Tag Archives: Rayban

Outfit: Ego vs Intuition

Pictures by Iva 

Wearing: Shoes: Manolo Blahnik, Blouse: Amo Couture, Jeans: Revolve, Bag: Zara, Sunglasses: Rayban, Earrings: Astley Clarke

I could not count how many times I have read about ego, intuition and how many times we discussed this even at school, with friends, reading about in on all sorts of books. And ego and intuition inner battle comes to us daily. It is that constant fight in between what your head says and what you actually feel is right and what your path is.

When I was setting up my youtube channel I knew it was going to be in English. I lived here for almost 14 years and although I am a proud Czech and I know I have a good size community in Czech that like reading my posts and follow my content, I knew youtube should be in English. I got to a point that few people suggested I should try to film in Czech and yay the views went up however my intuition was telling me it is not the right direction. I was not feeling the same when creating Czech content and firmly believe it was confusing a lot of people. Whilst ego was happy with views going up, my heart was on a different frequency. When I create I want to create things with joy, smile and love it. Only then the things can bring joy and love to other people. I was living in  constant doubt, I kept coming across signs that this is not the way to go. And that is why I stopped.

I have never given any explanation and I just mentioned it to the closest friends and most said go where your heart takes you as that is the most important thing. So I said bye to my Ego on this occasion, no matter what it costs me.

Nedokazu ani spocitac kolikrat jsem cetla o egu, intuici a kolikrat jsem to rozebirala s prateli, cetla o tom v dalsi knize, ci procitala, co o egu tvrdili nasi nejvetsi myslitele jeste ve skole. Volit mezi egem a intuici je nasi kazdodenni soucasti. Je to takove to neustale rozhodovani, zda se ridit hlavou nebo tim, co nam naseptava neco hluboko uvnitr.

Kdyz jsem zakladala svuj youtube kanal, tak jsem vedela, ze chci vse vest v Anglickem jazyce. Muj blog tak byl vedeny temer od zacatku, ziju v Britanii opravdu radku let, ale vedela jsem, ze mam i Ceskou komunitu, ktera cte me prispevky a sleduje me na ruznych platformach. Ale tajne jsem doufala, ze ta moje komunita si me nasla prave protoze umi Anglicky a pevne verim, ze ti spravni, kteri si vas maji najit, si vas vzdycky najdou. No a pred nedavnem jsem se na popud par lidi rozhodla zkusit nekolik vlogu v Ceskem jazyce. A svete div se, zvedla se sledovanost, ale moje intuince mi naseptavala, ze to neni moje cesta. Navic jsem neustalne narazela na znameni, ktera me v tom utvrzovala a tak jsem postupne od Ceskych vlogu ustoupila. A v teto situaci citim, ze je to tak spravne. Jsem spokojenejsi a citim, ze toto je moje cesta i prestoze ty v AJ maji mene shlednuti. Chci delat to co delam s usmevem, chci citit radost pri kazde tvorbe, kazde fotografii, videu, postu. Kdyz citim radost ja, predavam ji dal a to je to nejdulezitejsi. A tak jsem tentokrat zamavalu egu na rozloucenou, i prestoze me to neco stoji, ale jsem tak spokojenejsi.

Myslim, ze ti kteri si me Ceske vlogy oblibili si zaslouzi vysvetleni a jak rikam, ti co si me maji najit si me najdou tak i tak. Ja chci jit svoji cestou a ridit se srdcem.



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Outfit: Midi skirts and Indian Summer

Wearing: Bag: Chanel, Shoes: Gucci, Skirt: H&M, Jumper: H&M, Earrings: Soru Jewellery, Sunglasses: Rayban

If you read this blog and follow me on my social media it will not surprise you when I say I love autumn. It is such a beautiful season, the colours of the trees and there is something charming about streets of London covered with leaves. It is simply magical.

However I still love when September and October brings those unexpected warm days. Those days are sunny but it is a different kind of sun. I no longer want to wear flowery summer dresses as the heat is not strong but it is good enough to wear midi skirts and bare legs. You can sit outside your favourite cafe, sip your coffee and read your book (if your child lets you or if you do not have one LOL). I love autumn evenings with candles, books and cup of tea (or glass of wine LOL)  and you just let your mind go and enjoy every second of this time.

