So last night a late night message from one of my best friends…I need your help. OK, I had a feeling it will be nothing serious but fun and yes! She said I am going to a Midsummer night’s dream party and I need to find a dress that is in that theme. I want to look good but not feel hot as the temperatures have been crazy here. Dolce & Gabbana had a whole collection around it but it will be impossible to source.
What was going through my mind? Dolce headbands and tiaras, flower crowns and lot of romantic vibe style dresses. First names that came to my mind Dolce & Gabbana, Zimmermann, Ermanno Scervino, Temperley and some others. If it was up to me based on what she said this one would be the winner.
So when I turned off my laptop I thought what a great inspiration article this would be. I am so glad I can share these beautiful pieces with you as well. Nothing better than Shakespeare and lovely garments.
Vcera pozde v noci mi prisla zprava od kamaradky … potrebuju pomoc. Hned jsem nejak tusila, ze to nebude nic vazneho, spis zabava a taky ze jo. A ona me poprosila at ji pomuzu najit vhodne saty na party ve stylu Sen noci svatojanske. Dolce & Gabbana meli celou stejnojmenou kolekci, ale to sehnat takhle rychle by bylo na nadlidske sily.
A hned mi zacaly vrtat hlavou napady…Dolce celenky a koruny, koruny z kvetin a hodne romantiky, rozevlate lehke saty a hedvabi. Prvnich par jmen ktera me napadla Dolce & Gabbana, Zimmermann, Ermanno Scervino, Temperley a par dalsich. Kdybych mela vybrat jedny jedine na zaklade toho co mi rekla, budou to tyhle.
No a tak me tak v noci, kdyz jsem vypnula pocitac napadlo o tom napsat clanek. Je to prece tak krasna inspirace. Shakespeare a krasne obleceni…nemusite mi rikat dvakrat. LOL
Love Glamazon xoxo