Tag Archives: shopping tips

20 Spring items under 100 £ to invest in

Adidas samba spring outfit idea
Source: Nicole Russell

20 Spring items under 100 £

If you are like me then after Christmas you start to dream of spring. So here I am sitting on the sofa in January dreaming of warmer and longer days but also about all those coffee breaks outside.


And what better time there is to plan your spring wardrobe. I am not a somebody that builds up a brand new closet each season however I like to get few new items to spruce things up. Adidas Samba is a trainer that I actually thought was hideous last year but it really starts to grow on me. I was not getting the whole Tiktok viral obsession but do you know what sometimes I wait and wait and eventually end up liking the item. I actually love it not only with cool looks like you can see in the first picture but also certain type of skirt. Leopard print is another big trend and yes there are super cute YSL heels but this is more about updating your wardrobe under 100 £.


So bring some colour in, get that faux leather trench or cute patent loafers. You will also wear over and over cute sweatshirt or knit. Check your wardrobe and make sure you have enough of capsule items like jacket or skirt that goes with everything and invest in accessories. Even a small item like sunglasses can really be a nice touch. You can play with colours and texture. I am definitely thinking of investing in croc leather pants or skirt.

And if you want to splurge more and maybe invest in the bag to go with these more affordable outfits you have my support.

Faux Leather trench spring outfit idea
Source: Claudia Cestclau
Croc trousers spring outfit idea
Source: Selin Tufangolu

This post contains affiliate links.


Christmas is so close and I can say first time that I am almost done with all the shopping. All I need to get is one or two more bits and I love how organised I am this year. I am also bringing you this years gift guide so you can hopefully find some inspiration and ideas. I love sharing tips and gorgeous things you may love for yourself or for others.

It is one of my most favourite time of year. I love doing festive things, presents shopping, house decorating, baking and wrapping presents. So I am planning to enjoy it as much as I can.

Vanoce jsou tady za par tydnu a poprve muzu rict, ze mam skoro vse nakoupene. Zbyvaji mi asi jedna ci dve veci. A uplne se vyzivam v tom jak jsem letos pripravena s predstihem. A jako kazdy rok jsem s vama chtela sdilet par tipu na Vanocni darky a treba vas neco z tohoto inspiruje. 

Je to moje oblibene obdobi a miluju vsechno kolem. Vyzivam se ve vyzdobe, nakupovani, peceni, baleni darku, vecircich, jidlu a dobrem piti. Samozrejme si rada i dam svarene vino a opravdu jsem pripravena si techto par dni uzit jak to nejvice jde. 

Handbags are great presents for women. This year I have picked one affordable by Skinny Dip  that would be great for somebody who is planning NYE full of sparkle. It adds so much glam and the price is a bargain. The Strathberry bag is more expensive and great if you love fantastic craftsmanship. The quality is so high and it is also very wearable.  If you are looking for some jewellery ideas I feel necklaces are a great item to gift. This coin style chunky necklace from Ettika is priced so well or you can splurge a bit more on this Moon Necklace by Thomas Sabo that comes also in silver version. Such a fab delicate piece. If you want to gift something small, sparkly but not expensive perhaps to your friend or have something cute for a stocking how about this portable charger or silver hair pin?! I love them both and they look so festive!

Kabelky jsou skvelym darkem. Letos jsem vybrala jednu levnou, ale uzasnou treba na Silvestra od Skinny Dip. Tyhle trpytive kabelky me hodne bavi. Na druhou stranu mate mozna radi kvalitnejsi a drazsi veci a tato kabelka od Strathberry nebo nejaky jejich jiny model by mohl uspokojit narocnejsi damy. Jejich kabelky jsou skvele udelane a hodi se na spoustu prilezitosti. Ze sperku jsem letos vybrala tento vyrazny nahrdelnik s minci od firmy Ettika a pokud se vam libi drobnejsi kousky co treba tento retizek s priveskem ve tvaru mesice od Thomase Sabo. Je k dostani i ve stribrnem provedeni. Jestli chcete obdarovat nekoho mensim, ale milym darkem co treba tato disko sponka? A mozna by udelala radost tato blyskava prenosna nabijecka na telefon. Drobnejsi darky jako tyhle se hodi i do Vanocnich ponozek :)

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How to prepare & shop – Black Friday Sales

Picture: Rebecca Spencer 

Wearing: Dress: Allsaints, Blazer: Next, Belt: Next 

One of the biggest shopping weeks of the year is approaching and I wanted to share with you some tips how you can shop effectively and focus on things you actually need. Sales can be sometimes very tempting so some people buy stuff just because they are discounted and then do not use those items at all.

So how can you prepare without being overwhelmed and shop effectively?

