Current favourites from Charlotte Tilbury


I do not know how about you but I feel that pregnant women deserve to be treated even more than usual. I have felt during the whole pregnancy so unsure about how I look and I feel as the body goes through lot of changes. And it can be perfect time to experience with good quality cosmetics and make sure you look beautiful at all times. I know there were weeks when I barely got out of bed but when I feel good I like a bit of pampering whether at home or in a spa.

Charlotte Tilbury has been on my radar for a while and know how good their lipstick are (you know I am a lipstick girl) I wanted to try more. So I was very glad I got a chance to try more of their amazing product. You probably know if you are a regular reader that I love skin care so I will start and focus mainly on the fabulous Magic Night Rescue Cream. This cream promises to improve your skin and slow down ageing already after 8 weeks. I have not been using it long enough but I feel the skin is super hydrated every morning. It is a very rich cream and you only need a tiny bit for the whole face. So it is definitely good investment.

I also wanted to try Flawless Finish Skin Set and the very famous Magic Foundation. Both products create very natural look. There have been brands that can create heavy layers and this is the total opposite. I have been wearing these two for over a week now and cannot get enough.

Their lipstick range is to die for and I wish to have them all however I am madly in love with Amazing Grace shade. Definitely have a look here at all the colours as you may find your dream shade. And if you are not a lipstick girl like me and you prefer to enhance your eyes you will still find some smashing products here.

Let me definitely know if you have tried anything from Charlotte Tilbury and what are your thoughts?!

Ja nevim jak vy, ale ja mam pocit, ze tehotne zeny a cerstve maminky si zaslouzi velkou peci. Zatim jsem v se v tehotenstvi citila takove nesva a nejista a i kdyz to nebylo nektere dny jednoduche, tak jsem porad myslela na to, ze se o sebe musim starat jeste vice nez jindy. A kdyz uz treba clovek nemuze cvicit ci se neciti a nebo si obcas dopreje neco spatneho ve stravovani, tak nam zbyva alespon dobra pece o telo a plet. V posledni dobe mam chut zkouset nove veci vice nez kdy jindy.

Charlotte Tilbury je jmeno znacky, ktere doufam znate. Do teto doby jsem vyzkousela hlavne jejich rtenky ( a vite, ze na ty mam slabost). A tak jsem byla cela bez sebe, ze muzu vyzkouset vice z jejich uzasnych produktu. Protoze miluji kremy a peci o plet vubec tak bych se asi nejvic chtela venovat kremu s nazvem Magic Night Rescue Cream. Co si budeme nalhavat, plet starne a prijde mi, ze me kazdy den sokuji nove a nove vrasky a neprijemna prekvapeni, ktera se na obliceji tvori. A tak rada zkousim nove produkty proti vraskam. Cas sice nikdo nezastavi, ale alespon trosku zmirnime vzhled pokozky. Tento krem slibuje vysledky asi za osm tydnu a i kdyz ho nepouzivam tak dlouho, musim priznat, ze plet nadherne hydratuje. Kazde rano se budim s rozjasnenou pleti. Krem je hodne hutny a toho jsem se bala, ale staci troska a vystaci vam na cely oblicej. Alespon je jasne, ze se vyplati do nej investovat. 

Dale jsem moc chtela vyzkouset Flawless Finish Skin Set a Magic Foundation. A uz tyden jsem si nedala nic jineho. Po pouziti pusobi hrozne prirozene, rekla bych, ze tento makeup je snad tak jemny a prirozeny jako nektere BB kremy. 

Jejich rtenky jsou proste neskutecne a nabizi prekrasne odstiny. Ja jsem si oblibila odstin Amazing Grace, ale tady najdete cely vyber, ktery stoji opravdu za to. A pokud davate prednost spise ocim tak si take vyberete. Podivejte se zde na vsechny jejich skvele produkty. Ja urcite vyzkousim stiny, ktere jsem dostala, ale pres den si oci nelicim, takze musim pockat az se vydam nekam vecer. No nebo si je muzu vzit sebou na dovolenou a vyzkouset je tam. 

Urcite mi dejte vedet, zda jste od Charlotte Tilbury neco vyzkouseli a jak se vam produkty libily?!

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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2 comments on “Current favourites from Charlotte Tilbury

  1. Love Charlotte Tilbury! I have been using the light wonder foundation for about a year, and have been dying to try the magic foundation. Definitely have been worried about it being too heavy for me, but so glad to hear you like it!

    You should try the lip magic. I use it every day to prime my lips and it literally is magic!

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