Keep Smiling

Good Morning Darlings,
I honestly sit on my sofa thinking where has this year gone? Time passes so quickly and things happen in the same pace that you realize every year that it is over and time to start again.
Year 2012 was mixed for me but as I am a firm believer in positive thinking I just want to say keep smiling.
Happy New Year 2013.
Sedim na pohovce a premyslim, kam se ten rok podel? Cas bezi opravdu rychle a veci se odehravaji ve stejne rychlosti, ze si clovek ani neuvedomi, ze je tu konec roku a cas zacit jako novy.
Rok 2012 byl smiseny, ale protoze jsem clovek, ktery veri v pozitivni mysleni, sireni radosti, lasky a pohody, tak vam snad jenom poradim do dalsiho roku se proste stale usmivat.
Hodne stesti do roku 2013 preju vsem.
Love Glamazon xoxo

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