Teddy coats are definitely not a new thing in fashion but they are still very big. It is that trend that managed to stick and there are so many fabulous pieces on high-street as well as amongst designers. Max Mara really started something few seasons ago. They created the cosiest coat and the first season it was sold out in a second.
I will not lie and openly say I really want the Max Mara teddy coat as simply they look fantastic and I know it is a great investment. Having said that there are so many great ones starting on around 50 £. And some of the mid-range priced teddy coats from brands like Stand are equally fabulous.
So here is a small selection of some stunning and currently available models.
Chlupate Kozisky ve stylu Teddy Coat nejsou v mode zadnou novinkou, ale porad se silne drzi. A ja se ani nedivim, jsou teple, dobre vypadaji a clovek si opravdu prijde zachumlany jako medvidek.
Nebudu vam lhat, ze mym vysnenym je prave ten od Max Mary, kde to vse zacalo, ale na trhu je jich spousta. At uz je libo kratsi, delsi nebo barevny, je z ceho vybirat. Nektere zajimave kousky zacinaji uz na padesati librach, ale nektere ve stredni cenove relaci okolo 300 £ mi take berou dech. Jedna ze znacek, ktera vypada skvele a je takovou zlatou stredni cestou je urcite Stand.
Tak jsem udelala mensi vyber krasnych kousku ve vsech moznych cenovych relacich.
As most women even I am a shoe lover. Of course I do love bags but recently I have discovered that when I invest in a pair of shoes I wear them over and over again. They have that power of transferring any outfit within a second and they simply create a smile on my face.
However not everybody has got big enough budget to buy three pair of designer shoes a month so it is always good to wait for sales and different offers to grab that dream pair. I do often wait myself for sales or events like Black Friday as I know it makes a huge difference in highly priced designer items to get few percent off. One of my favourite online shops to buy from is definitely Luisa Via Roma. I also visited their store in Florence which is a must see shopping spot there.
And pretty much as every year Luisa Via Roma will have Black Friday offers so I wanted to create a gorgeous shoes edit as you can start to decide what lush item you will be adding to your closet.
However if you feel like waiting for Black Friday is not for you…you can still shop 15 % cheaper items (the star items excluded) if you download Luisa Via Roma app.
Jako vetsina zen i ja jsem milovnice botu. To vite, ze mam rada i kabelky, ale nejak jsem zjistila, ze kdyz opravdu investuju do drazsich botu, ze je nosim porad dokola a ta investice se vyplati. A navic boty dokazou zmenit styling behem vteriny.
Jenomze ne kazdy ma rozpocet si koupit troje designerske boty do mesice a tak nekdo z nas musi setrit ci pockat na slevy. Ted je pred nama nejvetsi nakupni akce roku a to Black Friday a to je idealni doba na to poridit darky bud pro sebe nebo pro jine a treba si poridit vysneny par botu za mene. Ja osobne casto lovim na oblibenych designerskych e-shopech a jeden z mych top je urcite Luisa via Roma. Jako kazdy rok budou i letos poradat akce v ramci Black Friday a proto jsem se rozhodla vytvorit takovy shoe edit, ktery by vas snad mohl inspirovat.
A navic pokud si stahnete aplikaci Luisa via roma, tak mate slevu 15 % na produkty, ktere nejsou oznaceny hvezdickou, takze vlastne ani nemusite cekat.
Whether you are looking for chic flats or interesting sandals for upcoming party season the selection is huge. I would say it is more problem to decide if you want trendy Balenciaga shoes or just classic pair of Jimmy Choos.
Jestli uz chcete krasne nizke boty nebo zajimave sandalky, tak vyber je opravdu obrovsky. Je spise problem jestli chcete neco z trendujici Balenciaga kolekce nebo nadcasove modely od Jimmy Choo.
For those who want to grab a pair of trainers as they are more sporty than glam there is enough to chose from. They have huge selection of “ugly” trainers models so hurry up.
