Category Archives: Mummy and Baby

Anex Air Z Review

I wanted to wait few months before I share my experience with this great compact stroller Anex Air Z. I started to use it for Nessa as soon as she hit 6 months because for certain things I prefer lighter and easily foldable strollers.

We have had so far an amazing experience using this model. It went on a trip with us to Czech Republic and Spain and I also have it folded in the boot of my car and use it in London. What I love about it is that you can fold it just with one move and it is light.

When I travel around London and I know I need station that does not have step free exit I also take this stroller as I know I can carry it easily up the stair myself. We all have different lifestyles and expectations of what the stroller should do and this is perfect for us. Despite the size it has got smaller shopping basket where you fit enough things like smaller changing bag or smaller shopping.

I find it also easy to manoeuvre the stroller and you can adjust the position for baby to sit up or comfortably sleep in it. Nessa has been sleeping in this stroller a lot on our holidays in the summer. You can pretty much use this since birth as it fully lies down and also you can build the stroller that the baby faces you which I find amazing. I prefer full cot until baby is 6 months so that is why I started with this model later. However, it is my personal preference. If you travel this sort of stroller is much more practical.

It really worked for us on the beach, in the countryside as well as in the big city and we love using .

Anex Air Z jsem chtela pouzivat par mesicu nez jsme se rozhodla sepsat mensi recenzi. Stejne jako u Liamka jsem chtela dva kocarky, protoze na urcite veci potrebuji kocarek robustnejsi a pohodlnejsi a na cesty mam radsi kocarky, ktere jsou skladnejsi a lehci.

Tento nam velmi vyhovuje i v Londyne, kdyz napriklad vim, ze pojedu metrem a na urcite stanici neni vytah. Je dostatecne lehky a vynesu ho sama do schodu. Libi se mi na me, ze se da slozit jednim tahem a ze muzete menit polohu, dite se tak muze prospat ve vetsim pohodli.

Kocarek se jednoduse ovlada, je velmi kompaktni a pohodlny. Prestoze je mensi ma dole i mensi nakupni kosik, ktery sice nejvetsi, ale vleze se mi do nej prebalovaci taska ci mensi nakup.

Opravdu jsem spokojena a je vyborny na cesty. Vyhovoval nam jak na plazi tak na venkove i ve velkomeste jako Londyn.

Myslim, ze nam nadale bude dobre slouzit.


This is not a sponsored post however includes gifted items.

Our Anex E-Type Stroller – Review


I am definitely not a mum that researches for hours what pram she would like for her child but when I know I know. When picking a stroller I always consider my lifestyle the most. I live in London and city may have different requirements to countryside but I also walk a lot and use public transport and I consider the style of the pram also important as it often appears on social media too.

And that is the reason why I opted for Anex E-Type in this stunning caramel shade. When I had Liam I had a black pram and although it is very practical I really wanted to try something different. Even though this pram is made of washable material (which is super handy and one of my favourite things about it) I still did not want to go for the very light shades (soul and marble) even though they are beautiful. So this shade was great option for a girl and also my wardrobe. LOL The curve design makes it looks very chic and I constantly get compliments on it online and offline from strangers in the street.

I was worried that the light colours may be too much for London which can be difficult to maintain. There are many situations like last minute closing doors on the tube and similar where I did not want obvious marks to deal with. However, there is always the option of easily washing it. I really love this option.

I also love that now Nessa can be in this chic carrycot and then transfer to a seat which to be honest I am excited about. Babies love that transition as they can finally see the world around them. The seat is also extremely chic so cannot wait for her to enjoy walks on warmer days. However the seat can be fully inclined so you can use it for newborns too. This pram is easy to push even with one hand due to large rubber wheels and suspension. I also love my cup holder as I am always on the go with a coffee and just obsessed with the overall design. So far it has been a dream to use this pram.

The only thing I would change at this point is size of the shopping basket however we have also bag that comes at the front on the pram which can be used for storage too and is very handy.

I love the fact that you can only do one purchase and this gorgeous pram will grow with your child from newborn to pre-schooler. You can easily fold it if you are often using car and it has many great things about.

I am really glad we can now get this great brand in UK. We also have Anex Air Z which we cannot wait to use on our travels as I always prefer more compact option when travelling abroad. However, that you will have to wait to hear about in few months time.


