During my life I have had several “traumatic” experiences with my hair. Especially as a teenager when I was trying to find myself until I realised what I feel the best in. There were couple of times they cut my hair so short that I cried for days. There were times when I wanted to get rid of red hair colour and not only I had allergic reaction but I also ended up with pink hair after. So at those points I decided I will not listen to hairdressers when it comes to their ideas about my cut and so on. That was my rule. And for a long time I sticked to it. I came to all hairdressers with a vision and did not let them to change my mind. Until few months ago…
A very well known hairdresser said I should do this and that and I left in tears. He cut it way too short and also created layers which I did not know how to work with. Well, lesson learnt. I am now again on a mission to grow my hair and get them to the best possible health.
However, I noticed my hair got much drier and the health wasn’t what it was before. I went through an awful infection about a year ago and my hair lost it’s shine and got much drier during that month. It was a big breaking point for me. It is never good news for somebody that is keen to grow their hair.
This was all until I started to use 3 More Inches Life Saver Pre Wash treatment by Michael Van Clarke. I was invited to try the treatment in the salon and what a pleasant experience it was. Everybody listened to what I want but also even after that one visit I saw a visible change to my hair. So I could not wait to start to use this at home. I have been now using the treatment, shampoo and conditioner for few months and things are getting so much better.
The whole collection of products is fantastic. I use the treatment minimum once a week and you get the best results when you sleep with it. The hair soaks it in so you do not have to worry about wet pillow case. And you simply continue with shampoo and conditioner in the morning. It is silicone-free products and it contains cashmere protein that help to repair the hair. I am not there yet fully with the length and the health but I have noticed huge improvement and that feels amazing.
It is all about getting on the right path and keep the right routine to achieve what you want.
Za svuj zivot jsem si zazila nekolik “traumatickych” situaci u kadernika. Hlavne jako teenager. Jednou me ostrihali tak, ze jsem brecela tydny. Podruhe mi stahovala kadernice cervenou barvu a nejen, ze jsem dostala alergickou reakci, ale nakonec jsem mela vlasy ruzove. Nikdy na to nezapomenu, protoze jsem jela na stredni na vylet do Londyna a komenty na me ruzove vlasy prichazely jeden za druhym. No a tenkrat jsem se zarekla, ze uz nenecham kadernikum volnou ruku. Pujdu si vzdy za svou vizi a z te neslevim. Zkratka budu poslouchat sebe a ne kadernika.
No a to jsem nedavno bohuzel porusila a opet jsem odchazela zklamana. Nebylo to tak dramaticke, ale jeden velmi znamy kadernik, ktere striha a cese ty nejvetsi svetove hvezdy me presvedcil, ze vi nejlepe. Nevedel!!! Vlasy si mi zkratil opravdu mnohem vice a take prostrihal, coz mi uplne zmenilo strih a ja si proste nevedela rady se stylingem. A v ten moment jsem si rekla a dost, chci vlasy nechat rust a pracovat na zdravi vlasu a hydratovat. Pro nekoho nudne, ale hlavni je, ze se to co mate na hlave libi vam. Je to o pocitu a vnitrni spokojenosti.
Nejvetsi negativni zmenu jsem zaznamenala na vlasech asi pred rokem, kdy jsem dostala silnou infekci a skoncila na mesic v posteli. Prvni dva tydny jsem temer nemohla nic snist a to se opravdu podepsalo pozdeji na pleti i vlasech. Obecne mam sussi vlasy, protoze jsou vlnite a tohle me opravdu dorazilo. Pro nekoho kdo chce nechat vlasy rust a libi se mu zdrave, dlouhe vlasy je to tohle rana pod pas.
A tohle vse se udalo predtim nez jsem zacala pouzivat vlasovou masku, kterou si aplikujete pred umytim od Michael Van Clarke. Jmenuje se 3 More Inches Life Saver a je to oblibeny produkt mnoha celebrit. Michael pomaha spoustu znamym osobnostem s rustem vlasu a celkovym uzdravenim. Nejprve jsem navstivila salon, kde jsem si kuru vyzkousela a uz po prvni navsteve jsem videla velky rozdil.
Moc jsem se tesila , az budu produkty pouzivat doma. Nejlepsi vysledek je vzdy tehdy, kdyz s kurou ve vlasech spim. Vlasy krasne produkt nasaji, takze nemate mokry polstar a rano si vlasy vzdy umyju samponem ze stejne rady a potom aplikuji kondicioner. Uspech produktu je hlavne v tom, ze neobsahuje silikon a ma v sobe hodne kasmirovych proteinu, ktere pomahaji obnovit strukturu vlasu.
Nemuzu rict, ze jsem co se tyce vlasu, tam kde chci, ale uz ted vidim velke zlepseni. Vlasy jsou zdravejsi a nechavam je rust. Tato kura navic prospiva i me citlive pokozce hlavy, prestoze mi bezne mnoho produktu nesedi. Jsem rada, ze jsem na spravne ceste a o tom to je. Takze hura zdravym a dlouhym vlasum a jedeme dal.
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