Tag Archives: Beauty

10 Autumn and Halloween nails desing ideas


Autumn is in full swing and Halloween is round the corner. Not everybody is a huge fan of Halloween however halloween nails come highly in search on so many platforms that I decided to bring you my favourite autumn vibe nail ideas.

I am not personally such a good fan of crazy nail designs but tried to cherry pick the best yet wearable nails to get you in to the halloween spirit. In general I love burgundy and cherry red shades and I also love browns and khaki shades for this time of the year. I am a simple kind of girl but there are so many halloween lovers so nothing wrong with little ghost or spider web for living your halloween life for few weeks.

I can really see myself personally wearing lot of mink tones, grey or even black and keep things very simple but it is not for everybody and there are just many girls that stick to one thing. I personally love the first image very much and despite each nail looking so different the whole design is so cohesive and really brings on the right atmosphere.

Whether you go to salon to have your nails done or do it at home here is some inspiration for you. You can also browse my favourite burgundy nail varnishes that are very affordable. If you are like me and decide to go for more simplicity you can look at my personal favourites at Amazon. The khaki shade is incredible for autumn and one of my top shades.

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Victoria Beckham approves this facialist – Sarah Chapman facial review


It is known that Sarah Champan is a facialist for many A-listers including Hollywood stars, supermodels and Victoria Beckham herself shared that she is the secret to her glow.

I was over the moon to be able to try one of their more express facials which is great solution for those who are looking for a quick fix. If you prefer to get out and have it done in the salon rather than home spa. I may not have had Sarah Chapman herself but I had the honour to be treated by the loveliest facialist Charlotte. Sarah Chapman’s store and salon is just off Sloane Square – Skinesis clinic. The store is so well located and downstairs amongst all the fantastic products you have something called Glow Zone where these shorter period facials are done and you also find more private space with LED light machine.

I opted for Glow Boost + LED therapy and loved every second. Charlotte created comfortable environment, gave me water when I had to fill in health form and then provided cosy blanket for the treatment. The glow boost took 20 minutes and then it was followed by LED therapy. This treatment costs 65 £ and if you decide to try the LED therapy the total is 100 £. The focus is for the client to leave with glowing skin. I can swear the result was exactly what the brand promises. Although I am not a supermodel I decided to show you the picture after the facial without any makeup, filter or retouching.

The facial is very relaxing. We started with cleansing steps and Charlotte suggested 10 % lactic acid peel to help with my texture. It is usually one of the main concerns. My favourite part as always was the massage which Sarah Champan is so famous for. When the facialist gave me sheet mask she did hand massage when the mask was doing it’s magic. And that is always very relaxing and incredible touch.

I can highly recommend this as a quick facial on the go or if you have important occasion and you want to get your skin ready for the big event. It is also fairly priced considering the location and the name of the brand.

I was keen to share with you also the products Charlotte shared specifically during my bespoke facial.

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Beauty Products you will love this winter

I am a huge fan of season changes but that also means lot of adjustments for my body, lifestyle and also skincare. I like the idea of living somewhere warm but I know I would miss what each season has to offer. On the other hand even things like skincare require lot of thought.

I wanted to share with you some products I have been loving recently and most of these are perfect winter months companions.

Let’s start with Decleor Night Balm which is one of my top products by this brand. It has got aromatherapy function as well as it is hydrating product for your skin. If you love more natural products you will love this. For me it works on those days when I had very tiring day, it helps me relax and gives my skin lot of goodness. Perfect for winter evenings. Dr David Jack Face Paints especially this Blue one are fantastic all year long but this blue is great if you love using peels but want to keep your skin hydrated. I think the Blue peel works fantastic in the winter as we need to renew the skin, get rid of dullness and also keep our skin hydrated. I have used this many times and it never fails. It is truly fantastic product.

Nuxe shimmering dry body oil is a product I had to mention. Yes not everybody is keen on shimmer and you may want to use the regular one but for all the winter parties this is a perfect choice. Not only your skin will be hydrated but you will be Queen of the NYE party. Drunk Elephant A-Passioni Retinol cream is a product I fell madly in love with. I know some people say it is too strong for them but I add it to my skincare routine twice a week and it works wonders. It is one of the best Retinol products I have ever tried.

I wanted to include Herseson’s  Almost Everything cream product as I have been really enjoying it as a part of my hair styling routine. And I think the creamy texture is perfect for winter month plus it smells divine. Clinique Moisture surge hydrating lotion is a fab product that helps to prep your skin for serum and cream application. Winter makes our skin dehydrated and we need to work a bit harder to keep it balanced. This product will help you to multiply the effect and your skin will be left dewy. La Mer Renewal oil is one of the best products ever. It is one of my hero products and I use it all year long however I feel in the winter it gives me that reassurance of hydrated and fresh looking skin. Plus it always gives me that feel of luxury.

