Wearing: Tights: Gucci, Shoes: Christian Louboutin, Coat: Topshop, Top: Zara, Skirt: Revolve, Bag: Chanel, Hair Clips: The Triplets
And just like that 2019 is here and they say it will be a good one. So let’s hope so. This article is not about looking back at 2018 and doing reviews or anything like that. This article is about looking forward.
I think for the first time in years my intuition is not that clear and maybe that is a good thing. Most years I have felt something whether the new year bring me this or that and I just do not feel much so perhaps there will be some great achievements and surprises that 2019 will bring. Who knows?! One of the resolutions for me will be just to try to let the life flow as it is and see what happens. I have always loved to be in control but sometimes you just have it take things easy and live your life.
One thing I wanted is to start the year right so I went for very early morning run and bumped into so many people who were leaving wild parties and guess what. I wasn’t jealous at all. Whilst they will probably feel tired and hangover all day I will feel good LOL. I then had the most rewarding bath and did a fabulous skincare routine and finished everything with healthy breakfast. I read a book and I plan to clear my wardrobe todays so I can give some items to charity. These things make me feel good and it is all about feeling good isn’t it?
However, I am not just some robot who loves lists and healthy lifestyle so I will also watch a nice movie, read, eat some delicious lunch as nobody wants to overdo it on the first day of the new year.
I hope your 2019 will be the best ever and I hope you will still be coming back and enjoy my work.
Thank you.
A mame tu 2019 a nechce se mi tomu ani verit. Cas bezi tak rychle, ale po nekolika letech se neohlizim zpet a nechci aby tento clanek byl o tom predchozim roce. Spise se chci divat kupredu.
Poprve po mnoha letech me moje intuice mate. Nebo spise mi nic nerika, abych to upresnila. Vetsinu let jsem mela takove pocity o tom jaky nasledujici rok bude a co mi prinese, ale letos nevnimam vnitrne vubec nic. Tak muzu jenom doufat, ze to bude rok hezky a prijemny. Jedno z predsevzeti urcite bude nechat zivot vice plynout. Jsem clovek, ktery ma rad kontrolu a je asi nacase se celkove vice uvolnit a brat veci tak jak jsou.
Jednu vec jsem si ale prala a to je zacit dnesek a vlastne novy rok prijemne. A tak jsem si sla brzo rano zabehat. Po ceste jsem narazila na spoustu lidi, kteri prave opousteli vecirky a rikala jsem si, ze jim vubec nezavidim. Zatimco ja dnes budu plna energie a bude mi dobre, oni budou cely den spat a nebo hledat neco na zahnani kocoviny. A po kratkem behu jsem si dala horkou koupel v soli a pokracovala ve zkraslovaci rutine…veci jako maska a vsak to znate. Dala jsem si zdravou snidani a chvili si cetla. A dneska mam v planu jeste protridit par veci ze skrini, ktere pujdou na charitu. Zitra je tady totiz svoz primo z domu a chtela bych toho vyuzit.
Ale tak prece jenom nejsem zadny robot, ktery si akorat pise seznamy a odskrtava co uz zvladnul a tak se urcite odpoledne podivame na nejaky film a treba si zajdeme na prochazku.
A Vam preju jenom to nej v roce 2019 a snad Vas moje prace bude bavit i nadale.
Wonderful look!
Happy New Year!
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
Love the coat! <3