Tag Archives: sequins

Outfit: When something bad can lead to something good!!

Outfit: Shoes: Balenciaga, Blazer: Zara, T:shirt: Zara, Bag: Chanel, Sunglasses: Celine

You know those days when something bad happen and it does not have to be something awful but maybe you miss a train or your friend cancels on you again! Well, sometimes or actually very often bad things can lead to good things. Imagine you miss a train but then you let your boss know and you get a pass to work from home. Well, not so bad after all, is it?

Well, why am I even mentioning this? The story is that my husband broke his ankle last week at football. It is not the end of the world but he has to work so this morning  he went to catch a train in the rain with bag over the shoulder and walking slowly with his crutches. Hard I know. Then I got a message which I did not want…you will have to drive and pick me up at the station tonight and you will be dropping me off in the morning..!! Oh no!!

The reason why I mentioned is that I have been putting off driving on the left side for years. I used to be a decent driver but not here!!! To be fair it was one of my resolutions for this year to start to drive here but I am so terrified I swear. I genuinely believe that this is the moment. The moment when I have no excuse and just have to deal with it. It is that bad situation that will lead into something good! I will finally start to drive.

And I just did!! I did my short drive with my left leg shaking like mad but I am so proud of myself! LOL

Znate to, kdyz se stane neco spatneho a nemusi to byt neco katastrofalniho…ale treba vam ujede vlak pred nosem, nebo kamaradka zrusi veceri! Uz po treti!! Ne vzdy ale spatne veci vedou k dalsim spatnym vecem, naopak! Casto mohou spatne veci vest k tem dobrym a je to jedina mozna cesta, jak vas donutit neco udelat nebo se dostat na spravnou cestu. Kdyz vam ujede vlak a zavolate do prace, ze se tak stalo, treba vam zrovna sef rekne, ze mate pracovat z domu. Ta spatna vec, ktera se udala v sedm rano, ma ihned lepsi vyhlidky.

No a proc o tom pisu? Muj manzel si na fotbale minuly tyden zlomil kotnik. No co vam budu povidat. Neni to konec sveta, ale take zadne terno. A protoze v Britanii je system tak jak je, tak se uz v pondeli vydal do prace, v rani spicce, v desti, o berlich s taskou pres rameno, nadopovany ibuprofenem a poslal mi zpravu. Budes pro me muset prijet autem vecer na vlakovou zastavku, jinak to nedam. A budes me tam muset rano vozit. Cozeeee? 

A proc to zminuju v dnesnim clanku? No protoze se uz roky odhodlavam, ze zacnu v Britanii ridit, ale mam z te druhe strany zkratka respekt a navic jsem vysla hodne ze cviku. Prakticky ridim akorat jednou za rok a to na Morave po okoli a to neni tak narocne. No co vam budu povidat, od rana na to myslim, ale vim, ze prave tato situace me konecne donuti a posune dal. 

Zkratka citim, ze tato “spatna” situace je prave ta, ktera me konecne donuti, se k tomu odhodlat. Bylo to totiz moje letosni predsevzeti, ze tady konecne zacnu ridit. 

A prave jsem se vratila z prvni mini jizdy. Noha se mi na spojce kmitala jako blazen, ale zvladla jsem to a jsem na sebe pysna! LOL 


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