Fighting post baby issues with GP Nutrition

Sometimes I wish I could be one of those women that said they fit in their jeans two weeks after having a baby and left the hospital lighter than before getting pregnant. Or one of those women who say their baby slept through the night at 12 weeks. And trust me there are lot of people I know that had it this way. Unfortunately, I am not one of them.

Six months later I can finally fit in my jeans but I am still not there and I am up 10 times a night whilst I need to look after a child and run fully this blog. I need a fully functional body, I need energy and I need to lose weight. Who doesn’t?  As these are typical post baby issues most women have to deal with. Well, I cannot get more sleep as there is nobody to look after my child. I have no family here or nanny and my husband leaves 6:30 in the morning for work and comes back at 7 the earliest.

There is a next option that would definitely help and that is to eat clean food. As you can see I have gathered few books over the time and I know exactly how body works. It is about giving your body the right nutrition and balance everything out. It is a longterm solution for healthy body, great skin and sufficient amount of energy. However, these things can be so hard to maintain especially with lack of time. And then there is the other option to try to help and support your clean eating with supplements of different types. So I have partnered with GP Nutrition to try their offering to help me to fight all my post baby issues.

If you go on their site you have the option to do a test what programmes are the most suited to your needs. After doing the test I discovered (which is not a surprise at all) that my top ones are programmes SLIM Me, RESTORE Me and BOOST Me. These should really help to bring the best to my body and help to increase endurance, restore vitality, stabilise sleep patters and also balance my nutrition.

It is honestly perfect solution for busy lifestyle. Yes in my head I am always about cooking super clean dinners but the time does not let me to do it. Also on the days when I had an awful night with the baby I tend to eat badly and grab pizza instead of beetroot salad. I am sure you know the story.

What I loved about the package when it arrived was that the brand enclosed very clear intro about each programme but also easy instruction of how to use them. I am the laziest person when it comes to reading about these things so it was very handy. Second great thing is the packaging. No more excuses that the box is too big as everything is split into smaller sachets so you can take these with you. It is perfect even for a small bag or travelling. Very smart right?

And if you ask me if all this works? Yes, I have definitely seen some improvements and I have only been using these for two weeks or so. The biggest different I have noticed is when I used My Gel from the SLIM Me programme I feel my cravings are gone and also I am not that hungry. Isn’t that what we need after all?


Nekdy si preju, abych mohla rict, ze jsem jedna z tech zen, co se dva tydny po porodu vlezla do starych dzinu a odchazela z nemocnice s min kily nez pred otehotentnim. A nebo jedna z tech, kterym miminko spi celou noc uz od dvanacti tydnu. A sama mam ve svem okoli nekolik takovych zenskych. Ja to  bohuzel nejsem. 

A o sest mesicu pozdeji konecne muzu prohlasit, ze se vlezu do starych dzinu (i kdyz to jeste zdaleka neni ono) a hlavne jsem vzhuru v prumeru tak sestkrat za noc. O to je to tezsi, kdyz prakticky nemate materskou, protoze uz po dvou tydnech jsem jela naplno s timto blogem. A verte mi, ze je to prace na plny uvazek. Spanek nespanek telo musi fungovat. Jako kazda mama musim rano vstat (nekdy i ve ctyri) a uz jede klasicky kolotoc – dite, jidlo, pleny a to vse bez chuvy, babicky, sestry a jedinou oporou je muz, ktery vyrazi do prace 6:30 a vraci se nejdrive 7. 

Jak vidite za nejakou dobu jsem shromazdila nejakou literaturu o vyzvive, jidelnicku apod. A presne vim jak telo funguje. Princip je jednoduchy a da se rici, ze dosahnout idealni vahy, dostatku energie, krasne pleti a zdravi je hlavne o jidle. Jde o to se vyhybat polotovarum a jist nutricne vyvazena jidla v nich je jenom to co si telo dokaze opravdu odebrat a vzit to nejlepsi. Je to trosku slozitejsi, ale to si samy muzete precist a zjistit. Kazdopadne tyto veci muzou byt slozite, pokud mate uspechany zivotni styl jako ja. A pak existuje druha moznost a to podporit vase “zdrave” stravovani vyzivovymi doplnky. A to hlavne pokud jsou vytvoreny na presne podobnem principu jako “clean eating”. A proto jsem se spojila s GP Nutrition, ktera nabizi nekolik ruznych programu. A spousta z nich vam pomuze se zbavit presne takovych problemu jako mam ja po diteti. 

Na zaklade testu, ktery si muzete udelat na jejich strankach, jsem zjistila, ze nejvhodnejsi programy pro me budou SLIM Me, RESTORE Me a BOOST Me. A neni to snad ani prekvapeni. Diky neprospanym nocim potrebuju vytrvalost, zvyseni energie, zvysit kvalitu spanku a take upravit svoji zivotospravu. Nemyslim si, ze jim uplne spatne, ale napriklad v ty dny, kdy mam za sebou krusnou noc a ceka me spousta prace a schuzek a to jeste s ditetem velmi casto sklouznu k zabijakum jako je pizza, kava, vino apod. Bohuzel. 

Po vybrani nejvhodnejsi programu pro vas vam bude balicek dorucen a k nemu jsou prilozeny take instrukce a benefity vaseho programu. To se mi strasne libilo, protoze vse vypada prehledne a strucne a ja jsem ten nejhorsi clovek co se tyce procitani si nejakych letaku a vyhledavani toho, jak se vyrobek pouziva. Dalsi vec, ktera me nadchla je tak baleni. Nemusite se vymlouvat na to, ze vam produkt prisel ve velke krabici, kterou nechce tahat sebou. Vse je rozdeleno do mensich baleni, ktere si muzete vzit kazde rano ci do letadla. Jsou tak kompaktni, ze se jednoduse vlezou i do male kabelky. 

A po vyzkouseni techto programu musim prohlasit, ze jsem spokojena. Nejvice jsem si vsimla toho, ze kdyz opravdu pravidelne pouzivam My gel z programu SLIM Me, ze mam mensi zavaly chuti na sladke a vubec mensi hlad. A o tom prave je vyvazena strava a dulezite veci jako vyvazeni hladiny cukru v krvi. Vsechny tyto produkty jsou navrhnuty tak, aby vase telo bylo vyvazene a pokud jste jako, ze nemate cas si pokazde pripravit super zdrave jidlo, GP Nutrition je skvele reseni jak do tela dostat dulezite prvky a zbavit se ruznych problemu a to nejen tech po porodu. 

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LOVE Glamazon xoxo 

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