Favourite Maternity Styling

1 (Images via Popsugar)

I have always been a big Pinterest fan but now after getting pregnant I am searching even more for maternity outfits inspo. You can find me here (evaglamazon) if you are keen to follow and share your boards with me.

I must admit that this type of styling is very common and I understand why. The combo of body con dresses and lose light coats or waistcoat is just complimenting most of us. The coats fall down your hips and hide any extra lumps and the dress give us glamour and comfort at the same time. What’s not to love? Luckily for all those pregnant ladies there is so much to chose from when it comes to this styling. You can stay simple and wear neutral tones or go bold and wear brighter colours. This maternity uniform will get you through those 9 months for sure. So, let’s do some damage and go shopping.

Pinterest me bavil vzdy, ale ted v tehotenstvi neustale vyhledavam inspiraci na tehotenske stylingy. Pokud me jeste nesledujete, muzete me najit tady pod evaglamazon. Kazdopadne musim rict, ze styling v podobe upnutych satu a volnych plastu a vest je jeden z velmi castych. A ja naprosto chapu proc. Upnute saty zajisti pohodli a zaroven vypadaji dobre a kdyz mate nedostatky nebo par kil navic, tak lehke kabatky a prodlouzene vesty ty nedostatky proste zakryji. Co vic si prat?

Navic je opravdu z ceho vybirat a tento typ satu je k dostani v tolika podanich a barvach. Muzete zustat u neutralni klasiky, nebo trochu priostrit a poridit si do satniku trochu barev. Dobre na tom je, ze je muzete nosit az porodite, takove saty se zkratka neztrati. Tahle materska uniforma vas bude urcite provazet celych 9 mesicu. 

Love Glamazon xoxo



One comment on “Favourite Maternity Styling

  1. Zdravím, obtiahnuté šaty na mimi brušku sú podľa mňa najkrajšie, aj vršky na telo… a v pokročilom tehotenstve si ho môžu užívať aj ženy, ktoré za normálnych okolností sa už na obtiahnuté veci necítia.
    Akurát nie všetky šaty a triká sa dokážu zmrsknúť naspäť do netehotenských rozmerov X:-)

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