HOW to feel good in 2020

Wearing: Jeans, Boots and Waistcoat: Zara, Bag: Stella McCartney, Earrings: Missoma, Hat: Nastygal

2020 has been very unexpected year for most of us however I feel it has been a good year for me as I slowed down and started to prioritise myself more than ever. I always try to find positive things on everything. No, I did not travel, no I did not attend numerous social events but I am happy about the small things that happened and that is what matters the most.

However, I have been a bit down about London moving to Tier 2 and something tells me soon to Tier 3. I will not lie last few days hit me a bit as I know I just cannot invite friends over or meet them inside in the restaurant however I know we can get through this. Nothing lasts forever and we just have to make even these days more pleasant. So here are some of my tips how I will be spending time.

Decorate your house for festive celebrations – whether that is Halloween or Christmas this year I finally had time to plan more ahead. I am slowly ordering Halloween decoration and even if we celebrate in small circle I want to have fun.

Read – Reading is one of things I always say I have no time for but I have so many new books to go through. Rainy weekends home are sorted.

Learn and do courses – I have been pretty consistent since the first lockdown with Duo Lingo app and doing French, Italian and German. I also did styling course and marketing course online.

Live in the moment and enjoy what you can – We cannot plan much as rules keep changing by day but enjoy what you can. If you can organise meet up do it, if you can meet a friend for a tea or walk in the park do it. If you can go to see what is in the shops go and shop or order meal online. Support local business and if you are lucky enough to afford things go and help others. Now is the time to do it.

I am trying not to plan but I am trying to make things at home enjoyable. Until now we could go out and about so really use it when you can and appreciate every moment.

Rok 2020 prinesl spoustu zmen a asi obrovsky sok pro vetsinu z nas. Ja ho ale vnimam jako rok, ktery me zklidnil a konecne davat sebe vice na prvni misto. Je to pro me rok klidu a uvedomeni. Ja se snazim i na tech spatnych vecech, hledat to dobre. Necestovala jsem, mela jsem mene svobody, ale presto dekuju za vsechno co mi tento rok dal.

Londyn, ale prinasi nova omezeni a byl posunut do tzv. Tier 2, kde jsou omezeni prisnejsi a myslim, ze nas ceka i posun do Tier 3. A uz ted to znamena, ze nemohu videt sve kamarady napriklad v restauraci nebo je pozvat domu. A to je vzdy tezke. Ja se ale snazim najit veci, ktere delaji radost a tak jsem se rozhodla se s vami podelit jak hodlam travit cas a vsechno tohle si zprijemnit.

Vyzdoba na svatky – At uz slavite Halloween ci jenom Advent a Vanoce, tak letos aslespon bude vice casu na vyzdobu. Ja jsem si planovala Halloween predem, protoze Liam tento svatek miluje a uz pomalu objednavam nove dekorace i na Vanoce. Je hezke si ty dny doma zprijemnit vyzdobou.

Cteni – To je neco na co nikdy nezbyval cas, ale ted ctu konecne mnohem vice a to hlavne knihy, ktere podporuji seberozvoj. A k tomu take hodne medituju, pouzivam ruzna videa na youtube, ktera jsou zdarma.

Online kurzy a studium jazyka – Prakticky od prvniho lockdownu muzu rict, ze poctive pouzivam aplikaci Duo Lingo, kde se ucim Francouzsky, oprasuju znalosti Italstiny a Nemciny. I male kroky se pocitaji. Navic jsem zvladla online kurz stylingu a take marketingu.

Zij v pritomnosti a uzivej si kazdy moment – At uz jsou pravidla jakakoli, uzivej si co nejvic. Jestli muzete videt kamarady, co tak party doma, ci si spolu pustit film a otevrit lahev vina. Pokud mate to stesti a finance to dovoli, podporte mistni mensi podniky, nakupujte, objednejte si jidlo a pokud tu moznost nemate, uvarte si neco doma. Kazdy z nas potrebuje v teto dobe podporu a ekonomika potrebuje kazdy dalsi nakup a objednavku od nas vsech. Je dulezity byt vdecny a uzivat si momentu.

Je tezke si v teto dobe planovat, protoze se omezeni meni ze dne na den, ale je dulezite dekovat za vsechno co mame a uzivat si to co nam kazdy den nabizi. At uz je to jenom prochazka, ci skvely serial. I to jsou krasne veci, ktere vlastne mohou byt v dnesni dobe luxusem.


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