Tag Archives: la roche posay

Current Skincare Routine and your chance to win some products

Changes of season may also bring changes to your skincare routine. The sun, the sea, the hot weather always has got some sort of impact on your skin. Higher SPF protection however also consistency of products, level of hydration. You know I love to try and test new things and I wanted to share with you my new current favourites I have been using for few weeks now. These seem to really nourish my skin in the hot weather and they are all very light. I love waking up every day to see changes in my skin.

As always using skincare should start with preparing your skin and I start with La Roche Posay Effaclar Foaming Gel followed by this amazing Facial Toner. Before I start to use any creams or serum I apply Vichy 89 Mineral. One of my issues have always been tendency to have pigmentation marks so I am currently using this serum from La Roche Posay. And I cannot forget taking special care of area round your eyes. This Kiehl’s eye cream has been one of my favourite products for some time.

However, one of the hottest additions is definitely this amazing set by Frais Monde which is an Italian brand. This set is called 5 Puntozero Renewal. It contains mineral waters and really made a difference to my skin. I am not sure if it is available in UK but I am really impressed. My favourite is definitely the serum for night which smells divine, is super light and the skin looks so glowy and tight each morning.

One of the lucky readers will be able to win this set however this is only applicable for readers from Czech Republic.

I hope you enjoyed reading about the hottest additions in my skincare collection and let me know if you have any amazing products I should try.

Zmeny rocniho obdobi prinasi casto i zmeny v peci o plet. Slunicko, more, teplo urcite ovlivni plet a pokozku. Samozrejmosti je urcite vyber dobreho kremu s vysokym SPF, ale pro me jsou dulezite i veci jako konzistence kremu, hydratace a vyziva. Jak vite, hrozne rada zkousim nove produkty. Rada veci menim, i kdyz tomu tak drive nebyvalo. Tohle jsou produkty, ktere me ted hodne bavi a velmi casto je pouzivam s tim, ze obcas neco obmenim a take pridavam nocni krem apod. 

Jak to vetsinou byva je dulezite plet poradne ocistit a pripravit. Ja ted zacinam s La Roche Posay Effaclar Foaming Gel a pak nasleduje tento uzasny toner. Nez pouziju nejaka sera a kremy, aplikuju 89 Mineral od Vichy, ktery jsem zacala pouzivat nedavno. Nesmim zapominat take na to, ze mam sklony k pigmentovym skvrnam, tak samozrejme pouzivam i kremy s SPF a kdyz nemam krem, tak pouziju makeup s SPF a bojuju ted momentalne i pouzivanim tohoto sera na pigmentove skvrny. A nesmim zapominat na specialni peci kuze kolem oci, ktera je velmi delikatni. Velmi casto pouzivam tento ocni krem od Kiehl’s, ktery uz mam v oblibe nejakou dobu. 

Ale horkou novinkou je pro me urcite tato sada od Frais Monde 5 Puntozero Renewal. Tento produkt obsahuje termalni mineralni soli a maltrodextin. Znacka nabizi sety v peti variantach pro ruzne typy pleti, ale obecne se doporuceje proti starnuti a bojuje proti faktorum, ktere zpusobuji starnuti pokozky. Produkty jsou urcene pro plet 30 +, ale ja si osobne myslim, ze v prevenci proti vraskam se muze zacit i drive. Pres den pouzivam jejich denni krem, ktery ma prijemnou lehci texturu, dobre vsakuje a krasne hydratuje a osobne priznavam, ze serum na noc je jeste lepsi. Je lehoucke, strasne prijemne mi vonni a pokozka je rano nadherna, rozzarena a napnuta. Jedina mala nevyhoda je, ze mi sera rychle ubyva :) LOL Myslim, ze za to muze castecne aplikator, ktery aplikuje po zmacknuti az moc stedre :) 

A jeden z vas ma moznost vyhrat sadu Puntozero podle vaseho typu pleti. Soutez bude probihat na mych strankach na Facebooku. Staci me sledovat na Facebooku, dat like fotce. Jako bonus vas dam do slosovani dvakrat, kdyz prihodite pod tuto stejnou fotku i koment a budete ji sdilet. Preju vsem hodne stesti, protoze je to opravdu skvely produkt. 

Love Glamazon xoxo