Hey Sweethearts,
Christmas mood is everywhere around but I keep myself forcing to feel it. Even the ice rink and this gorgeous tree did not do much for me. Well, I was more excited about wearing these hoop earrings after such a long time. Old times classic it is and I loved it with this outfit. Leather, Biker Boots and laid back hair bun.
Vanoce salaji atmosferu kolem a ja se nejak porad nemuzu donutit to nejak vnimat. Asi jsem spadla letos na hlavu nebo co. Dokonce i tenhle rink na brusleni a krasny stromecek se mnou nic nedela. Myslim, ze jsem mela vetsi nadseni z techto starych kruhovych nausnic. Proste stara klasika. Navic v kombinaci s kuzi, denimem a drdolem proste super. Teda alespon pro me.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Wearing: Topshop Shirt, Coat and Bracelet, Francesco Biasia Bag, Warehouse Boots, New Look Leather Shorts
super kabatik :)
moc ti to slusi.)