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Anex Air Z Review

I wanted to wait few months before I share my experience with this great compact stroller Anex Air Z. I started to use it for Nessa as soon as she hit 6 months because for certain things I prefer lighter and easily foldable strollers.

We have had so far an amazing experience using this model. It went on a trip with us to Czech Republic and Spain and I also have it folded in the boot of my car and use it in London. What I love about it is that you can fold it just with one move and it is light.

When I travel around London and I know I need station that does not have step free exit I also take this stroller as I know I can carry it easily up the stair myself. We all have different lifestyles and expectations of what the stroller should do and this is perfect for us. Despite the size it has got smaller shopping basket where you fit enough things like smaller changing bag or smaller shopping.

I find it also easy to manoeuvre the stroller and you can adjust the position for baby to sit up or comfortably sleep in it. Nessa has been sleeping in this stroller a lot on our holidays in the summer. You can pretty much use this since birth as it fully lies down and also you can build the stroller that the baby faces you which I find amazing. I prefer full cot until baby is 6 months so that is why I started with this model later. However, it is my personal preference. If you travel this sort of stroller is much more practical.

It really worked for us on the beach, in the countryside as well as in the big city and we love using .

Anex Air Z jsem chtela pouzivat par mesicu nez jsme se rozhodla sepsat mensi recenzi. Stejne jako u Liamka jsem chtela dva kocarky, protoze na urcite veci potrebuji kocarek robustnejsi a pohodlnejsi a na cesty mam radsi kocarky, ktere jsou skladnejsi a lehci.

Tento nam velmi vyhovuje i v Londyne, kdyz napriklad vim, ze pojedu metrem a na urcite stanici neni vytah. Je dostatecne lehky a vynesu ho sama do schodu. Libi se mi na me, ze se da slozit jednim tahem a ze muzete menit polohu, dite se tak muze prospat ve vetsim pohodli.

Kocarek se jednoduse ovlada, je velmi kompaktni a pohodlny. Prestoze je mensi ma dole i mensi nakupni kosik, ktery sice nejvetsi, ale vleze se mi do nej prebalovaci taska ci mensi nakup.

Opravdu jsem spokojena a je vyborny na cesty. Vyhovoval nam jak na plazi tak na venkove i ve velkomeste jako Londyn.

Myslim, ze nam nadale bude dobre slouzit.


This is not a sponsored post however includes gifted items.

HOW to feel good in 2020

Wearing: Jeans, Boots and Waistcoat: Zara, Bag: Stella McCartney, Earrings: Missoma, Hat: Nastygal

2020 has been very unexpected year for most of us however I feel it has been a good year for me as I slowed down and started to prioritise myself more than ever. I always try to find positive things on everything. No, I did not travel, no I did not attend numerous social events but I am happy about the small things that happened and that is what matters the most.

However, I have been a bit down about London moving to Tier 2 and something tells me soon to Tier 3. I will not lie last few days hit me a bit as I know I just cannot invite friends over or meet them inside in the restaurant however I know we can get through this. Nothing lasts forever and we just have to make even these days more pleasant. So here are some of my tips how I will be spending time.

Decorate your house for festive celebrations – whether that is Halloween or Christmas this year I finally had time to plan more ahead. I am slowly ordering Halloween decoration and even if we celebrate in small circle I want to have fun.

Read – Reading is one of things I always say I have no time for but I have so many new books to go through. Rainy weekends home are sorted.

Learn and do courses – I have been pretty consistent since the first lockdown with Duo Lingo app and doing French, Italian and German. I also did styling course and marketing course online.

Live in the moment and enjoy what you can – We cannot plan much as rules keep changing by day but enjoy what you can. If you can organise meet up do it, if you can meet a friend for a tea or walk in the park do it. If you can go to see what is in the shops go and shop or order meal online. Support local business and if you are lucky enough to afford things go and help others. Now is the time to do it.

I am trying not to plan but I am trying to make things at home enjoyable. Until now we could go out and about so really use it when you can and appreciate every moment.

Rok 2020 prinesl spoustu zmen a asi obrovsky sok pro vetsinu z nas. Ja ho ale vnimam jako rok, ktery me zklidnil a konecne davat sebe vice na prvni misto. Je to pro me rok klidu a uvedomeni. Ja se snazim i na tech spatnych vecech, hledat to dobre. Necestovala jsem, mela jsem mene svobody, ale presto dekuju za vsechno co mi tento rok dal.

Londyn, ale prinasi nova omezeni a byl posunut do tzv. Tier 2, kde jsou omezeni prisnejsi a myslim, ze nas ceka i posun do Tier 3. A uz ted to znamena, ze nemohu videt sve kamarady napriklad v restauraci nebo je pozvat domu. A to je vzdy tezke. Ja se ale snazim najit veci, ktere delaji radost a tak jsem se rozhodla se s vami podelit jak hodlam travit cas a vsechno tohle si zprijemnit.

Vyzdoba na svatky – At uz slavite Halloween ci jenom Advent a Vanoce, tak letos aslespon bude vice casu na vyzdobu. Ja jsem si planovala Halloween predem, protoze Liam tento svatek miluje a uz pomalu objednavam nove dekorace i na Vanoce. Je hezke si ty dny doma zprijemnit vyzdobou.

Cteni – To je neco na co nikdy nezbyval cas, ale ted ctu konecne mnohem vice a to hlavne knihy, ktere podporuji seberozvoj. A k tomu take hodne medituju, pouzivam ruzna videa na youtube, ktera jsou zdarma.

