If you have been following me on my blog and other channels for a while you know I love anything beauty related. I love makeup and skincare and experimenting and pampering is part of my job and my life. It has been a while I shared a beauty post with you as majority beauty related content is published on my Instagram and my Youtube. So I wanted to introduce my latest beauty crushes as there are so many fabulous new things I fell in love with recently.
Under your skin body lotion is currently on my side table as I love the smell so much that if I feel my arms need more touch up I want to make sure it is close enough. You can buy it on Oxygen Boutique which also has got amazing fashion section (yes lot of things on my wish-list).
Lift Activ Micro Hyalu Patches by Vichy are just miracle. It has been only few days since I attended a launch of new products from this range but I was dying to try these. My son wakes up very early and the work has been crazy busy so you can imagine my under eye area. I have never tried anything similar as this product simply stays on under your eyes whilst you sleep and there are little spikes that contain hyaluronic acid that is slowly released and absorbed in your delicate eye area. Yes it is a winner.
Another fabulous product and brand I have discovered is Lisa Franklin and Phyto Gel Wash and Night Treatment became quickly my favourite. The Wash feels so delicate yet it cleans so well and preps my skin for applying serum and cream. The Night treatment is so light and skin looks fantastic each morning when I use it.
Shiseido Treatment Softener stole my heart. I just love this brand so much and they never disappoint me. Everything about this products screams Shiseido…the smell, the texture of it and the quality. It is part of my routine pretty much every day.
Jestli me sledujete uz delsi dobu, vite, ze miluju peci o plet a makeup. Bavi me zkouset novinky, menit a testovat nove vychytavky ve svete krasy. Je to soucast me prace a meho zivota vubec. A tak po delsi prinasim clanek, kde vam chci predstavit par veci, ktere me ted hodne bavi a nemuzu se jich tak nejak nabazit.
Telove mleko Under your skin momentalne stoji na mem nocnim stoliku, protoze jsem si zamilovala jeho vuni. A kdyz mam pocit, ze potrebuji natrit moje ruce a paze, chci ho mit pobliz, at nemusim chodit do koupelny.
Dalsim objevem jsou Activ Micro Hyalu Masky pod oci od Vichy, ktere me opravdu dostaly. Je to teprve par dni, co jsem byla na predstavani novych produktu z teto rady, ale tim jak Liam vstava brzo a mam toho ted hodne, me oci opravdu trpi. A rozhodla jsem je vyzkouset hned v den, kdy jsem je nasla v goodie bag. A je to takovy maly zazrak. Nikdy jsem obdobny produkt nezkousela. Jsou to masky, ktere krasne drzi pod ocima a muzete s nima spat a v nich jsou napustene jakoby male jehlicky, ktere do rana postupne vpousti do jemne kuze kolem oci kyselinu hyaluronovou.
Lisa Franklin je znacka, kterou jsem objevila diky nedavne navsteve jejiho salonu a okamzite jsem si Lisu zamilovala, je to prijemna dama, ktera zalozila uzasnou kosmetickou znacku. Nejvice me uchvatil Jeji Gel Phyto Wash a Jeji Night Treatment.
A jak vite jsem milovnik znacky Shiseido, prakticky me nezklamal zatim zadny jejich produkt, ale tento Shiseido Treatment Softener je uz pravidelne soucasti me pece o plet. Vse prezentuje znacku tak ja ma jestli je to kvalita, textura ci vune.
Another Shiseido product that I have to mention is Waso Beauty sleeping mask. It really reminds me a product from classic Ibuki Shiseido range and I am so glad they brought this to the market. It is equally fabulous and I love using it.
You know my passion for Pixi Glow Tonic and that also appeared in my latest Product Empties video. However I think that Retinol Tonic is perhaps even better. I have been using it for few weeks now and start to see difference to my skin already. I love products with retinol in general so thumbs up for me.
Vichy Aloe Vera Mask is a perfect on the day when you feel your skin needs a quick pick up but also sooth. Whether you had stressful week or just feel your skin is a bit irritated I can highly recommend this.
I started to include Rodial Collagen Drops quite regularly in my makeup routine as they really prep the skin for applying foundation and at the same time provide collagen for your skin. I feel the skin is very plump after even first application. It is a fabulous product that quickly became a must for me.
Dalsim produktem od firmy Shiseido, ktery musim zminit je urcite Waso Beauty sleeping mask. Je to novinka z rady Waso a hrozne mi pripomina klasickou Ibuki masku, kterou jsem zboznovala. Nanasi se jako posledni krok pece o plet na noc a je opravdu skvela.
Jestli me sledujete uz nejakou tu dobu, vite ze muj top produkt od znacky Pixi je urcite jejich Glow Tonic. Ted se mi ale dostal do rukou Retinol Tonic a ja obecne produkty s retinolem miluju. A myslim, ze toto tonikum se pomalu dostava na predni pricky.
Jestlize mate pocit, ze prochazite stresem a jde to videt na vasi pleti a citite, ze pokozka je hodne iritovana, tak muzu doporucit Vichy Aloe Vera Mask. Je to prijemna zklidnujici maska a i cenove je velmi prijatelna.
V posledni dobe jsem zacala pouzivat Rodial Collagen Drops a to hlavne pred nanasenim makeupu. Tyto kapky obsahuji vysoke mnozstvi kolagenu a nejen ze jej dodaji vasi pleti, ale opravdu po pouziti makeup uplne jinak vypada a pokozka je krasne hydratovana.
Love Glamazon xoxo
I want to try those Vichy patches, they sound like something I could do with! x