Tag Archives: Food

Tip of the week: ESKA PRAGUE

Eska is a hot spot in Karlin Prague which I have heard so much about from my two friends Katerina and Iva. So I knew I had to try this place as soon as I arrive in Prague.

Eska was exactly what I expected and the whole atmosphere reminds me many places you find in East London. It has got cool vibes of Shoreditch and delicious food. The business sources good quality ingredients and also offers their customers to buy fresh products like bread and pastry in the downstairs bakery. You can also get hands on many organic products and those are honestly top quality. Yes I had to try it myself.

I feel the deco and the menu as well are such a fabulous combinations of traditional and new and they create a great whole. I heard it can get very busy during weekend brunch so we decided to book a table for something smaller around 3 pm and the restaurant wasn’t that busy which was great for a nice chat, glass of their organic wine and one of their open sandwiches. What a great afternoon siesta with friend.

The menu really has got interesting dishes to offer and the bread is to die for. I love Czech bread and really miss it in London but this one is on another level. I wish I could bring at least three loafs to London with me. I ordered beef on their delicious bread and it had such great flavour combinations that I can highly recommend it. What I also loved was their open kitchen as I firmly believe it is a good sign of any restaurant when you can see in the kitchen. Nobody or nothing can hide behind closed doors. LOL

And I could not leave without something sweet from their downstairs bakery which was super delicious. If you ever get a chance to visit I can highly recommend.

Eska v Karline v Praze je misto o kterem jsem slysela hodne od svych kamaradek Ivus a Katky. A tak pri me posledni navsteve v Praze byl vyber mista, kde si urcite musime neco dat jasny.

Eska byla presne podle mych predstav a pusobila na me jako mista, ktera najdete v Londyne spise ve vychodni casti v oblasti Shoreditch apod. Industrialni a zajimavy interier a kvalitni suroviny tvori vyborny celek a tak i lakaji mnohe milovniky dobreho jidla. Jak menu tak i vnitrek restaurace je pro me spojenim tradicniho a moderniho. Menu nabizi klasiky, ktere maji vzdy neco navic a take chleba, ktery tato restaurace serviruje je bezkonkurencni. Mam chut si tam zajet ho koupit a zmrazit si alespon tri bochniky a odvezt si je sebou do Londyna. Cesky chleba mi v Londyne hodne chybi, ale ten jejich je opravdu o level vys. 

Jelikoz jsem slysela, ze napriklad v dobe brunche a obeda muze byt restaurace plna, rozhodla jsem se jit do Esky asi kolem treti, kde nas cekala prijemna atmosfera, zadny hluk a vubec jsem si to uzila. Byla to idealni doba na to si dat jeden z jejich oblozenych chlebu a pokecat nad vinem. Serviruji organicka vina, ktera ja osobne moc nemusim, ale nebylo vubec spatne, takze se nebojte. Menu je opravdu zajimave a prestoze pusobi tradicne, cekaji na vas zajimave chute a take prekvapive kombinace. Ja jsem si dala chleba s hovezim, krenem a jablky a muzu jenom doporucit.

Jestli budete moznost si sem zajit, tak urcite bezte. A jak se dalo cekat, musela jsem si koupit i neco sladkeho na zub v jejich pekarne.

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Dreamy girly day in Connaught Village/Mother’s Day Tip

Close your eyes and try to picture a perfect day how you could spend it with a loved one. Perhaps a friend, sister or perhaps with your mum. How would you picture a perfect Mother’s day with a woman that always deserves to be treated like a queen? Or maybe do not close your eyes and just keep reading as I want to bring you on such an adventure.

Zavrete oci a predstavte si, jak byste chteli stravit super den s kamaradkou, sestrou ci maminkou. A nebo si proste predstavte super den s mamou na den matek. Jak by to vypadalo, co byste delaly? Nebo je mozne nezavirejte a pokracujte ve cteni, protoze ja takovy den za vas vyzkousela a bylo to uzasne. 

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Tip of the week: The Botanist in Chelsea

Set in Chelsea in the chic Sloane Square the Botanist is a perfect spot for food lovers. This was my second visit and this time we decided to have a little family brunch with baby Liam too and gosh we loved it. The decor was as charming as I remember and every little detail from upholstery print to bathroom decor was simply beautiful. The place will take you on a little journey to the most dreamy botanical garden. My hubby absolutely loved the bar and who can blame him?

This place is just great for food and people watching or even just a cocktail or two. My favourite spots are definitely the tables by the window as  that is just my thing to watch the life go past and enjoy your cup of coffee. Anyway, I decided for less “brunch” option but when I see a steak tartare on the menu it is hard to resist. I quickly threw my “eating healthy” decision out of the window and gosh I did not regret at all. And my other half went for the full breakfast and guess what he did not regret either. Liam shared a bit with my husband and he looked satisfied as ever. Although he is now in the “always on the go phase” and was running around in circles but I can just say that the place is children friendly and all we got was smiles from the customers and staff too.

It was simply a lovely Sunday brunch with glass of bubbles to make sure we do it in style. So make sure you add it on your list of the places to go to.

