Wearing: Bag: Chanel, Boots: Daniel, Jacket: Shein, Sunglasses: Rayban, Necklace: Mantra, Skirt: New Look, T-shirt: Zara
Sometimes when reaching for new clothes I pretty much go with my gut feeling. I grab things quickly just because they feel right. And that was the case when I got this electric blue jacket. I believe it was that striking blue shade that draw my attention and the material and it is perfect for somebody like me that likes to combine high-street with designer pieces.
And also am I the only one that is loving the spring atmosphere in the air and the blossoming trees?
I am planning few trips at the moment but it is mainly to see the family. The first stop will be Ireland and then Czech again so hopefully some exciting content is coming. And fingers crossed for lovely whether too although you cannot rely on Ireland when it comes to weather. LOL
Nekdy, kdyz si kupuju nove obleceni, tak casto se spoleham na prvni pocit a rychle hodim veci do kosiku. A tak to bylo, kdyz jsem si vybrala tuhle modrou bundu. Zaujala me jak vyrazna modra barva, tak i material a je to opravdu vyrazny kousek, ktery se hodi presne k memu stylu, protoze rada kombinuju levnejsi a drazsi modu.
A mimochodem doufam, ze nejsem jedina, kdo si uziva prichodu jara a rozkvetene stromy. Tedy alespon tady v Londyne. Momentalne planuju cestu do Irska pak opet do Ceska, takze doufam, ze pocasi bude co nejlepsi.
Love Glamazon xoxo
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