Online kurzy a studium jazyka – Prakticky od prvniho lockdownu muzu rict, ze poctive pouzivam aplikaci Duo Lingo, kde se ucim Francouzsky, oprasuju znalosti Italstiny a Nemciny. I male kroky se pocitaji. Navic jsem zvladla online kurz stylingu a take marketingu.

Zij v pritomnosti a uzivej si kazdy moment – At uz jsou pravidla jakakoli, uzivej si co nejvic. Jestli muzete videt kamarady, co tak party doma, ci si spolu pustit film a otevrit lahev vina. Pokud mate to stesti a finance to dovoli, podporte mistni mensi podniky, nakupujte, objednejte si jidlo a pokud tu moznost nemate, uvarte si neco doma. Kazdy z nas potrebuje v teto dobe podporu a ekonomika potrebuje kazdy dalsi nakup a objednavku od nas vsech. Je dulezity byt vdecny a uzivat si momentu.

Je tezke si v teto dobe planovat, protoze se omezeni meni ze dne na den, ale je dulezite dekovat za vsechno co mame a uzivat si to co nam kazdy den nabizi. At uz je to jenom prochazka, ci skvely serial. I to jsou krasne veci, ktere vlastne mohou byt v dnesni dobe luxusem.


Transitional fashion

Wearing: Blazer: Vintage but similar here, Dress: River Island, Boots: Zara but similar, Bag: Chanel, Earrings: similar, Sunglasses: YSL

I have always been a lover of seasonal changes and with that comes my passion for transitional fashion. I truly enjoy wearing summer pieces with more warmer items like blazers, jackets or knits. I adore wearing bare legs and boots and let’s face it there are not that many days in UK for this sort of fashion. When the colder weather hits as much as I adore it I always opt for comfort and warmth. I will wear tights and will not be ashamed. LOL

And this look is a great example of what I love to wear. The dress evokes summer and endless days on the beach whilst the rest keeps me warm and totally transform typical summer dress. Together with classic accessories like Chanel bag and YSL sunglasses . And just like that I am ready to face sunny autumn days in London.


Vzdy jsem mela rada cas, kdy nastupuje dalsi rocni obdobi a s nim prichazi i fantasticke modni kombinace. Miluju kdyz muzu nosit letni saty s necim teplejsim jako sacka, bundicky ci pleteniny. Nejvic si uzivam doby, kdy nosim kozacky a hole nohy. A abych byla uprimna, tak techto dnu kdy je to mozne v UK moc nemame. Jakmile uhodi chladnejsi pocasi, vytahuju puncochy.

A tento outfit je presne tim, co mam na mysli. Klasicke bile saty, ktere dobre poslouzily na plazi a v letnich dnech se hned promeni ve vice podzimni. Staci pridat sacko a kozacky. Spolu s klasickymi doplnky jako YSL bryle a Chanel kabelkou tvori skvely look. Myslim, ze jsem pripravena na proslunene dny v Londyne. Kdyz se zadari LOL.


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Things that I truly enjoyed in Isolation

Wearing: Grey cropped top: Femme Luxe, Blazer: Men’s vintage, Purple t-shirt: Femme Luxe

Isolation has hit most countries and sadly UK is behind of other countries. Whilst other places are almost back to normal we are still not there yet. I feel very lucky to be in a position I have a house with a garden, my little family and lot of things to enjoy. I thought I would share some things how I loved spending my time.

One of my number things is signing up for Tik Tok and actually creating content. You can follow me on evaglamazon. I got so hooked and continue stalking amazing accounts and fun videos. I have been also loving having iced coffees almost daily and it is one of my favourite parts of the day to make a nice cold brew or latte. There is just something so enjoyable about sipping cold coffee in the garden and enjoying bit of sunshine.

I also have more time for trying out beauty launches and spend more time on skincare and routines. I have discovered so many great products in the last three months and really enjoy this more than ever. Last but not least I love having a bit more time for books. You know I love psychology, motivation and law of attraction books but there were also others that I truly enjoyed reading.

Being in isolation is not so bad after all.

Isolace zasahla snad cely svet, ale UK je hodne pozadu a to bohuzel diky spatne strategii. Zatimco vetsina zemi uz se vraci k normalu, UK je jeste par tydnu pozadu. Ja jsem velmi vdecna, ze mam dum se zahradou a svoji malou rodinu a ze jsem si dokazala diky malym radostem a svym klukum isolaci i trochu uzit. Tak me napadlo, ze napisu, co mi hodne delalo radost.

Jedna z nejvetsich radosti je urcite Tik Tok. Nekolik let jsem se zdrahala a nakonec me to totalne chytlo. Muzete mi dat follow evaglamazon. Denne se kocham super ucty a Liamka to taky moc bavi. Dalsi radosti je urcite ledova kava. Tu si delam casto odpoledne a uzivam si na zahrade, kdyz je hezky. Miluju bud jenom cernou kavu s ledem nebo latte.

Nesmim zapomenout na zkouseni novych produktu. Jsem moc rada za to, ze mam tu moznost i v isolaci zkouset novinky na trhu a take mam vic casu sama na sebe. Objevila jsem ruzne kosmeticke poklady, ktere si me okamzite ziskaly. No a v neposledni rade nesmim zapomenout na cteni. Urcite ted ctu vice a jsem za to vdecna.

Diky temto radostem ta isolace nebyla vubec spatna.

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