Current Favourites


It has been a while since I shared some new great products I discovered. I am bigger and bigger fan of Rodial skincare every day. My latest two favourite products are Super Acids Peel as I really am fighting pigmentation on my face. And second favourite is snake mask that delivers results straight away after using. If I feel tired and my skin looks dull this product will help you within minutes. I was also pleasantly surprised by the Nip & Fab glycolic scrub that again helps my pigmentation on a daily basis. As you probably know I am not the most talented when it comes to hair styling however every now and then I use thongs to curl my hair and I always use some product to protect my hair. This one from Show Beauty range really meets all my expectations and it looks great on my bathroom shelf.

Don’t forget you can buy all the products by clicking on the icons below. And also do not forget to share what are you favourite cosmetic products now.

Uz je to nejakou dobu, co jsem vam ukazala nove oblibene produkty. Jako blogerka dostavam docela dost kosmetiky a je skvele si produkty vyzkouset. Velmi casto objevuju veci, ktere si pak pravidelne zacnu kupovat. V posledni dobe me dostala kosmetika Rodial. Momentalne pouzivam dvakrat tydne Super Acids Peel, protoze mam dost pigmentovych skvrn a kdyz se mi hodne unavi plet a potrebuju ji trochu rozzarit, tak pouzivam Snake Mask. Ta je uzasna a vysledky jsou viditelne hned po pouziti. Take me zacal bavit hodne peeling ond Nip & Fab, ktery neni vubec drahy. A v neposledni rade, kdyz si obcas upravuju vlasy teplem, tak pouzivam tento ochrany sprej ze sady Show Beauty. Vsechny produkty muzete koupit kliknutim na ikonky pod clankem. 

A co zaujalo vas v posledni dobe? 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

10 comments on “Current Favourites

    1. Je fakt super…hlavne podle me pokud mas nejake nesrovnalosti na pokozce…a potrebujes se zbavit jemnych vrasek, pigmentovych skvrn atd…

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