Tag Archives: bulgari

Be happy right now

Wearing: Bag: Bulgari, Boots: River Island, Dress: De la vali via Luisaviaroma, Sunglasses: Le Specs

Being happy?! What does it mean and why do I write about it so much?! It feels like every day we have our ups and downs and you also hear it from other people. After many years I finally realised if you want to be happy you have to be happy right here and right now!

Easier said than done but that is the only way. It does not matter if you do not have as glamorous holiday booked as your friends or if you live in a small room that you are renting out. You have to feel happy right here and right now that is the only way.

Otherwise we end up chasing something that may never come and I am pretty confident if you find a way to be happy with what you have and love yourself as you are right now…those better things will start happening.

I start to feel that the puzzle in my life that was broken is finally coming together. And if I actually think of it there are lot of ‘problems’ in my life but I am taking the life more with a flow. Certain things are meant to be and you have to accept it and look at things from positive point of view.

I am really trying to see good things in the smallest things in life and encourage other people to feel the same. Of course I still love my designer bags and great food in a trendy restaurant however I can feel happy just running around in the park with Liam. It is all about being grateful and feeling love.

And the same comes to you and how you see yourself. I do not have a perfect figure and I do not look like a supermodel but I actually am happier with myself than ever before. You have to accept yourself as you are. After all I am and so are you perfect in our own way.

Byt stastny? Co to vubec znamena a proc to tak casto zminuju? Mam pocit, ze kazdy den na me vyskakuji pribehy lidi kolem, kteri si stezuji a kdyz se na to podivam, vlastne nemaji proc. Ono se to rekne, ze kdyz mame pocit, ze ten druhy ma vse na co si vzpomene, ale jak muzeme vedet, co se odehrava uvnitr jejich hlavy a srdce. A to je prave ono. Je treba by stastny tady a ted. A nezalezi na tom kolik mame v garazi aut, jakou dovolenou jsme si zarezervovali, ci jestli mame vetsi televizi nez soused. At uz jste kdekoli a delato to ci ono, je treba se citit stastny s tim co mame. 

Ja moc o negativnich vecech na socialnich medii nemluvim. Obcas zminim nevyspani, ale kazdy snad pochopi, ze jako rodic je na tom stejne spoustu lidi, ale kdyz se na to podivam z jineho uhlu, tak to nevyspani tech par let, kdyz miminko neni spac vlastne neni takova tragedie. A verte, ze i ja a moji blizci maji problemy, ty maji vsichni. Jde o to ale jak se na ne divame. Podle me nema cenu jeste sirit negativitu a stiznosti a hlasat je do sveta. Komu to prospeje? Nikomu. Snazim se to  brat tak, ze proste nektere veci maji tak proste byt a nic s tim neudelam. A proste jdu dal.

Byt stastny tady a ted je takova cesta…nekonecna cesta, ale verim, ze kdyz budu spokojena s tim co mam, ze opravdu zacnou prichazet lepsi a lepsi veci. Je dobre a dulezite mit ambice, ale abyste je dosahli, musite byt spokojeni uz tady ted, protoze se pak muze clovek hnat a hnat a nebude nikdy spokojeny. 

A to same plati i o tom jak se stavime k sobe samym. Prestoze jsem starsi a jde to videt, mam sve telo radsi nez drive. Vim, ze bych mohla veci vylepsit, byt hubenejsi, mit vetsi prsa a mensi zadek, ale co prijimam se takova jaka jsem. Svym zpusobem dokonala. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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How to look feminine on Valentines Day

Wearing: Shoes: Manolo Blahnik, Skirt: Storets, Top: Zara, Earrings: Soru Jewellery, Bag: Bulgari


No matter if you like or do not like Valentines Day I believe it is always good to make things special. I love to encourage women to feel good, look good and make things little bit more glamorous on any occasion. It is not to do it for your other half or for others but simply for you.

So I wanted to share with you this look that could be easily worn on Valentines and share some favourite new products that could help you to achieve this look. I feel Valentines should be about touches of red. Red for me is a colour of love and passion and small things like red lips make women look powerful and strong. In this look I have concentrated more on the lips which are key and used my new Guerlain La Petite Robe Noire Lip Colour Ink. 

I have also opted for more glowing look which would look fantastic during candle lit dinner. And I cannot forget to mention that right fragrance for you. You should use something you absolutely love and something that makes the day and evening more special. I have opted for Tom Ford Vanille Fatale which blew me away when I tried it first time.

As you can see I am wearing simple polo neck however the rest of the outfit is more luxurious and feminine. I was simply thinking that this years Valentines Day is on Wednesday and lot of women may be rushing for dinner after work and polo necks are very office friendly. All you need to do is to bring an interesting skirt, small evening back and pair of heels to work and quickly change. You could also transfer your look with simple white shirt and other classic pieces.

No matter what you are doing this year on Valentines day make sure you have the best time ever and you feel great. And of course it is all about LOVE.

At uz mate Valentyna radi ci ne, ja verim, ze je dobre se vzdy trosku snazit vypadat hezky a udelat si hezky den, at uz je prilezitosit jakakoli. Nejde o to si rict, ze se upravite pro sveho muze ci pro druhe, ale jde o vas. Jde hlavne o to tyhle veci delat pro sebe a citit se jako silna a krasna zena.

A tak jsem si rekla, ze s vami budu sdilet tento look, ktery se da klidne pouzit na Valentynskou veceri, ale nejen na tu. Mam spoustu novych uzasnych kosmetickych produktu, ktere jsem vam chtela ukazat.