  1. Create a wish-list – Sit down and write down the items you need/want. Remember want isn’t need. I am sharing some of items I have my eyes on below if you want to have a look. This time of the year is great for shopping designers as you can get really good deals however if you want trendy high-street piece you can also snap things cheaper. However you may need stuff for household, holiday or sofa. It really is up to you but planning is key.
  2. Prioritise this wish-list – Make sure you have good order of the items you want. If things go wild online you do not want to panic and buy one item over the other.
  3. Make a list of Christmas presents – This time is amazing to snap some bargains for Christmas. Why wait and buy presents for loved ones when they are back full price? Do it now.
  4. Think of your favourite retailers and write them down – most brands have offers, if you do not want anything specific but want to browse around to see if there is anything you like…you can go by retailers.
  5. Use Shoptagr app – it gives you an alert if your favourite item goes on sale or if it is back in stock. It is easy way how to track discounts.
  6. Read articles that have lists full of discount codes – Shoptagr is amazing but it will only show you if the price actually changes. Lot of retailers only show discount codes which you apply at check out. Many bloggers, printed and online magazines share tons of discount codes and offers so keep an eye on those.
  7. Buy timeless things that you will have and use for a long time – this is a great time to shop for classic items. If you buy black leather jacket 30 % off you will have this piece for a long time. Trends are amazing but your cost per wear will be even better with classic items.

So hopefully you will do some amazing shopping this year. Definitely bookmark this page as I will be sharing some discounts and offers during Black Friday, I may do the same on my youtube channel so why don’t you subscribe not to miss out.

Jedna z nejvetsich nakupnich udalosti roku se pomalu blizi a tak me napadlo s vama sdilet par tipu jak muzete nakupovat efektivne a soustredit se na veci, ktere opravdu potrebujete. Vyprodeje jsou super, ale obcas clovek nakoupi veci bez rozumu a nakonec zjisti, ze danou vec nepouziva ci nenosi. 

A jak se teda pripravit na nakupy behem cerneho patku? 

  1. Napiste si seznam/wish-list – Udelejte si cas a napiste si seznam veci, ktere potrebujete ci chcete. Hlavne si udelejte poradek v tom, co je jen chtic a co potreba. V tuto dobu se skvele nakupuji drazsi designerske kousky a slevy se vyplati, ale muze to byt klidne kosile z retezce. Zalezi na vasem rozpoctu, vkusu a potrebach. Nekdo chce novou pohovku a druhy nove lyze. Jen je dobre planovat, protoze v teto dobe muze nastat panika a vas vysneny kousek muze byt hned vyporadny.
  2. Napiste si poradi – Az budete mit seznam veci, co chcete, napiste si je do poradi od te co chcete nejvice. Pomuze vam to v rozhodovani na posledni chvili. Protoze kdyz opravdu chcete sedacku, ale pak nahodou uvidite kabelku Chloe o 30 % levnejsi, mozna na sedacku uplne zapomenete. Ujasnete si sve priority.
  3. Napiste si seznam darku k Vanocum – Nekdo nakupuje Vanocni darky na posledni chvili, ale v teto dobe muzete najit opravdu vyhodne ceny. A proc kupovat tu samou vec o par dni pozdeji za vice. Zeptejte se svych blizkych s predstihem a snad ulovite co je potreba za mnohem mene.
  4. Pokud nemate nic co vylozene chcete, ale radi nakupujete, napiste si seznam vasich oblibenych obchodu a behem slev omrknete jejich stranky. Urcite na neco potom narazite a treba si to ve finale rozmyslite.
  5. Stahnete si aplikaci Shoptagr – je to aplikace, kde si muzet ulozit veci, co se vam libi a hned jak jdou do slevy, prijde vam oznameni. Je to jednoduchy zpusob jak nakupovat vyhodneji. To same plati, pokud se vec vyproda a obchod ji znova naskladni, prijde vam opet oznameni. 
  6. Najdete si clanek se slevovymi kody – Vyse zmineny Shoptagr vam ukaze pouze pokud se na strankach opravdu ukaze levnejsi cena, ale spousta obchodu cenu nemeni, pouze nabizi slevovych kod. Blogeri, online magaziny i noviny v tomto tydnu sdili desitky slevovych kodu, tak se urcite podivejte na sve oblibence. 
  7. Jeden z mych tipu je urcite, nakupovat klasicke kousky, ktere nevyjdou z mody. Trendove veci jsou take skvele, ale dobre kozene bundy, kvalitnich botu ci kabelky nebudete litovat. V teto dobe se skvele nakupuji nadcasove veci. 

Tak snad se letos dobre pripravite a nakoupite podle svych predstav. Urcite se podivejte behem cerneho patku na muj blog, protoze kazdy rok sdilim desitky slevovych kodu. A snad vyjde i video na youtube, tak se urcite prihlaste k odberu, at vam nic neunikne. 


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