Gallinee Probiotic Body Milk is my favourite and go to product from this brand. I had to mention it as it has been a body milk of choice for me this winter. It contains probiotics, hydrates and leaves my skin smooth. I have been loving this products so much. Barbara Sturm Ski Cream is my newest addition out of these but I have been dying to try so much from this brand. This is a proper winter cream designed for skiing lovers (that I am anyway) and it gives extra protection on the slopes. However it can be used anytime and anywhere. I am keen to try so much more from Dr Barbara Sturm as her facials as well as supplements have got fabulous reviews. This product got me even more keen.

This is my winter top products round up. And what is your favourite winter skincare product? Anything I should try myself from your favourites?


Miluju rocni obdobi a vsechny zmeny, ktere prinasi. Jsou ti co chteji bydlet jenom v teple, ale  osobne by mi chybely zmeny pocasi. I kdyz v nekterych vecech prinasi zmeny hodne nevyhod, at uz je to zmena zivotniho stylu, potreba vice obleceni a take to ma casto dopad na nasi plet. 

Ja jsem v posledni dobe pouzivala tyto produkty a vetsina z nich jsou skveli partaci na chladnejsi mesice. Tak se na ne pojdme podivat. 

Decleor Night balm je jeden z mych top produktu od teto znacky. Jestli mate radsi prirodni znacky a bavi vas aromaterepie, stoji to za vyzkouseni. Maji nekolik vuni a ja je osobne pouzivam v ty vecery, kdy jsem hodne unavena. Pomahaji mi relaxovat a uvolnit se. Idealni na chladne ponure vecery. Dr David Jack Paints a obvzlast tato modra jsou vyborne na zimni dny. Jsou to vlastne klasicke peels, ale tato modra zaroven hydratuje. A to je presne co chci v zimnich mesicich, obnova pokozky, zarivejsi plet a hydratace. Je to vytecny produkt. 

Nuxe Shimmering dry body oil je vyborny produkt a tento zaruci, ze se budete na Silvestrovskem vecirku nadherne trpytit. Samozrejme klasicky Nuxe olej je vyborny, ale proc si nedoprat neco malo navic. Drunk Elephant A-Passioni Retinol cream je produkt, do ktereho jsem se totalne zamilovala. Pouzivam ho teprve par tydnu, ale muzu s prehledem rici, ze je to jeden z nejlepsich retinolovych produktu, co jsem zkusila. Vim, ze recenze jsou takove, ze pro nektere jedince je dost silny, ale ja jsem velmi spokojena. Do meho vyberu jsem chtela zaradit i stylingovy produkt ze staje Hersesons, protoze me bavi jeho kremova konzistence i vune. Myslim, ze v zimnim obdobi je to naprosto vytecny produkt pro vase vlasy. 

Clinique Moisture surge hydrating lotion vam krasne pripravi plet na dalsi kroky jako sera a kremy. V zime je treba dodat vasi pleti spoustu hydratace a tento vyborny produkt vam efekt jeste znasobi. La Mer Renewal oil je jeden z mych top produktu vubec. Pouzivam ho cely rok. V lete spise pridavam kapku do sera ci kremu, v zime spise vrstvim. Miluju oleje a tento mi dava pocit luxusu a hydratace. Gallinee Probiotic body milk je muj nejoblibenejsi produkt od teto znacky. Obsahuje probiotika a krasne hydratuje. Prakticky ho pouzivam temer exklusivne a tak si zminku urcite zaslouzi. 

Dr Barbara Sturm Ski Cream je nejnovejsi prirustek z techto zminovanych a hrozne jsem chtela od teto znacky neco vyzkouset a ted chci jeste vice. Je to produkt vylozene na zimni obdobi, ale nemusite ho pouzivat pouze na svahu. Zatim jsem moc spokojena, ale ted touzim vyzkouset od teto znacky mnohem vice. 

A jaka ja vase oblibena kosmetika v zimnim obdobi? Na co nedate dopustit? 


Beauty: My Hair Journey and Love for 3 More Inches Treatment

During my life I have had several “traumatic” experiences with my hair. Especially as a teenager when I was trying to find myself until I realised what I feel the best in. There were couple of times they cut my hair so short that I cried for days. There were times when I wanted to get rid of red hair colour and not only I had allergic reaction but I also ended up with pink hair after. So at those points I decided I will not listen to hairdressers when it comes to their ideas about my cut and so on. That was my rule. And for a long time I sticked to it. I came to all hairdressers with a vision and did not let them to change my mind. Until few months ago…

A very well known hairdresser said I should do this and that and I left in tears. He cut it way too short and also created layers which I did not know how to work with. Well, lesson learnt. I am now again on a mission to grow my hair and get them to the best possible health.

