Giveaway winners

Dear bloggers,

I finally want to announce giveaway winner. There are two of them. One will get ring and second will get house of holland tights. I was asking about size and then I noticed there is only one size:)
Well anyway. Here are the winners.

Konecne jsem zde s vyhlasenim giveway. Jsou dve vitezky. Jedna dostane prstynek a druha puncochy House of Holland. Ptala jsem se puvodne na velikost ,ale pak jsem si vsimla, ze je to jednotna velikost. No tak mimomochodem. Vitezove jsou:

Prstynek putuje blogerce Zubata z blogu
A puncochy putuji moji oblibene blogerce Ivance z blog

Oboum vitezkam gratuluji a pro uspech budu opakovat giveaway s puncochama House of Holland v nejblizsich dnech.

Love Glamazon xoxo

PS: vitezky prosim o zaslani adres a informaci na muj email. Dekuji

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