Ja nepatrim mezi maminky, co vyhledavaji hodiny a hodiny ten spravny kocar. Presne vim, co od kocaru ocekavam a kdyz vim, tak proste vim. Dulezite je pro me, aby fungoval k memu zivotnimu stylu. Ziju v rusnem velkomeste a pouzivam hodne dopravu nebo chodim pesky. Takze nepotrebuju nejaky ultra lehky kocar, ktery ve vterine skladam do auta. I kdyz u tohoto kocaru to take neni problem.

A tak jsem vedela, ze Anex E type v teto karamelove barve je pro nas spravna volba. Libi se mi design, coz je dulezite vzhledem k tomu, ze se objevuje na mych socialnich sitich, da se omyvat, coz je fantasticke, protoze ziju ve velkomeste, kde clovek nikdy nevi. Nekolikrat v minulosti mi kocar uvizl v zavirajicich se dverich metra. Moc jsem chtela vyzkouset tentokrat jiny odstin nez cerny a tak jsem zvolila prave zlaty stred. Svetle odstiny jez firma nabizi jsou sice krasne, ale do Londyna mozna nevhodne.

Kocar se skvele ovlada dokonce i jednou rukou diky kolum se sirokou gumou. Mam samozrejme i nezbytny drzak na piti, ktery casto pouzivam na kavu. Tento kocar ma tuto kolebku do sesti mesicu a pak klasickou sportakovou verzi. Ta se da vsak uplne polozit, takze pokud chcete, muzete ji pouzit i u mensich deti. Ja se tesim az bude tepleti a Nessa si bude uzivat, ze se muze konecne poradne rozhlizet na nasich cestach po Londyne.

Jedinou vec, kterou bych zmenila je asi velikost nakupniho kosiku, to ale kompenzuje ulozny prostor v tasce, ktera se da zavesit na pred kocarku. Je to take velmi prakticke.

Jsem rada, ze mame takovy skvely kocarek a ze Anex nyni prodava sve modely i v Britanii. Nessu ceka jeste na cestovani jejich model Air Z, ktery je samozrejme kompaktnejsi, protoze rada cestu s opravdu lehkym a skladnym kocarkem. Na to jaky je si ale budete muset jeste asi dva mesice pockat.


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First month with our new baby

You know the saying time flies?! It definitely applies when it comes to children. It only feels like yesterday I was rolling around London with a 9 month belly and was heading to hospital for c-section and just like that our baby is 1 month old.

If you follow my other social media you probably know we did not know the gender before birth and wanted a surprise and also that our baby was breech. I was trying everything I could to turn the baby but after having chat with my best friend I agreed c-section is not so bad. I now fully believe children choose the way they come to this world. So our Nessa born just in time for me to heal a bit for Christmas decided this is the way she wants to enter into our lives. I would never imagine I would have to have c-section. I was preparing for hypno-birth but this was the way.

We were also in shock that it was a girl as I always saw myself as boys mum and so did my husband. I will not lie that towards the end of pregnancy something was telling me it is a girl and she was always appearing in my meditations but I kept it for myself. Well, now I am lucky to have a boy and girl and it feels wonderful. My husband can enjoy daddy’s girl now as Liam is typical mummy’s boy :)

When it comes to recovery I find it hard. I am a very active person that is keen to jump in straight back in. I am always creating content, seeing people doing things so timing around Christmas was good. At least there was not much going on but there is not much flexibility. It is a major surgery and it comes with pain and needed rest. I am slowly getting there but the fact I cannot jump to high intensity workouts after 6 weeks is not the best news for me. I was running around with Liam pretty much 2 weeks after giving birth and was barely at home with him. Hopefully at around 6-8 weeks I can feel much better and get a sign off from doctor but most women report discomfort or pain even a year later so I guess it takes time.

