Travel: Santorini Photo Diary

It has been a while since I published any travel/photo diary post and because I am pregnant this may be a last one for a while. I am definitely planning to travel with my little one after birth but I think I will need a bit of time to adjust to my “new” lifestyle.

Anyway, I wanted to publish some of the photographs from our trip as Santorini truly is magical island. Endless stunning views, white houses, amazing food and unpredictable geology around you. I went to the red beach and visited beaches with black sand and everywhere you go there is another surprise. It would be a great trip for girlfriends just for few days as the island really is small so it is enough time to see everything.

I swear after three days we have seen everything so we decided to go back to places we loved the most like Amoudi bay. That is definitely my favourite spot. If you go do not forget to do your research about where it is good to watch the sunset as that is one thing you should do when visiting Santorini. You may use help of online tips or just ask the locals.

There is enough to do and enough to see. One thing I stayed away from was actually hiring the donkey. I am not a huge fan of using them going up and down from ports back to town. They always look so sad poor little things. Although I appreciate years and years ago the locals had no other option. Well, it still does not change the fact I do not want to support this.

Anyway, I hope these photographs will at least a bit show the beauty of this island and bring its atmosphere to your homes.

Uz je to nejakou dobu, co jsem vydala posledni travel post a jelikoz sem tehotna, tak letos cestuju opravdu mene a myslim, ze to chvilku potrva i po porodu. Budu se muset holt prizpusobit novemu zivotnimu stylu, ktery me ceka.

Kazdopadne jsem vam chtela ukazat par fotografii z posledni dovolene na Santorini. Je to opravdu prekrasny ostrov a rada bych se tam vratila. Myslim, ze uplne idelani by byla holcici dovolena na par dni, protoze ostrov je opravdu malicky a ctyri dny bohate staci. Santorini ma co nabidnout, ale nejvice jsem asi ocenila ty dechberouci vyhledy a dobre jidlo. Navic najdete v kazdem koute ostrova neuveritelnou geologii a v nekterych castech i velmi rozmanitou. Navstivila jsem red beach i plaze s cernym piskem a vubec kazdy kout prinesl neco noveho. Je to podle me idealni misto na holcici dovolenou na par dnu. Myslim, ze tyden je na ostrove docela dost vzhledem k velikosti. Mela jsem pocit, ze za tri dny jsem byla vsude a pak uz jsem se chtela vracet jenom na oblibena mista jako napriklad Amoudi bay.

Take se vyplati najit nejake dobre misto na sledovani zapadu slunce, ale o tom vam kazdy pruvodce ci mistni reknou sve. Jedna z veci, ktere jsem se vyhnula byl pronajem oslika. Nejsem fanousek toho, ze se pouzivaji na noseni zbozi a lidi a prijde mi, ze v ktere zemi jsem, tak vypadaji tak strasne smutne. Nemaji to v zivote jednoduche. I kdyz chapu, ze pred lety to byl jediny zpusob dopravy z pristavu nahoru na skaly a take zpusob jak dopravit zbozi do mesta.

Doufam, ze vam fotografie alespon trosku priblizi krasy ostrova.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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