The ultimate girly day at St Martin’s Courtyard

If a massage appointment pops up on my phone calendar I am the happiest person in the world. So imagine full day of pampering, good food, shopping and great wine. I am beyond happy and more than that (simply find it hard to describe it with words). So let me take you on the journey of a day like that and introduce this nirvana for Londoners – St Martin’s Court Yard.

There is nothing better than an ultimate girly day packed with things most girls like. Whether you decide to take your sister, best friend or treat your dearest mum for upcoming Mother’s day this is the place to do it. I have never realised how handy it is to have all these facilities nearby each other and how easy it is to create a perfect day. If my mummy lived in London this is where we would be hanging around on 26th March for sure.

So let me take you with me on a little tour around St Martin’s Court Yard and make you forget that it is Monday today. I had the best time yesterday with my friend Joanne and as we are both mums this was an incredible treat. It has been the longest time I have been separated from Liam but it was so worth it.

Kdyz mi v kalendari na telefonu naskoci upozorneni, ze mam dneska masaz, tak me zaplavi pocit stesti. Takze si predstavte, ze zjistite, ze vas ceka cely den plny uzasnych veci jako kadernik, masaze, nakupy a dobra snidane a obed. Nikdy jsem si neuvedomila, jak jednoduche je zvladnout vse v jeden den, pokud se rozhodnete tento den stravit v St. Martin’s Courtyard na Covent Garden. 

Miluju takove holcici dny a tohle bylo asi nejdele, kdy jsem byla oddelena od Liamka. I kdyz se mi styskalo, tak jsem si vcerejsi nedeli opravdu uzila. Vydala jsem se na den plny zazitku s kamaradkou Joanne, ktera ma dve deti a vubec se nam nechtelo domu. Brzy nas ceka svatek matek a takovy den by byl uzasny darek pro maminku, ale treba i pro kamaradku k narozeninam ci si uzit den jenom se svoji sestrou. To uz je na kazdem.

A v dnesnim postu vas chci vzit na takovou mensi vypravu, kterou jsem si vcera vyzkousela ja. 

Our perfect Sunday started in one of my favourite restaurants ever – Dishoom. You probably read about this place on my blog before however this is actually first time I tried it for breakfast. I heard a lot about their bacon naan so any thoughts of dieting had to go aside. And as I wanted to enjoy this day fully and eat and drink as much as possible I also ordered their Bombay omelette. Well, I was tempted to make it champagne breakfast but I knew we had a full day ahead so did not want to be half asleep at 11 am in the morning. And the whole breakfast is a lovely change from the traditional avocado toasts and eggs Benedict.

Nase nedelni holcici dobrodruzstvi zacalo snidani v oblibene restauraci Dishoom na Covent Garden. O tomto miste jsem jiz psala na blogu drive, ale tohle bylo poprve, kdy jsem vyzkousela jejich snidani. Slysela jsem samou chvalu na jejich bacon naan a veskere myslenky o dietach a podobne musely jit vcera stranou. A protoze jsem si rekla, kdyz uz tak poradne, objednala jsem si jeste Bombayskou omeletu. Uprimne jsem premyslela i o sampanu, ale nechtela jsem byt mrtva uz v jedenact rano (haha). Snidane v Dishoom je urcite prijemnou zmenou od klasickych vajicek benedict a podobne. 

Our second stop was at fantastic spa called Relax which is only two minutes from Dishoom. And before you object you should not have massage after meal we had good two hours at Dishoom so we had enough time to digest that delicious breakfast. This spa took me by surprise as the deco was very modern and very different to the more traditional spa decors. They offer great selection of massages and treatments as well as the option to shop some fantastic products including skincare, body care and candles. Let’s just say I did not leave empty handed.

And my therapist Jordan worked miracles on my shoulders. That part has always been my weakness and that is simply because of my posture. This has definitely been one of the best massages I have been to and if you follow me for a while you know massages are my thing. My friend Joanne loved it so much she said she will treat her mum for Mother’s day.

Nase dalsi zastavka byla v salonu Relax, ktery je snad jenom dve minutky od Dishoom. Hned po vstupu me prekvapil interier, ktery maji mnohem modernejsi nez jsem zvykla u klasickych lazni a salonu. Nejen ze maji skvelou nabidku masazi a jinych sluzeb, ale muzete zde nakoupit ruzne produkty vcetne relaxacnich svicek apod. No abych to tak nejak shrnula, neodesla jsem zkratka s prazdnou.

Pri vcerejsi navsteve se me ujal maser Jordan a odchazela jsem maximalne spokojena. Masaze skutecne miluju a mam vyzkouseno tolik mist a bez nejakeho prikraslovani muzu rict, ze tohle byla jedna z nejlepsich masazi, na ktere jsem byla. Opravdu zapracoval na mych kritickych mistech, coz jsou ramena. Celou dobu jsem si prala, aby masaz byla delsi, ale to ja tak mam vzdycky. Haha 

Refreshed and full of life after a wonderful session at Relax we knew it is time to splurge a bit on some new clothes. We headed straight to nearby Cos Store however if this is not your cup of tea (which would surprise me) you can always pop in to places like L.K. Bennett, Massimo Dutti or others. I tried on few things but in the end bought a gorgeous orange top with structured sleeves which I am sure you will see featured on the blog in a near future. Joanne could not resist and left with pair of jeans and a gorgeous jumper. Yes this store can be dangerous to walk in to.

