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3 Books to start with to learn about Law of attraction

Wearing: Dress: Allsaints, Shoes: Castaner, Belt: Black & Brown, Blazer: River Island, Sunglasses: Celine, Bag: Zara

Law of attraction has been all over social media. I am amazed by how many influencers have been talking about it, using it to achieve their goals and changing their lives to the best possible way of life. So many people are still very sceptical about if that works, what it is and some even laugh. Well, we all chose what we want so nobody is forcing others to believe it or live by it.

I discovered law of attraction 11 years ago. I know shocking. It was at the time when I had my first professional job in London and started to read the Secret. I wish I got other books in hand right after it.  Secret is only that first introduction to this spiritual world and you need to educate yourself so much more. As not everybody can read just this and then nail it. The key to everything is your subconscious mind and your ego not so much and that could be a hurdle for lot of people.

Anyway, if you are at the very beginning of learning how it works and you want to start using the law of attraction I would recommend to start these three books. They are easy to read, will motivate you and will get you excited. They will start your journey and help you to understand this new positive way of life.

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne – This book is almost a dummy guide to it all. It is the beginning of everything and will help you with the introduction. You will be motivated to find out more, you will be motivated to change. However, not all knowledge can be written in one book so you need to follow up and educate yourself more. You need more detail and you need to know how to actually change a way of thinking. This is definitely a great book to start with.

The Power by Rhonda Byrne – I started to understand more when I read The Power. It has got more guidance on how to change your way of thinking. How to attract money, health. It has more tips on how to deal with negative thoughts and this is the start of your journey. You know about the law of attraction from the Secret and now it is time to start to introduce it to your life. If I am having a bad period in my life or I feel I went off my path I grab this book and read it again. I find it more motivating than Secret and it explains things into more detail.

You are a Badass by Jen Sincero – This is one of my favourite self-help books I have read. It is written in a fun way, more modern, more current and it gives lot of tips. This is also a book which shows how much your subconscious mind works and how it is a key to everything. This book motivates me so much and I know I will read it again and again. At the back of the book the author also gives tips on other great books and most of them I loved reading too. This book is almost like a more modern version of the Secret with more detail and that is what you need to understand it more in depth.

These three books are a great intro to the whole Law of attraction way of living. There are so many other good books but if you read these three you are then ready take things to the next level. You are about to discover the most wonderful new world.

Zakon pritazlivosti je vsude kolem nas a v posledni dobou se s nim roztrhl velky pytel. Socialni media, blogeri a vsichni kolem v poslednich par mesicich rozjeli obrovskou kampan na to jak zlepsit svuj zivot, jak dosahnout svych cilu, jak se uzdravit apod. Nekdo je porad skepticky, nekdo se tomu dokonce i smeje, ale kazdy jsme na sve ceste v jine pozici, v jinem bodu a ti co neveri, nejsou jeste pripraveni se na tuto cestu vydat.

Ja jsem objevila Zakon pritazlivosti pred jedenacti lety, az se mi nechce verit, ze uz tak dlouho. Mela jsem svoji prvni profesionalni praci, byla ekonomicka krize a dostala se mi do rukou kniha Tajemstvi. Dnes si rikam, ze kdybych tenkrat vedela, ze potrebuju hned dalsi a dalsi knihy, abych vse pochopila do detailu, vse bude zase jinak. Ale vse je tak jak ma byt v ten spravny cas.

Tajemstvi je super, je to takovy prvni pruvodce a diky tomu vstoupite do spiritualniho sveta a zjistite, ze si vlastne tvorime svuj zivot svyma myslenkama. Jenomze vetsine lidi nestaci si precist jednu knihu, protoze hodne je to o nasem podvedomi a to je ten kamen urazu, kde vetsina ztroskota. A to prestoze jsem knihu cetla, jsem tenkrat nevedela. A tak jsem si rekla, ze jestli jste uplny novacek v zakonu pritazlivosti, ze vam poradim, ktere tri knihy si precist hned na zacatku, aby vam zacalo ono puzzle zapadat krasne do sebe. Tyto knihy vam pomohou objevit novy svet, lepsi svet a zjistite, ze vase myslenky tvori vas zivot. Takovych knih je na trhu opravdu spousta a muzu rict, ze treba posledni rok jsem na beletrii ani nesahla. Jedine co jsem kupovala byly takoveto knihy, protoze me bavi poznavat a ucit se o tom vice a vice. Tyto tri knihy vam pomohou zacit a dokonce si troufam tvrdit, ze je dobre je precist si je v tomto poradi. 

Tajemstvi – Rhonda Byrne – Je to takovy uvod a pocatecni pruvodce. Tato kniha vam predstavi novy svet a vysvetli v zakladech jak zakon pritazlivosti funguje. Myslim, ze tato kniha vas nadchne, namotivuje a bude chtit vedet vice. Je to skvely zpusob jak zacit. Nekterym prijde pritazena za vlasy, ale to je protoze neni az tak detailni. Tajemstvi vam vse predstavi a ukaze vam novy zpusob ziti. Zjistite, ze si vlastne ridime svuj zivot, ale uz neni tak detailni v tom jak vlastne na to. Jak pracovat se svyma myslenka. Jak si veci pritahnout a nebo naopak jak se spatnym vecem vyhnout. 

Moc – Rhonda Byrne – Tuto knihu miluju a doted kdyz mam spatne obdobi po ni sahnu a procitam si oblibene kapitoly. Kniha Moc mi dala vice detailu, vice informaci o tom jak pracovat se svyma myslenkama. Je to takova kniha, ktera krasne navazuje na Tajemstvi a dava vice prikladu jak na to. Jak se poprat s negativnim dnem, jak zahnat spatne myslenky apod. Tato kniha je mi urcite blizsi nez Tajemstvi, dokaze me vice motivovat a pripomenout mi, ze si vlastne ridim vse sama. 

Jsi Borec – Jen Sincero – Tohle je jedna z mych nejoblibenejsich knih a vim, ze ji budu cist urcite nekolikrat. Je to takovy moderni pruvodce Zakonem pritazlivosti, da vam vice detailu nez predchozi zminene, nakopne vas, nabudi a budete chtit byt lepsim clovekem. Budete se chtit zmenit a zacit na sobe pracovat. Je to kniha, ktera se skvele cte a prestoze je spiritualni, tak tak nepusobi. Clovek se u ni nenudi a kniha dava konkretni tipy jak na urcite veci. Urcite si ji doporucuji si ji precist hned po Tajemstvi a Moci, protoze tato kniha uzavre takovy ten prvotni krok k vasemu novemu zivotu. 

Tyto tri knihy jsou skvelym zacatkem pro ty, kteri chteji vedet vice. Pokud vas tohle chytne, myslim, ze po precteni jste pripraveni na dalsi, mozna slozitejsi knihy a jste pripraveni na novou cestu. Obcas je to o tom, co se vam dostane pod ruky a co vam Vesmir prinese do cesty, ale ja sama citim u nekterych slozitejsich knih, ze na ne nejsem jeste pripravena. Nektere jsem musela prestat cist, protoze mi v ten moment tolik nedavaly. Tyto tri knihy jsou jednoduche na cteni a mozna, kdyby clovek zacal cist hned neco slozitejsiho, tak knihu zavre a tim si zavre i cestu k tomuto zpusobu ziti. Mozna by si rekl…blbost. Je dobre zacit s necim co se dobre cte a je takove odlehcenejsi. 


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