Is life and shopping back to normal?

Wearing: Shoes: Chie Mihara, Top and Jeans: Zara, Sunglasses: Givenchy, Blazer: Men’s vintage, Necklace: Missoma, Bag: Asos

I keep asking myself when life is back to normal? Ok, shops are open and now some pubs and bars but is it really back to normal? Well, sadly not. At least not for me.

I am still not keen to browse in the shopping centres and department stores in London but I truly miss it. It is a great source of inspiration but I must say it is just not the same now. I went to couple of favourite high-street stores nearby and there is just strange atmosphere in the air.

I truly miss just the carefree shopping and browsing and soaking in the inspiration from people and beautiful clothes. However, by the looks of it I will have to stick predominantly to online shopping.

And perhaps this will be a new way of life? I deeply believe it is not and we just need a bit of time to find solution for this all.

Uz par tydnu se ptam sama sebe, kdy se vse vrati do normalu? A nejsem si tak uplne jista, v Britanii se pomalu otviraji bary, restaurace a hospody a jsou otevrene i obchody, ale neni to zkratka ono. Takze jsme si odpovedela na svou otazku. Na normalitu si budeme asi muset jeste pockat. Vsude je takova zvlastni atmosfera a chybi tomu ta bezstarostna normalita a veci, ktere byly drive beznou zalezitosti.

Nakupovani mi docela chybi, nebo spis samotne chozeni nekam, kde nasavam inspiraci. Do centra Londyna jsem se jeste nevydala a prosla si par obchodu nedaleko meho domu, ale neni to zkratka ono. Ja hodne nakupuju online, ale jde mi spise o to cerpani inspirace a pocit bezstarostnosti, kdyz se nekde pohybuju.

Myslim tedy, ze opravdu budu pokracovat prevazne v nakupovani online. A navic ted se to vsude hemzi produkty v akcich a slevach. Nedavno jsem narazila na tento slevovy a kuponovy portal Bonipo. Ale slevy a akce jsou vsude. Firmy se snazi dohnat ztraty za poslednich par mesicu a je to znat.

Ja si jenom preju, aby se vratila normalita a bezstarostnost do vsech sfer. To ale jak to tak vypada bude asi chvili trvat.


This article contains gifted items.

One comment on “Is life and shopping back to normal?

  1. Hmmm, zvlastni me pripada, ze jsem se do “normalu” vratila, co jsem nastoupila do prace a kolo vymenila za mestkou. Ja jsem shledavala velmi mile, kdyz se otevrely obchody a restaurace byly prodavacky i cisnici velmi ochotni. Ja chodim do obchodu opravdu jen, kdyz neco potrebuj. Online prilis nekupuji, spise se snazim podporovat mensi obchody. Skoda jen, ze po corone lide nekupuji vice nachhaltig a uvedomele.

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