When it comes to baby clothes and other needed stuff I was lucky to have a lot after Liam so I am using his old Cybex priam but we got few new items which we adore. I must say one of the best things for C-section was the Halo Bassinet. It is tall, sturdy and you can move it closer to bed so I could easily reach Nessa in the first days when I was stuck in bed. It has several modes like white noises sounds and vibrations and also lights to create a feel of being in the womb. It has been so far absolutely brilliant. We also wanted something for downstairs and opted for stunning and foldable cot instead of moses basket. This one is in collaboration with Rachel Riley and Clair de Lune. The design is adorable, it is light so I can move it around the house and I was thinking that it is a brilliant item to bring to staycation when going away. I would choose this over any travel cot. And the last but not least Nessa loves her Baby Bjorn bouncer. These are so popular I know and it has been a wonder for multitasking. As my mum said you can put her in and bounce whilst watching a movie (LOL). And it is absolutely true.

We are slowly adjusting to life with two kids and I am lucky to have so much help from mum. She is staying for another week and then off we go. I have to manage myself. However, us women we are strong creatures and we always somehow manage anything so I am sure once I have my routine I will be just fine.


Vite jak se rika, cas leti?! V pripade deti to plati nekolikanasobne. Prijde mi, ze je to nedavno, co jsem se valila po Londyne s velkym brichem a nas maly prirustek uz ma mesic.

Jestli me sledujete na socialnich platformach, tak asi vite, ze jsem nechtela vedet pred porodem pohlavi. A take ze miminko se neobratilo a prestoze jsem zkusila vsechny alternativni i nealternativni metody, tak jsem nakonec musela rodit cisarskym rezem, coz by me v zivote nenapadlo, ze me ceka. Ja jsem se pripravovala na hypno-porod bez zasahu a nakonec me cekal porod s tim nejvetsim zasahem. Ale po konverzaci s moji kamaradkou, jsem to zkratka prijala a zacala verit, ze deti si vybiraji, jak na tento svet prijdou. A alespon uz jsem se na Vanoce citila trosku lepe. Vsechno bylo tak jak to melo byt.

Dost nas prekvapilo, ze se narodila holcicka, protoze jsem se vzdy videla jako mama kluku a to same muj muz. Az ke konci tehotetnstvi mi trosku podvedomi naseptavalo, ze by to mohla byt holcicka, protoze se mi ukazovala v mych meditacich, ale i tak to bylo obrovske prekvapeni. Jsem rada, ze jsem si pohlavi nedala rict, v dnesni dobe nema clovek tolik tech opravdovych prekvapenich. A ted si muj manzel muze uzit holciciky, protoze Liam je opravdu typicky mamanek.

Hojeni po cisari mi prijde to nejnarocnejsi. Jsem hrozne aktivni clovek a to ze jsem nemohla pomalu vstat z postele bylo opravdu narocne. Prvni tyden jsem stravila v posteli, brala leky na bolest, ale na Vanoce uz to bylo lepsi. Jak rikam nebylo to spatne nacasovane. Zena se musi setrit a to bylo hrozne narocne, protoze bych nejradsi skocila ven, zacala cvicit a uzivala si Londynskeho zivota. Jenze v tomto pripade to nebude tak rychle jako v pripade meho prvniho ditete. I kdyz mi da lekar zelenou, ze muzu cvicit, zvedat veci, vim, ze nemuzu hned tak zacit intenzivni cviceni. Nektere zeny dokonce tvrdi, ze citily problemy i po roce. Jak rika kazda, ktera si tim prosla, chce to cas.

Co se tyce veci pro miminka, schovala jsem si hodne po Liamkovi. Pouzivam jeho stary Cybex Priam a spoustu dalsich veci jako Cocoonababy apod. Par novych produktu ale mame a jsem ze vsech nadsena. Halo Bassinet je opravdu fantasticky a hlavne u cisare. Je dost vysoky a da se manipulovat tak, ze se da pritahnout k posteli, coz bylo u cisare vyborne. Mohla jsem si uz snad treti den podavat Nessu sama. V Britanii vas poslou domu 24 hodin po cisari, takze je to dost narocne. Navic je to postylka, ktera vibruje a ma take white noise zvuky. Je navrhnuta tak, aby co nejvice pripominala zivot v deloze matky.

