Category Archives: Lifestyle

Third Trimester Update

Dress: Tiffany Rose Maternity, Shoes: Manolo Blahnik

I am officially in single digits when it comes to weeks until my due date and I better hurry up preparing things for the arrival of the little one. I finally ordered several things for my hospital bag which you can watch in this video and wrote down a list what else needs to be done. Third trimester slows us down a bit so really do not want to leave until the last week before I give birth. And with Christmas ahead I want to be ready for both so I am planning to sort even Christmas shopping in the next few weeks.

I am feeling well but as you may have experienced yourself things start to get harder. The weight gain is the biggest in the last weeks of pregnancy and I feel it. Sleeping becomes harder and I am no exception, walking becomes slower, breath becomes shorter. I have also experienced that being active really takes a lot out of me. My job involves lot of social/work events and there has been so many. To be honest I have to turn a lot down as I simply do not manage that volume. And now when Liam had to stay home from school as he was not well I feel so much more energetic as I am simply home more. So it is a lot about how much you do.

I have got busy weekend ahead with Liam who feels better so will take rest of this week easy and just focus on content creation. I am pretty sure with balance I can easily manage to get through. We are heading to pumpkin patch as well as Gruffalo trail in Kew Gardens. Sadly we missed the Ascot races last weekend due to him feeling poorly but there will be plenty of opportunities again.

As for the preparation for birth I have finally started my pelvic floor exercises, started to read my hypnobirthing book I had from first birth and also starting hypnobirthing meditations as often as possible. I have also received amazing labour kit from the Organic Pharmacy includes some pre-birth homeopatics but I believe you take those around a week before due date.

So fingers crossed the last few weeks go well, I can enjoy a bit of work and social life and be ready for the big arrival.


Jsem oficialne par tydnu do terminu porodu a rikam si, abych si pohnula a konecne poradne pripravila vse, co je treba. Minuly tyden jsem si konecne objednala par veci, ktere budu potrebovat do tasky do nemocnice a na to se muzete podivat v tomto videu. A take jsem si sepsala seznam veci, ktere mi jeste chybi. Posledni trimester je takovy pomalejsi, tak nechci nechavat veci na posledni chvili. A nesmim opomenout, ze mame pred sebou Vanoce a pripravy darku k tomu, to neni zadna sranda.

Citim se celkove dobre, ale co si budeme nalhavat. V poslednim trimesteru je nejvyssi narust vahy a tim padem je clovek pomalejsi, hur se mu spi a take lapa po dechu pri kazdem mensim vystupu do kopce. Mam pocit, ze pokud nejsem extra aktivni a jsem spise doma, vse je v poradku. Jakmile ale zacnu nabirat pracovni prilezitosti, chodit na akce, cestovat po Londyne, tak se to okamzite projevi unavou. Jenze ono je tezke, kdyz se ted po dlouhe dobe roztrhl pytel s pozvankami na akce, schuzky a porad se neco deje. Ale uz jsem si nacitila, ze opravdu je treba balanc a neprehanet to. Ted jsem byla par dni doma s nemocnym Liamkem a je mi skvele. Jde opravdu citit, ze kdyz clovek vypusti tyto hekticke plany, energie je dostatek.

Ceka me nabity vikend s Liamkem, chystame se na dynovou farmu a take do Kew Garden na Gruffala, ktereho ma moc rad. Minuly vikend nam unikly dostihy v Ascots, protoze mu nebylo moc dobre, ale takovych prilezitosti jeste bude.

Co se tyce pripravy na porod, jsem spise clovek, ktery se snazi nechat vecem volny prubeh. Zacala jsem konecne procvicovat panevni dno, vytahla moji starsi knizku o hypnoporodu a dnes zacinam meditace. V Organic Pharmacy jsem take dostala skvely Labour Kit, ktery obsahuje homeopatika, ktere mate jist pred porodem, ale ty se pouzivaji zhruba tyden pred terminem.

Snad mi bude doprano a poslednich par tydnu i porod probehnou v poradku a snad si do te doby uziju co nejvice spolecenskych a pracovnich akci a budu plne pripravena na nas novy prirustek.


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Pregnancy Update – 2nd Trimester

Wearing: Bag: Fendi, Blazer: Zara Men Shoes: Zara, Sunglasses: Versace, Necklace: Missoma
Pictures: by Hollie

I am at the final stages of 2nd trimester and realised I have not talked much pregnancy on this platform. Perhaps it is time after 7 months to share a word or two. You know what they say better late than ever.

Well, let’s talk first trimester briefly despite it feels so long ago. I admit that I found both pregnancies first trimester the hardest. You just cannot beat hormones and you cannot predict what the first few weeks will bring. I experienced significant nausea and much stronger and longer than with Liam. I was not getting sick as much just simply 24/7 nausea. I celebrated my birthday with friends and then the delicious truffle pasta ended up in toilet and I could barely eat my birthday cake. Well, I am not here to sugar coat things am I? I was waking up at night, running to toilet and then nothing. So the sleep was not great either. I had to eat constantly as that made me feel slightly better but sadly only for short periods of time. That resulted in weight gain which was bigger than my previous pregnancy.

