Tag Archives: allsaints

Outfit: Embroidered Tunic

Wearing: Sunglasses: Rayban, Shoes: Charles Keith, Dress/Top: Shein, Shorts: All Saints

Strangely enough this tunic really reminds me of local traditional costumes and yes people have raised it when they saw me wearing it. However, that is fashion, isn’t ? Fashion is looking into different sources of different heritage, eras and areas for inspiration. That is what brings each season new and new trends.

Also I think I couldn’t find a better spot for shooting this than this traditional wooden house right? Being back in London is amazing but it does not mean I will not miss beautiful Czech countryside. The weather was beyond gorgeous and I loved not wearing makeup on most days.

Tahle tunika mi pripomina nase mistni tradicni kroje a abych vam pravdu rekla dokonce mi to na Morave i par lidi reklo. Ale o tom moda je. Moda hleda inspiraci v tradicich, ruznych erach a oblastech. A to prave kazdou sezonu prinasi nove trendy. Recyklujeme stare napady a navrhy. 

A myslim, ze jsem pro fotky nemohla najit lepsi misto nez tuhle roztomilou roubenku. Je super byt zpatky v Londyne, ale to neznamena, ze mi nebude chybet krasne pocasi, co jsem si na Morave uzila a take fakt, ze jsem temer nenosila makeup. LOL 

 Love Glamazon


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Outfit: Taste of Czech Summer

Pictures by Iva

Wearing: Bag: Chanel, Shorts: Allsaints, Shoes: Saint Laurent, Top: Shein, Sunglasses: Rayban

I am back in London after few weeks of travelling and it is nice to be back. That does not change the fact I had wonderful time in Ireland and Czech. In case you want to see what is Czech summer all about check out my vlog. And there are still so many things I love and did not do like cycling or going to one of gorgeous spots nearby. Well, next time I guess. Everything we did reminded me of my childhood and teenage memories and to do it with my two great friends and family was even nicer. I can feel tear in my eye just thinking how lovely it was.

When I was leaving London I had this image in my mind I will be doing lot of work, write my book and shoot. In the end it turned out I really needed to slow down and have a bit of rest. Also certain affairs, books and people helped me to discover new things about myself and open eyes. I know exactly who I want to be, where I want to be and who I want to surround myself with so lets begin a new and exciting journey.

So if I write about meditation, auras and universe I did not go mental just more inquisitive. LOL

Jsem zpatky v Londyne po par tydnech cestovani a je to hezke byt zpatky. To ale nemeni nic na tom, ze jsem si to v Irsku i v Cesku hrozne uzila. Pokud chcete videt, jak jsem si uzivala typicke Ceske leto, tak se podivejte v mem nejnovejsi vlogu. A presto jsem nestihla zvladnout vsechny veci, ktere mam rada. Treba se jet projet na kole. Ale i tak mi to vsechno pripomelo detstvi a pubertu a o to vice, kdyz jsem travila hodne casu s kamaradkama, ktere byly “doma” ve stejnou dobu. Muzu vam rict, ze kdyz ted tak premyslim jak super to bylo, ze mam i slzu (radosti samozrejme) na krajicku. 

Kdyz jsem odjizdela z Londyna, tak jsem si rikala, kolik udelam doma prace, kolik toho napisu do sve knihy a kolik toho nafotim. A byl to opak. Asi jsem to proste potrebovala…trosku vypnout. A taky jsem si diky jistym udalostem uvedomila tolik veci a otevrela oci. Vim kym chci byt a co chci delat a kym se chci obklopovat. Zkratka mi moje dovolena opravdu prospela. 

A kdyz tady budu zminovat veci jako meditace, aury a vesmir tak jsem se nezblaznila. Spise sama sebe poznavam. LOL 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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