The Botanist je ve vsech smerech skvelym mistem na brunch uz jenom diky tomu, kde se nachazi a to na sarmatnim Sloane Square. Tohle byla moje druha navsteva a uz poprve jsem se zamilovala do designu, ktery vas prenese primo do te nejkrasnejsi botanicke zahrady. Uz pri prvni navsteve jsem obdivovala i ty nejmensi detaily jako potisk na lavicich a dokonce i jejich toalety. A tak to ma byt. Muj muz se okamzite zamiloval do jejich baru, ktery je skutecne sik.

Tohle misto je idealni na to si jenom tak sednout, uzivat si jidlo a kavu a sledovat jak plyne zivot kolem. Ja tohle osobne miluju, sednout si v restauraci ci kavarne k velkemu oknu a prijde mi to jako jedna z nejprijemnejsich relaxaci. Ja jsem se tentokrat rozhodla pro mene tradicni vyber jidla na brunch a dala si tatarak. Je to jidlo, ktere miluju a pokazde kdyz ho vidim na menu, nemuzu odolat. A muj muz si dal klasickou snidani. Me rozhodnuti jist zdrave proste muselo stranou a nelitovala jsem. Liam si dal neco z manzelova talire a pak lital kolem jako utrzeny z retezu. Ano mame ted momentalne tohle obdobi. LOL Ale vsichni se jenom usmivali, takze maminkam z detmi asi davam zelenou, aby Botanist take vyzkousely. 

Byl to zkratka prijemny rodinny brunch se sklenkou sampanskeho, at jsme stylovi. LOL.

Love Glamazon 

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Tip of the week: Duck & Rice

If you ever get lost in the busy Soho streets of London and you get hungry and thirsty for some good Czech beer Duck & Rice is a place you should find. It may not be to you but to me this is quite unusual concept that puts together together two great things. That is oriental/asian food and the best beer in the world (OK I may be bias coming from Czech Republic) Pilsner Urquell.

I was not exactly sure what to expect before my visit earlier on this week however I was surprised to find exactly what it says. It is a cosy pub with small touches of Chinese decor serving good beer but also Chinese food. And the food is actually meeting very good standards. I am not talking greasy takeaway style but very big selection of dumplings and of course duck dishes. However, it is also not one of those pretentious places. The atmosphere is very chilled, cool and perfect for lunch or dinner in the middle of Soho.

Our delicious champagne lunch started with some selection of dumplings which were beyond. You cannot simply expect boring Dim Sum as they have a great selection and I enjoyed them all. We were also very lucky with the weather and their big sliding windows gave us a great feel of sitting inside outside whilst sipping our bubbly drinks and cocktails and beer of course.

I am normally quite confident about what was my favourite dish but on this occasion I could not make up my mind. It must be the selection of dumplings we started with as those really stayed in mind. However, I still loved the rest including their signature dish Duck & Rice. They have several duck dishes each different when it comes to way how they are cooked so why not to try something different and delicious. I am coming back here for sure for a dumpling or too. LOL

Kdyz se nekdy ztratite v rusnych ulickach Londynskeho Soha a chytne vas hlad a taky chut na ceskou Plzen, tak se v kazdem pripade snazte najit cestu do Duck & Rice. Mozna se mylim, kdyz reknu, ze tohle misto spojuje dve vyborne veci a to asijskou kuchyni a nejlepsi pivo na svete Pilsner Urquell (ted se ve me ozvala prava Ceska haha).

Nez jsem do Duck & Rice poprve zavitala, nebyla jsem si jista, co me ceka. A nakonec to bylo presne jak mi bylo receno. Prijemna hospoda s dobrym pivem, ktera zaroven podava Cinskou kuchyni. Necekejte zadna umastena jidla, ktera se podobaji tem z klasickych takeaway restauraci, ale dobre kvalitni jidlo. Hospoda ma zaroven moc pekny interier a jde znat, ze je tam urcity orientalni vliv. Na druhou stranu to neni ani super luxusni restaurace. Zkratka prijemne misto s prijemnou atmosferu, kde se budete citit dobre a hlavne pokud mate radi tuto kuchyni, se tam dobre najite.

Nas vytecny obed s sampanskym zacal samozrejme vyberem Dim Sum a opravdu vam nelzu, nenasla jsem nic, co by mi nechutnalo. Maji bohaty vyber a kazdy si najde co ma rad. Navic v prvnim patre byly otevrene velke okna a bylo porad hezke pocasi, clovek si tak uzije vyhled ven a vse je hned veselejsi.

Vetsinou nemam po navsteve restaurace problem rict, co mi nejvic chutnalo, ale tentokrat se nemuzu nejak rozhodnout. Ale nejvice mi asi chutnaly klasicke dumplings. Navic jsem mela moznost v jejich kuchyni videt, jak se vubec delaji. Ale chutnalo mi opravdu vsechno, od zeleniny az po jejich kacenu s ryzi. Je to jejich hlavni specialita jak uz vypovida z nazvu. Ja se sem kazdopadne vratim na nejaky ten cinsky knedlik. Tak snad se tam potkame. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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