I had to drive everywhere as walking made me feel sick so most school runs were happening by car. I admit that I felt lot of depression first pregnancy and luckily not so much this time however everything and everybody annoyed me. It is just shocking what it can do to your mind and body. I learnt my lesson first time round and did not push myself to things, I rested more, slept if could and just went with the flow. There are so many changes in your body, hormones are all over the place so you cannot blame yourself for how you feel.

Well and now I am almost at the end of second trimester and I feel much better however I felt so much more energetic when expecting Liam. Most mums are telling me that it because I already have another child. Well, possibly. I also thing it is due to age as I am simply older than I was before. However, second trimester is my favourite and was with Liam too. The energy kicks in, you are not as big as third trimester and you start to enjoy things again. My sacral chakra feels in balance and that means I have lot of creativity coming out and I just feel more me again. I cannot do things every day so I really decide carefully what I am doing and who with and really try to prioritise. And I also started to gather things I need for little one’s arrival. We decided that we do not want to know the gender so really focusing to shop for neutrals that will suit both boy or girl. Although my intuition tells me it will be … (well I keep it for myself). At my 20 weeks scan they were shocked I did not want to know and kept suggesting they will put it in the envelope in case I will change my mind. LOL

Well, 3 months to go is not that long so hopefully time will fly and I can enjoy my last trimester as much as possible.


Jsem u konce druheho trimestru a uvedomila jsem si, ze jsem se k tehotenstvi na blogu moc nevyjadrila. Mozna je v sedmem mesici uz trochu pozde, ale vite jak se rika, ze lepsi pozdeji nez vubec.

Zacnu asi prvnim trimestrem, prestoze mi to prijde tak davno. Stejne jako u prvniho tehotenstvi mi to prislo velmi narocne. Hormony jsou opravdu nepredvidatelne a dokazi divy, ne vzdy velmi pozitivni. Asi nejsilnejsim symptomem byly neustavajici nevolnosti a trvaly docela dlouho. Asi do 17 tydne. Nezvracela jsem az tak, ale bylo mi spatne i v noci. Casto jsem se budila, utikala na zachod a nic. Musela jsem jist mnohem vic a casto, to mi trosku pomahalo, ale bohuzel jenom na chvili. To se sazmorejme ukazalo na vaze a pribrala jsem mnohem vic nez kdyz jsem cekala Liama.

Narozeniny jsem oslavila tak, ze lanyzove testoviny nakonec stejne skoncily v zachode a dort jsem sotva ochutnala. Opravdu zeny nikdy nevi, co s nima zacatek tehotenstvi udela. Ale jsem rada, ze pres nevolnosti a jine klasicke symptomy probehl prvni trimestr v poradku. Poucila jsem se z prvniho tehotenstvi a opravdu zpomalila. Pokud to slo, spala jsem, nenutila se do niceho, musela jsem vic jezdit autem, protoze pri chozeni mi bylo neskutecne zle, takze vetsinu dni jsem vozila Liama i do skolky. U prvniho tehotenstvi jsem prozivala docela depresivni stavy, tomu jsem se nastesti tentokrat vyhnula, ale presto mi vsechno a vsichni lezli na nervy haha. Jeste ze tuhle fazi mam za sebou.

Druhy trimester je temer u konce a nechce se mi ani verit, jak to utika. Stejne jako u Liamka si toto obdobi vice uzivam. Sakralni cakra je krasne v balancu a to se u me projevi zvysenou kreativitou, ktera byla v predchozim trimesteru na bode mrazu. Mam vice energie, ale priznam se, ze zdaleka ne tak moc jako u Liamka. Spousta maminek tvrdi, ze je to tim, ze uz jedno dite mam. Ja si osobne myslim, ze je to vekem. Kazdopadne tim, ze me nektere dny vice vycerpavaji, opravdu si vybiram co delam a s kym. Netlacim na sebe a posloucham sve telo jak to nejlepe jde. Dopravam si tehotenske masaze a staram se o sebe. Tentokrat jsem se take rozhodla, ze nechci vedet pohlavi. Na ultrazvuku ve 20. tydnu mi porad rikali, ze mi to napisou do obalky, ale ja se nedala. Vim, ze by me to lakalo a tim bych si zkazila skutecne prekvapeni. Je mi vlastne jedno jestli to bude holka nebo kluk, protoze zdravi je na prvnim miste. A tak porizuju hlavne neutralni veci v prirodnich barvach.

Takze vzhuru do posledni faze, ktera snad probehne v poradku a bez komplikaci. Tri mesice nejsou tak dlouha doba, takze se musim predspat:) Kez by to tak slo :)


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5 Places to visit in Cornwall

Minack Theatre in Cornwall Porthcurno


This incredible open-air theatre has to be one of the most beautiful things I have seen. I feel so lucky I could experience it in such a stunning weather as well. You can find this Cornish gem in Porthcurno and around 4 miles from Land’s End and trust me you will not regret the visit. Set up on the rocks with the view over the ocean is the most charming position you can think off. If you just want to visit make sure to book in advance as tickets go fast and you can also book to see a play which is what we did.

