This incredible open-air theatre has to be one of the most beautiful things I have seen. I feel so lucky I could experience it in such a stunning weather as well. You can find this Cornish gem in Porthcurno and around 4 miles from Land’s End and trust me you will not regret the visit. Set up on the rocks with the view over the ocean is the most charming position you can think off. If you just want to visit make sure to book in advance as tickets go fast and you can also book to see a play which is what we did.
Tohle uzasne venkovni divadlo musi byt jedno z nejkrasnejsich mist, ktera jsem navstivila. Navic nam pralo pocasi a jsem rada, ze jsem tohle divadlo navstivila, kdyz svitilo slunicko a nasavala vanek z oceanu. Najdete ho ve vesnici Porthcurno a opravdu nebudete litovat. Jen se zarezervujte listky na vstup vcas, protoze je divadlo Minack je opravdu navstevovane.


Newquay is one of the most popular places in Cornwall however not a town where I would personally chose to stay in. I am not so keen on the town as such and town center but Newquay Harbour is a different story. I was blown away with the charm and atmosphere and the little beach at the Harbour was also one of my favourites and perfect for kids. The view from the Harbour Hotel above is just incredible. You will not regret a visit.
Newquay je jedno z nejvice popularnich mist v Cornwallu, ale ja osobne bych si nevybrala tohle mesto k pobytu. Nejsem uplne nadsena z centra a vubec mesta, ale jejich pristav to je jina pohadka. Je to opravdu kouzelne misto a moc se nam libila i tamni mala plaz, ktera je skvela pro deti. Dala jsem si s rodinou obed v hotelu Harbour, a z jejich terasy je prekrasny vyhled. A bylo to nejlepsi jidlo, ktere jsem v Cornwallu jedla. Takze skvela kombinace.


We visited St Agnes just because it was near us and I immediately fell in love. I think it has to be my favourite place in Cornwall. The cove is so charming, the village itself so picturesque and sweet. I could sit there for hours and just taking in the beauty of the beach and the sea. The place has a wonderful energy and is definitely worth a visit.
St Agnes jsme navsitivili pouze nahodou, protoze tato vesnice byla blizko nas. A musim rict, ze to bylo asi jedno z nejlepsich mist. Mistni plaz je plna charakteru a dokazala bych stravit cele dny a nasavat uzasnou energii a atmosferu. Centrum vesnice je take kouzelne a citila jsem se tam moc moc dobre.


Padstow is a stunning spot in North Cornwall and it’s traditional village harbour and the buzz of the place will blown you away. This place is so worth a visit and should be at the top of your list. It is relaxing, yet full of fun and cute shops and full of character. We absolutely loved to visit and explore this cute little place.
Padstow je krasna vesnice v severnim Cornwallu a mistni tradicni pristav a atmosfera tohoto mista vas dostane. Urcite by to melo byt misto na seznamu kazdeho navstevnika Cornwallu. Ma uvolnenou atmosferu, ale zaroven to tam zije, muzete prozkoumat mistni obchudky a uzivat si celkove nalady tohoto mista. Nam se tady opravdu moc libilo.


Mousehole is a cute and small village with fisherman port that stole my heart. Such a pity of the low tide in the port as it would really show it’s real charm. We spent half a day here, swimming and enjoying local food. It was really giving me South of France vibes as well. There are lot of traditional houses in the village and the whole place is just beyond lovely.
Mousehole ja mala rybarska vesnicka, ktera ma rozkosny maly rybarsky pristav. Jenom skoda, ze pri nasi navsteve nas privital zrovna odliv. Stravili jsme tady pul dne, Liam si zaplaval a vyzkouseli jsme take mistni deli, ktera byla plna dobrot. Mousehole mi svym zpusobem pripominala Jizni Francii, coz je me nejoblibenejsi misto na svete. Asi to bude tim, ze vesnicka ma spoustu tradicnich budov a uzke ulice. Opravdu se nam tu moc libilo.