A po relaxaci, kdyz mate vice energie, je cas jit nakupovat. Takovy holcici den se prece nemuze obejit bez nakupu. Vydala jsem spolu s Joanne do oblibeneho obchodu COS, ktery je opet za rohem. Pokud neni COS vas salek caje, muzete vyzkouset treba L.K. Bennett ci Massimo Dutti. Kazdy si prijde na sve. Ja jsem si vyzkousela hodne veci a nakonec jsem si koupila krasny oranzovy top, ktery urcite brzo uvidite v nejakem outfitovem clanku. 

I am over the moon that I discovered the next place we went to – Wine bar Dalla Terra. You know I am a wine girl all the way. Growing up in a wine region and working in the vineyards with my parents slowly made me to love wine more and more. I loved everything about this bar. The deco is sleek, trendy and the touch of copper on their tables just makes this place even more gorgeous. We settled in comfortable chairs by the fire place after we had a cocktail outside. As it was rainy Sunday this was such treat to snuggle by the fire with delicious food and wine.

Dalla Terra offers over 300 different types of wine but if you are more into cocktails you can rely on the barmen here as well. I was blown away by the food too and we started with some delicious antipasti, followed by wild mushroom risotto and then mouthwatering sea bass. You know a place is good when the staff can recommend a good wine to compliment your food but I know for sure I am coming back for the Riesling we had yesterday. LOL

Well, all the cocktails and wine made us a bit tipsy but at the end of the day it is a girly day after all.

Jsem opravdu vdecna, ze jsem diky teto spolupraci objevila dalsi misto, ktere jsem vcera navsitivila – Dalla Terra. Je to vinoteka, ktera serviruje vyborne jidlo a ma v nabidce vice nez 300 druhu vin. Strasne se mi libil interier a jejich medene stoly, ktere z tohoto baru udelaly jeste vice trendy misto. Nejprve nas cekal koktejl venku a pote jsem se i s Joanne usadila vedle krbu. Vcera prselo, takze tohle misto pro me bylo idealni. 

Prekvapive jidlo bylo fantasticke a urcite jsem pujdu znovu. Nekdy mam pocit, ze je tezke najit v centru dobra mista k posezeni a jidlu a vetsinou zkoncim v tech stejnych a vcera jsem si opravdu pochutnala a to nejen na jidle, ale i jejich vybornem vinu. 

Samozrejme michani koktejlu a vina neni idealni a za dve hodinky jsem to docela citila, ale co bez toho si pravy holcici den prece nemuze obejit. 

 Giggling after all the wine we finally went for the last treat of the day to Blow which is just across the road from the wine bar. What a great way to finish our perfect Sunday. Blow is one of the most popular pampering spots in London and if you do not fancy a blow dry and you want for example your make-up done this is a place to do it. You can chose from the menu what style you want and voila.

I went for the luxe blow dry and Joanne went for beach waves and let me tell you we did not want to even go home. Now writing this post on Monday morning I want to do it again.

So if you are planning a day like this you know where to go. Perhaps a little treat for your mum for Mother’s day or just fund day with your friends. I loved every single minute and hope you felt good just reading about it.

I was also trying to vlog yesterday and although it was very difficult to do with my camera I hope I have enough footage to create a good content so feel free to check my new channel over the next few days and if you do not want to miss out on this vlog make you sure you subscribe.

A ovinena a trosku vysmata jsem zakoncila s Joanne nas den v salonu, ktery se nachazi hned naproti vinoteky – Blow. Blow neni jenom kadernictvi, kde vas ucesou, ale pokud se chcete napriklad nechat nalicit, muzete si sem zajit i za timto ucelem. Zamestnanci vam daji vybrat z jejich menu – napriklad deset stylu ucesu, sest stylu liceni a do 30ti minut odchazite zkraslena. Tento koncept salonu je tady v Londyne hodne popularni. Ja jsem si vybrala z menu cislo jedna – Luxe blow dry a Joanne se rozhodla pro plazove vlny. 

Kazdopadne tohle byl uzasny zpusob jak zakoncit nas uzasny den a dnes rano, kdyz pisu tento clanek si rikam, ze bych si to dneska klidne zopakovala. 

Vcerejsi den jsem se snazila zachytit i na vlog, ktery musim teprve dat dohromady. Bylo to hrozne tezke, protoze muj Canon na tohle neni staveny, ale snad z toho neco vyjde. Takze pokud vas to zajima, hlidejte muj novy youtube kanal a aby vam video neuniklo, urcite se prihlaste k odberu mych vlogu a videi. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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