Pro ty, kteri jsou spise na sportovnejsi obuv je taky hodne na vyber, jestli uz chcete cenove dostupnou klasiku, ci treba neco z trendu jako “ugly” trainers.
And there would not be a winter without a good and nice pair of boots. I am really loving their selection of Givenchy and Saint Laurent models and still keep dreaming of having them all.
A nebyla by to ani poradna zima bez nejakych krasnych kozacek. At uz mate radi kotnickove ci nejaky skvely kousek nad kolena. Ja jsem zamilovana do vetsiny kousku od Saint Laurent a Givenchy. A tak dal snim, ze budou vsechny moje.
Summer is one of the best parts of the year and as much as I love the sun and sea spending sunny days in the city isn’t that bad. I love to style my summer pieces for a weekend in the sunshine more than ever. It is fun to combine together typical summer items like this top with more city like mules like these.
And of course once you have your perfect outfit and your perfect basket bag and you bought those flowers for your house you can enjoy sipping Aperol in one of the cute London restaurants and cafes. I just love going out at this time of the year and having fun with Liam around London as he needs to know what this city is all about. Of course minus the Aperol for him :)
Anyway, let’s make sure we enjoy our lives as it offers so much and if you haven’t seen what I have been up to for my birthday there is a vlog up on my channel. And hit that subscribe button no to miss out on more summer fun.
Leto je jedno z nejlepsich rocnich obdobi a i prestoze miluju more a prala bych si travit slunecne dny v nejake krasne primorske vile, tak rada travim letni dny i ve meste. Bavi me kombinovat klasicke letni kousky jako treba tento top s temi co uz mam a prinaset tak trosku Francouzske riviery do centra Londyna.
Bavi me nosit letni topy jako treba tento a treba krasne nazouvacky. A kdyz uz ma clovek svuj perfektni outfit, koupil si venku kvetiny do vazy, tak se muze zastavit na sklenicku Aperolu nebo treba dve. A o tom tyhle dny jsou. Uzivat si zivot na plno. Ja se snazim s Liamem delat neco porad a hlavne kdyz je krasne. Musi prece poznavat.
A pokud vam nahodou uniklo moje video z narozenin, muzete se podivat tady na mem kanale. A nezapomente se prihlasit k odberu, ceka nas dovolena a taky pobyt v Cesku. Tak at vam nic neunikne. Zacala jsem pridavat i videa v Cestine jednou tydne.
I am such a Gemini when it comes to dressing. Honestly, how some people have signature style it amazes me. I know there are some things I tend to buy but I can be one day in ripped jeans and hoodie and another day in a super feminine dress like this. I love to play with different styles but always love feminine pieces and this dress is a great example.
Firstly the shape is incredible and so flattering and I love it is transparent without looking too cheap or anything. This piece is all about small touches that create a perfect dress. I mean that little cross in the cleavage is everything.
Whatever you decide to wear whether it is shorts, leather skirts or floaty dress the main thing is to feel like yourself. There is no point to push yourself to something that you would not like wearing. And I believe if you follow that rule you cannot go wrong.
Jsem na sto procent blizenec, co se mody tyce. Pokazde obdivuju lidi, kteri maji styl, ktery vzdy poznate. Ja jsem schopna jeden den jit v mikine a roztrhanych dzinech a druhy v tak zenskych satech jako tyhle. Kazdopadne velmi casto miluju veci, ktere jsou zenske a tyto saty jsou typickym prikladem.
Prvni vec, ktera me dostala na tomtou kousku je strih, ktery hrozne lichoti postave. A libi se mi pruhledna spodni cast, ktera presto nepusobi vulgarne. A v neposledni rade male detaily jako krizek ve spicce vystrihu. Zkratka nadhera.
At uz se rozhodnete si oblect kratasy, kozenou sukni ci rozevlate saty, hlavni je, ze se v danem obleceni musite citit dobre. Nema smysl se do neceho nutit a hlavni je zustat sam sebou. A kdyz se toho budete drzet, nemuzete slapnout vedle.