Tohle uzasne venkovni divadlo musi byt jedno z nejkrasnejsich mist, ktera jsem navstivila. Navic nam pralo pocasi a jsem rada, ze jsem tohle divadlo navstivila, kdyz svitilo slunicko a nasavala vanek z oceanu. Najdete ho ve vesnici Porthcurno a opravdu nebudete litovat. Jen se zarezervujte listky na vstup vcas, protoze je divadlo Minack je opravdu navstevovane.

Minack Theatre
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First half of 2021 is done..let’s look back

Wearing: Shoes: Nicholas Kirkwood, Dress: River Island, Earrings: Celeste Starre, Blazer: Vintage


We are approaching end of July and I am sitting here and thinking how fast the first half of 2021 went. I thought it would be a good time to reflect what has happened so far and how is life during pandemic. As let’s face it covid is still here with us and does not look like it will be taking Virgin rocket to the moon. Although things seem somewhat normal here in UK I am still worried that autumn may bring another lockdown however, I am staying positive and hope that the government know what they are doing?!

I actually slowed down a lot when it comes to content creation and it feels great. At this point I am getting back. You can watch one video a week on my youtube so hurry up and hit that subscribe button. I also had several campaigns mainly on TikTok and I cannot wait to get back to it. I slowed down a lot when it comes to filming Tiktok videos. Truth be told I did not feel inspired or motivated due to changing algorithm. It is so much fun to create content in the summer as you are busy with social life, you have holidays and you travel. That gives you fun opportunities to create and you are inspired. On the other hand other people do it too and that means engagement goes down :)

I am so grateful that I managed to travel to Czech this summer and I could enjoy great weather and time with my family. That has been one of the best experiences this year. It was worth all the 15 tests we had to do as a family. However this also put me off travelling abroad so we decided to spend another holiday here in UK. We recently came back from Cornwall and had such a wonderful time. I am planning to share some content with you from there. Weather was on our side so it really felt like being at our beloved South France. We just ate more pasties LOL.

I am now obviously spending summer with Liam who is off school and let me tell you content creating with him constantly home is not as easy. I am determined to find a way as always and bring you as many videos, images and articles as possible.

Let me know how has your year been so far? I am curious to know :)


Mame za sebou prvni pulku roku 2021 a cervenec je skoro u konce a tak jsem si rikala, ze neni spatne se ohlednout, jaky ten prvni pul rok byl. Nebudu vam lhat, spoustu mesicu vetsina z nas prozila v lockdownu a je tak tezke rict, ze se delo neco noveho :) Bohuzel take vsichni vime, ze covid nikam neodesel a tak prestoze v Anglii nam vlada vse plne rozvolnila, tak mam obavy, jake nasledky tohle bude mit na podzim. Nejak jsem si zvykla, ze zivot je skoro normalni. A uprimne se mi nechce moc vracet k tomu, ze se nemuzu schazet s lidmi ci si zajit do restaurace.

Ja jsem na par mesicu dost zpomalila, co se tyce tvorby obsahu a prace a citim se skvele. Pomalu se vracim k toceni a tvorbe, na youtube vas ceka jedno video tydne a urcite i vice clanku tady na blogu. Hodne jsem ubrala u tvorby na TikToku, jelikoz jsem necitila inspiraci a taky me prestaval motivovat menici se algoritmus:) Na druhou stranu vetsina spolupraci, ktere jsem letos mela, byla prave na Tiktoku. Firmy opravdu investuji do propagace prave na teto platforme. A paradoxem je, ze behem leta se mi tvori obsah asi nejlepe. Cestovani, pocasi a dobrodruzstvi nam dava spoustu moznosti pro tvorbu a inspiraci. Bohuzel na druhou stranu je engagement vzdy nejslabsi, protoze si leto uzivaji vsichni.

Jsem tak vdecna, ze pres vsechna uskali se mi podarilo navstivit rodinu v Cesku a uzit si tam krasne pocasi a take kulatiny meho taty. Stalo to za vsechny ty testy a ze jich nebylo malo. Pro nas tri to bylo celkove patnact testu a to me opravdu odradilo od dalsich zahranicnich cest. A tak nase dalsi dovolena byla v Cornwallu. Pocasi nam opravdu pralo a prisla jsem si spise jako v Jizni Francii, jenom s tim, ze jsem jedla vice Pasties :)

A ted me ceka leto v Londyne. Urcite jeste neco podnikneme o vikendech jako rodina a chci si leto uzit co nejvice. Jelikoz jsou ale letni prazdniny, Liam nechodi do skoly a tak jsou veci jako tvorba a prace trosku slozitejsi. Budu se ale snazit tvorit pro vas co nejvice, at uz jsou to vlogy, videa ci clanky.

Dejte mi vedet jaka byla vase prvni pulka tohoto roku a co mate v planu? Mejte se hezky.
