Nutcraker and Festive Feel

Oh, How much I love this time of the year. Yes we are busy with all the Christmas shopping and preparations but when you stop and relax you realise that everything around is so beautiful. Nutcraker starts to become my Christmas tradition as well as strolling around the town and enjoying the christmas lights and atmosphere. Covent Garden can be so charming. The pubs are full, people are having fantastic time and the whole place looks so festive. I went to see Nutcraker yesterday with my friend Caroline and we could not skip a good dinner before. Just a perfect start of the last weekend before Christmas.

Vanocni obdobi proste miluju. Verim, ze spousta z nas ma hodne prace s pripravou a nakupovanim vanocnich darku, ale kdyz se clovek na chvili zastavi, uvedomi si, ze vsechno kolem je proste kouzelne. Ja jsem sla vcera na Louskacka a pomalu se tohle stava mou vanocni tradici. Pred predstavenim jsem zasla na veceri s kamaradkou Caroline a opravdu jsme si uzily tu krasnou atmosferu a vyzdobu. Covent Garden je uzasne misto samo o sobe a kdyz k tomu pridate prekrasnou dekoraci, tak je jeste krasnejsi. Vsude bylo samozrejme narvano a lidi se skvele bavili a tak to ma v tuhle dobu byt. Jednoduse jsem zacala posledni vikend pred Vanoci velmi prijemne.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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