Jak vite mam rada rtenky, pokud mi da nekdo vybrat stiny ci rtenku, bude to ve vetsine pripadech vzdy rtenka a tentokrat jsem sla do klasicke cervene od Guerlain, ktera je novinkou na trhu. Cervena je vubec pro me symbolem lasky a vasne, takze vlastne cely muj look je cerno cerveny a to jsem zkratka ja. 

Celkove jsem sla do makeupu, ktery neni moc matny, myslim, ze takovy look by vypadal hezky u vecere pri svickach. A nesmim take zapomenout na vyber parfemu. Vune v takovy den by mela byt jedinecna a sexy a ja jsem tentokrat zvolila muj novy Tom Ford Vanille Fatale, ktery jsem si okamzite zamilovala. 

Jak vidite mam na sobe opet klasicky rolak (je to snad muj nejoblibenejsi kousek), ale myslela jsem na to, ze spousta zen bude na Valentyna v praci a na veceri pobezi primo z kancelare. Podle me jsou rolaky urcite vhodne do spousty pracovnich prostredi a tak uz potom jenom staci sbalit vecerni kabelku, sukni a hezke boty. To same muzete udelat napriklad, kdyz mate v praci bilou kosili. 

At uz slavite ci neslavite, cokoli budete letos na Valentyna delat, tak si to uzijte a nezapomente, ze tento den je hlavne o LASCE. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: Bring on the Christmas spirit

Pictures: Dela Fard

Wearing: Boots: River Island, Bag: Bulgari, Dress: Shein

I am writing this post in the middle of madness. I have been non stop for the last few days and last week was pretty much so hard that I felt I have zero energy. At the same time I knew this was coming. Busy period before Christmas and at the same looking after Liam pretty much 24/7. We make our own life right?

I am still happy for it.  We constantly do something and I am not the type of person that can sit still for too long. I need action LOL. And to all this I decided to do vlogmas on my youtube channel and I will be also doing daily giveaway for the 12 Days of Christmas so make sure you subscribe and watch our December adventure.

So I am now officially ready to bring the Christmas spirit to my life.

Tento post pisu v dalsim kolotoci. Minuly tyden jsem se nezastavila a byla jsem o vikendu tak vycerpana, ze jsem mela pocit, ze mi klesla energie na bod nula. Ale vlastne jsem tohle cekala. Pred Vanoci se vzdy rozjede neskutecnym zpusobem a do toho se staram o Liamka 24/7. Ale jak vzdy rikam, zivot si vytvarime jenom my. 

Kazdopadne jsem za to rada, porad neco podnikame a i kdyz mi nekdy “nervama” vyletavaji oci z dulku, stejne si to uzivam. Nejsem typ cloveka, co dokaze dlouho sedet bez nejakeho deni. A aby toho nebylo malo, rozhodla jsem udelat vlogmas na mem youtube kanale. Kazdy den po prvnich dvanact dni budu poradat soutez o luxusni kosmetiku a veci, takze se urcite prihlaste k odberu, at vam nic neunikne a samy si muzete pak pod stromecek nadelit neco pekneho. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Outfit: Is it Christmas Yet?

Pictures by Hazel Hurley 

Wearing: Bag: Bulgari, Boots: River Island, Skirt: New Look, Blazer: Zara, Top: Kit & Ace, Earrings: Zara

It is 5:30 in the morning and I cannot sleep. This is what 14 months of a motherhood does to you. As soon as I took my laptop and wanted to write I hear baby Liam who is ready to conquer the day. Oh, well I guess it is time to wake up properly and start another day. He has never been a good sleeper but I am even happy for how he is now because the start of our journey was tough. He used to wake up 10 times a night and I remember vaguely how hard it was to get 40 mins long intervals of sleep if we can call it this way.

These pictures were taken few weeks ago and now the weather is at the point when I could not wear just a blazer so perhaps a nice long coat throw over the shoulders would work with this. If you want to see more from the shoot you can watch this video.  Are you also amazed how quickly the time flies this year. I feel I am stuck somewhere in March and here we go it is almost Christmas. I wanted to do so many things including finishing my book and I am still on chapter 4. I simply do not have the capacity to do more.

Anyway, I am putting together Christmas content for the blog and youtube so stay tuned but for those who do not want to wait I have created a Pinterest board when I am adding gift ideas. So you may find some inspiration.

Je 5:30 rano a nemuzu spat. Za to muze fakt, ze jsem uz 14 mesicu mama a taky to, ze Liam neni zadny spac, ale jsem rada i za to jak spi, protoze zacatky byly teda krusnejsi. Desetkrat za noc k nemu vstavat byl standard a 40ti minutove intervaly “spanku” taky. Kazdopadne uz ho slysim v jeho pokojicku, takze je opet vzhuru a chce celit novemu dni. Treba to ma po me. LOL Je zkratka k nezastaveni.

Tyhle fotografie jsem fotila uz pred par tydny a nejak jsem se nedostala k tomu, abych je publikovala. Kazdopadne ted uz je mnohem chladneji a musela bych si na sto procent pres sebe prehodit treba dlouhy kabat. Pokud se chcete podivat na video z foceni, mrkenete tady.  Taky vam obcas prijde, ze cas leti nezrizenym zpusobem? Mam pocit, ze jsem se zarazila nekde na jare a nechapu, kam se cely rok podel. Nesplnila jsem tolik veci, co jsem chtela, protoze se proste nemuzu rozkrajet. 

Vanoce jsou za dvermi a ja zacinam pomalu pracovat na materialu na blog a youtube. A pokud se vam nechce cekat, vytvorila jsem inspiracni nastenku na svem Pinterestu, kde pridavam napady na darky. Tak treba vam neco padne do oka. 

Love Glamazon xoxo


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