Do obyvaciho pokoje jsem chtela neco jednoducheho a vybrala si tuhle postylku od Rachel Riley. Libil se mi moc design, ktery je v kolaboraci se znackou Clair de Luna a navic je to lehka postylka, ktera se da slozit. Napadlo me, ze je to vyborna vec misto cestovni postylky, pokud treba jedete nekam jenom autem. Urcite mnohem lepsi nez vetsina cestovnich postylek. A v neposledni rade nesmim zapomenout na Baby Bjorn bouncer, ktery vim, ze je velmi oblibeny. A nam vyhovuje opravdu moc. Jak rekla moje mama, muzes ji houpat nohou a divat se u toho treba na film (LOL). A je to pravda.

A tak se pomalu prizpusobujeme zivotu s dvema ratolestma. Ted mam zatim pomoc a jsem za to moc rada, ale verim, ze az mi odjede mama, ze to zase zvladneme. Je to o tom si najit rutinu a nezblaznit se z toho. Zeny jsou silne a proste my to vzdy nejak ustojime.


This is not a sponsored post. This post includes affiliate links and gifted items.

Those final weeks….

Picture by: Eva Espresso

I am getting closer to my due date and the game is on. I must say the start of pregnancy and the end are always the hardest. I need the baby to stay in just two more weeks to make sure it is not pre-term labour but then I am more than happy to pop. The waiting part is hard. Actually, today I read in my hypno-birthing book that due date is very rough estimate and if you are having your first child you should ad 15 extra days and with second around 10 days. Not what any pregnant lady wants to hear. I feel towards the end a day can feel like a week :)

I can tell you that the symptoms towards the end are very uncomfortable. Let’s talk heartburn, not enjoying food as there is never enough space in my tummy, constipation, pregnancy insomnia and finding it hard to function. The baby is pulling you down and you feel heavy. I will not lie but even on my 10-12 minute walk to school I need to take breaks at this point. Oh, well it was much easier first time round. I remember I was doing full photo shoot on my due date in a super hot London and then went shopping to Selfridges after with my mum LOL. I guess that was 5 years ago and age plays a big part too.

I am trying to rest a lot and take a nap most days if I can but it is so hard now when things are fun especially before Christmas. However, I am trying to pick events where I know there is a car service and it is really worth the effort. There is so much going on but I simply cannot make two plus events in one day. It is hard for me such an active person to turn it down especially I will be back to “can I bring my baby” to this event soon? But it has to be done. I love this time of the year and last year we lost so much fun due to Covid but it has to be done as this little miracle is worth it.

Well, let’s just hope for safe and positive delivery and for both of us to be healthy and happy.


Tak uz se mi to blizi a musim vam priznat, ze zacatek a konec tehotenstvi je vzdy nejtezsi a urcite nejsem sama, kdo to tak vnima. Ja si preju at miminko pekne jeste dva tydny vydrzi v brisku, aby nebyl predcasny porod, ale pak jsem pripravena. Ale kdo z nas neni v techto poslednich tydnech? Sotva lezu, zadychana na prvnim schodku, nemuzu si uzit jidlo, protoze se do me moc nevleze, pali me zaha, problemy se zacpou a same delikatesy. V me knizce o hypnoporodu jsem dnes cetla, ze termin porodu se povede jen 5 % zenam a pokud cekate prvni dite, mate si radsi pridat 15 dni a druhe dite 10. Takze predikce asi neni idealni :).

A mezi dalsi veci ke konci patri take tiha miminka, mam pocit, ze uz je hrozne tezke a musim si delat prestavky za chuze, dlouhodobe sezeni taky neni idealni a nejlip je mi v pozici na boku. Snazim se odpocivat, ale prijde mi, ze je porad tolik prace. Navic pozvanky i spoluprace se hrnou ze vsech stran.

Bohuzel musim hodne odmitat, protoze treba dve akce za den uz je na me opravdu strasne moc a vybiram si podle znacky, vztahu jakem mam s danou znackou a jaka je to akce a samozrejme kyvnu na ty akce, kde je soucasti odvoz na misto a pak zpatky domu. To cloveku hodne ulehci. Musim si zkratka rict, ze si tu Vanocni party sezonu uziju pristi rok, sice Covid nam loni zadnou nedopral a letos jsem v pokrocilem stadiu tehotenstvi, ale ten maly zazrak za to stoji.

Ted si preju jen pozitivni porod a zdravi jak pro me tak miminko. To je ted nejdulezitesti.