Fashion is just great during this season and thanks to weather being one day sunny and the other more rainy you get to wear some fabulous combinations.

Pokud pravidelne ctete muj blog a sledujete i me jine socialni platformy, asi vas neprekvapi, ze mam moc rada podzim. Je to krasne obdobi, kdy priroda zbarvi stromy a pocasi se meni, ze si muzete uzivat jak dny slunecne tak ty destive s dobrou knizkou v ruce.

Miluju dny, kdy je krasne a sviti slunicko. Jenom s tim rozdilem, ze slunicko uz neni tak silne a nechcete uz nosit letni kousky, spis  tak krasne hreje a muzete vyrazit treba ve svetriku a trictvrtecni sukni. Takove dny mam rada, muzu nosit hole nohy, sedet v kavarne a popijet kavu. A kdyz se zadari a dite usne, mozna si precist i kousek knizky nebo jenom tak pozorovat chod kolem.

A moda v toto rocni obdobi je proste nejlepsi, protoze mate presne takove dny, ktere jsou teplejsi a na druhou stranu chladnejsi, kdy se muzete vyradit s vrstvenim.

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: SO VOGUE

Picture: Derek Bremner for APT

Wearing: Bag: Gucci, Sunglasses: Rayban, Coat: Topshop, Skirt: River Island, Shoes: Cara , Earrings: Adore 

Vogue is the fashion bible isn’t? And it has always been (at least for me). If you follow me properly on my other platforms you may remember how much I love my Vogue cup which I got at Vogue festival. Simply everything so Vogue. So when I got my hands on this t-shirt I could not wait to wear it and what better time to chose than LFW.

It is that piece I will wear all over again and that item you can dress up and down. I think this outfit has got so much going on and it features number of current trends.  I am really into this coat and everything in this outfit really.  I find fashion week is that time of the year you can do go a bit wilder than usual.

Vogue je takova modni Bible. A vzdy byla. Pokud me sledujete na jinych platformach, mozna si vzpomenete na muj oblibeny Vogue kelimek, ktery jsem si pred par lety poridila na Vogue festival. Zkratka vse Vogue. LOL A tak kdyz jsem si poridila tohle tricko, nemohla jsem se dockat, az si jej oblecu. A kdy jindy nez na LFW? I kdyz jsem si jista, ze to bude kousek, ktery budu nosit opravdu casto. 

V tomto outfitu se misi hned nekolik trendu, ale rekla jsem si proc ne? Fashion week je jedno z obdobi, kdy se clovek muze trosku vyradit pokud ma chut.  Strasne se mi libi tento kabat a vubec vsechny kousky jako dohromady tak jednotlive. Nektere dny, kdyz nemam chut, tak jdu v dzinech a pokud mam vice prehlidek a naladu, rada se s modou trosku pohraju. 

Love Glamazon xoxo


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Outfit: Powder Silk Blouse

Pictures: Natasha Ndlovu 

Wearing: Bag: PINKO, Skirt: River Island: Blouse: Boden, Shoes: Gucci, Sunglasses: Rayban

Silk is that gorgeous material everybody loves to have in their wardrobes. I mean it feels great on your skin, it looks great and although it can be a nightmare to look after it and wash it…people somehow still treasure it. This new powder shade blouse is exactly that piece that will have a proud place in my wardrobe.

I spent a lovely weekend with my family and celebrating Liam’s first birthday. Can you believe he is one? I could not even believe when I saw him proudly sitting on his new bike he got as a present from us. I actually decided to capture last week in the vlog and that is my first attempt to create weekly vlog so you may watch it here.

Hedvabi je ten material, ktery maji lide radi. A proc taky ne. Je hrozne prijemny na tele, vypada vyborne, pusobi lehce a prestoze je obcas narocne jej prat a starat se o nej, ja hedvabi opravdu miluju. A myslim, ze nejen ja. Tahle bluzka v pudrovem tonu si zaslouzi misto v mem satniku. Bude se dobre nosit a kombinovat. 

Vikend se u nas nesl v rodinnem duchu a Liamek oslavil sve prvni narozeniny. Snazila jsem poprve vytvorit vlog, kdy budu natacet cely tyden. A cele video muzete videt tady. Nechce se mi ani verit, ze uz ma rok. Opravdu to leti. 

Love Glamazon xoxo


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