However, I noticed my hair got much drier and the health wasn’t what it was before. I went through an awful infection about a year ago and my hair lost it’s shine and got much drier during that month. It was a big breaking point for me. It is never good news for somebody that is keen to grow their hair.

This was all until I started to use 3 More Inches Life Saver Pre Wash treatment by Michael Van Clarke. I was invited to try the treatment in the salon and what a pleasant experience it was. Everybody listened to what I want but also even after that one visit I saw a visible change to my hair. So I could not wait to start to use this at home. I have been now using the treatment, shampoo and conditioner for few months and things are getting so much better.

The whole collection of products is fantastic. I use the treatment minimum once a week and you get the best results when you sleep with it. The hair soaks it in so you do not have to worry about wet pillow case. And you simply continue with shampoo and conditioner in the morning. It is silicone-free products and it contains cashmere protein that help to repair the hair. I am not there yet fully with the length and the health but I have noticed huge improvement and that feels amazing.

It is all about getting on the right path and keep the right routine to achieve what you want.

Za svuj zivot jsem si zazila nekolik “traumatickych” situaci u kadernika. Hlavne jako teenager. Jednou me ostrihali tak, ze jsem brecela tydny. Podruhe mi stahovala kadernice cervenou barvu a nejen, ze jsem dostala alergickou reakci, ale nakonec jsem mela vlasy ruzove. Nikdy na to nezapomenu, protoze jsem jela na stredni na vylet do Londyna a komenty na me ruzove vlasy prichazely jeden za druhym. No a tenkrat jsem se zarekla, ze uz nenecham kadernikum volnou ruku. Pujdu si vzdy za svou vizi a z te neslevim. Zkratka budu poslouchat sebe a ne kadernika.

No a to jsem nedavno bohuzel porusila a opet jsem odchazela zklamana. Nebylo to tak dramaticke, ale jeden velmi znamy kadernik, ktere striha a cese ty nejvetsi svetove hvezdy me presvedcil, ze vi nejlepe. Nevedel!!! Vlasy si mi zkratil opravdu mnohem vice a take prostrihal, coz mi uplne zmenilo strih a ja si proste nevedela rady se stylingem. A v ten moment jsem si rekla a dost, chci vlasy nechat rust a pracovat na zdravi vlasu a hydratovat. Pro nekoho nudne, ale hlavni je, ze se to co mate na hlave libi vam. Je to o pocitu a vnitrni spokojenosti. 

Nejvetsi negativni zmenu jsem zaznamenala na vlasech asi pred rokem, kdy jsem dostala silnou infekci a skoncila na mesic v posteli. Prvni dva tydny jsem temer nemohla nic snist a to se opravdu podepsalo pozdeji na pleti  i vlasech. Obecne mam sussi vlasy, protoze jsou vlnite a tohle me opravdu dorazilo. Pro nekoho kdo chce nechat vlasy rust a libi se mu zdrave, dlouhe vlasy je to tohle rana pod pas. 

A tohle vse se udalo predtim nez jsem zacala pouzivat vlasovou masku, kterou si aplikujete pred umytim od Michael Van Clarke. Jmenuje se 3 More Inches Life Saver a je to oblibeny produkt mnoha celebrit. Michael pomaha spoustu znamym osobnostem s rustem vlasu a celkovym uzdravenim. Nejprve jsem navstivila salon, kde jsem si kuru vyzkousela a uz po prvni navsteve jsem videla velky rozdil.

Moc jsem se tesila , az budu produkty pouzivat doma. Nejlepsi vysledek je vzdy tehdy, kdyz s kurou ve vlasech spim. Vlasy krasne produkt nasaji, takze nemate mokry polstar a rano si vlasy vzdy umyju samponem ze stejne rady a potom aplikuji kondicioner. Uspech produktu je hlavne v tom, ze neobsahuje silikon a ma v sobe hodne kasmirovych proteinu, ktere pomahaji obnovit strukturu vlasu. 

Nemuzu rict, ze jsem co se tyce vlasu, tam kde chci, ale uz ted vidim velke zlepseni. Vlasy jsou zdravejsi a nechavam je rust. Tato kura navic prospiva i me citlive pokozce hlavy, prestoze mi bezne mnoho produktu nesedi. Jsem rada, ze jsem na spravne ceste a o tom to je. Takze hura zdravym a dlouhym vlasum a jedeme dal.


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