(pic source: www.refinery29.co.uk)
NYFW is here and I am watching all the visitors on snapchat from my bed. And they all have something in common…trying to stay stylish and warm. With temperatures one day at minus twenty I am not sure if I would even stick my head out of the window.
On days like this you have to dress smart. I would personally opted for heat tech tops underneath and wear lot of layers and I am sure that is what most of them are doing as well. They have big thumbs up from me for embracing minus temperature and looking so good. We all know they probably would rather be somewhere warm. However there are tricks how to fight it….layers and even several pair of socks as Martha Graeff said on her snapchat. LOL
So here is a bit of inspiration and key items to look for when you want to look so good in freezing cold.
NYFW je v plnem proudu a ja sleduju navstevniky na snapchatu z vyhrate postele. A vsichni maji letosni sezonu neco spolecneho…snazi se zustat stylovi a hlavne v teple. Teploty vcera byly kolem minus dvaceti a to je presne teplota, kdy bych ja maximalne vytahla hlavu z okna a vratila se pod perinu. Ale jak je videt, nikdo to nevzdava a vydava se vzdoru mrazu v trendy obleceni.
Vybrala jsem trosku inspirace, at vidite jak si s minus teplotami poradit ve velkem stylu. I kdyz mezi nama vime, ze nejlepe by nam bylo doma a kdyz uz venku tak ve valenkach a kozichu. Mozna jeste navic nekolikatery ponozky jak prozdradila na snapchatu Martha Graeff.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Tomu se rika inspirace. Vzdy me fascinuje street fashion na tydnech mody, sejde se tam nejvic crazy parta lidi co se tyce stylu oblekani :)