Last week I was invited to few exciting events and one of them was introduction of a new designers by Wolf and Badger. The event was held in their Mayfair store and I wanted to share with you some of those beautiful pieces I got to see. I wanted to slip in through a big bag and secretly take most of the things home with me. LOL
I mean the jewellery they have is to die for. I would definitely recommend to check their store or online store as they sell some fantastic designers. I must admit that this week is already super busy due to fashion week as I have so many invitations and on some days after work even two or three so it is hard for me to manage my time. I also have a small announcment to make as I will be doing Instagram take over this LFW for So on Saturday stay tuned on their account to check what I am up to.
Minuly tyden jsem navstivila nekolik akci a jednou z nich bylo predstaveni novych kolekci navrharu ve Wolf and Badger. Akce se konala v jejich obchode na Mayfair a chtela jsem ukazat par fotografii. Mela jsem chut si odnest minimalne polovinu veci domu a hlavne sperky teda staly za to. Jejich vyber je vzdy zajimavy, protoze prodavaji mene proslavene designery a peclive si vybiraji, ktere znacky budou v obchode zastupovat. Snad se vam fotografie budou libit.
Ja uz mam trosku nespavost z Fashion Weeku, protoze uz tento tyden nestiham. Kazdy den mam po praci akci a nekdy i dve, vsichni mi pisou sejdeme se apod a pritom bych se asi musela roztrhnout. Chtela jsem oznamit, ze behem Londynske Fashion weeku budu v Sobotu budu delat instagram takeover pro, takze urcite sledujte cely den jak vas budu na Fashion Weeku provadet.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Mne se moc libi ta psanicla a sperky jsou taky super!