.
Love Glamazon xoxo