Tag Archives: versace

Outfit: Why do I have to be more grateful

Wearing: Trousers: All Saints, Shoes: Versace, Jacket: All Saints, T-Shirt: Asos

I read few times that apparently 2018 is meant to be a hard year for lot of people. This year relationships are being tested, friendships and lot of things that are not functional are meant to fall apart. This year people are meant to discover not very pleasant things in their life and it is meant to be a hard year in general. Hmm not a very nice read right?

And to be fair although I am always trying to focus on positives sometimes it is hard to isolate yourself from the negative information. If I speak to my family and they just mention something I absorb it. And yesterday when my sister was telling me another catastrophic incident It came to my mind I do have to be more grateful. Do not get me wrong I am thankful for everything I have in life but there are days when I totally take certain things as automatic and it shouldn’t be the case. The problem is people always want more. I currently live in an apartment with two bedrooms and man how much am I dreaming about bigger house (and fingers crossed everything goes well and we move next month). It is normal to be ambitious but at the same let’s stop and think about all those amazing things we have.

As one of my really good friends said…There are so many people in the world that would kill for what you have. And she is right.

I have been complaining a lot recently about how exhausted I am. Most of the times it is because of my son is waking up too early but there are times like today when I am writing this that I have so much going on that my mind does not let me to sleep. I plan what has to be done that day, that week and keep thinking about the move and all the things that have to be organised. And that is really only a small problem. So let’s be grateful for everything. I will definitely try to do that more. Whether that is the fact we can just get water from our tap at home or be grateful I have this gorgeous jacket.

Uz po nekolikate jsem narazila na informace o tom, ze rok 2018 mel byt narocny, jeste nejsme u konce, ale v tomto roce jsou testovany vztahy at uz partnerske tak i ty ostatni. A vse nefunkcni se ma rozpadnout. Lide tento rok maji pry objevit problemy, nevyresene zalezitosti vyplavou na povrch a vubec nic prijemneho. Dobrou zpravou je, ze nove vztahy vzniknute v tomto roce maji byt silne. Kazdopadne to ma byt spise horsi rok pro vetsinu lidi. 

A prestoze se vetsinou soustredim na to positivni a rada mluvim o dobrych vecech, tak je obcas tezke vsechny spatne informace ingnorovat. V posledni dobe se ke me dostavaly informace o rozpadu vztahu, smrti, nemoci a bohuzel i to je soucast zivota. A take bez tech spatnych veci by nebylo mozne odlisit ty dobre. Kazdopadne neni jednoduche tyto veci prejit, ale co jsem si vcera uvedomila, ze nesmim brat veci automaticky. Vzdyt mame krasny zivot. To ze mame strechu nad hlavou, zdravi, rodinu, jidlo i nase kazdodenni radosti jsou prece to uzasne bohatstvi. Jenom i ja obcas beru veci automaticky a pak resim nesmyslne veci misto toho abych si rekla, mam super zivot. 

Jak rekla moje dobra kamaradka…vis kolik lidi sni o tom, co mas ty. A ma uplnou pravdu. 

Nebudu vam lhat, ale v posledni dobe jsem hodne unavena. Bud me budi Liam, kteremu se nechce uz v nelidskou hodinu spat, nebo me budi moje myslenky a premysleni o tom, co musim vsechno stihnout. Ale to ze clovek nema svych alespon 8 hodin spanku je opravdu mala vec v zivote a musim to tak zacit brat. A proto jsem se rozhodla, ze se budu snazit byt vdecna kazdy den a dekovat za vsechno. Jestli uz je to fakt, ze si muzu pustit vodu z vodovodu a nebo i ty luxusnejsi veci jako treba tahle krasna bunda :) 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: How to shop my Instagram outfits via Liketoknowit

Pictures: Hazel Hurley

Wearing: Shoes: Versace, Trousers: River Island, Jacket: Storets, Bag: Chloe, Sunglasses: Celine

Instagram is a platform that most people love and where lot of people look for inspiration including me. I can openly say that I rarely look how I would style things in magazines. I go online and social platforms to look for the best places to eat, trending items, travel destinations and pretty much everything else.

Interestingly although so many people use Instagram including my friends I get to ask often what is that Liketoknowit and what is that little heart in the circle on my photographs. Well Liketoknowit is an app that is part of Reward style. Reward style is one of the largest affiliate networks that gathers influencers and enables us to get a tiny commission if  we influence a sale of a product. Trust me the price of the item we are wearing or promoting does not change. So you are not affected. In my opinion if I find something I love thanks to other influencer I am absolutely up for giving them a small reward (and plus it does not come out of your pocket anyway). That is called business. I may have not found the item at all so it is perfectly fine.

If you want to know what I am wearing on my Instagram pictures or are curious about other influencers you can usually tell either by hashtags or the little heart in a circle on the pictures. That means that the influencer is using Liketoknowit. You can simply download liketoknowit app and follow me there (evglamazon) and every time you like my outfit or certain item just take a screenshot of the Instagram image. You can go back to it anytime and save time asking over and over again where is the skirt from, what lipstick are you wearing etc.

You save so much time and energy by one download and by following your favourite people on the Liketoknowit app.

So happy shopping!!

Instagram je aplikace, kterou spousta lidi miluje a hleda v ni inspiraci a to vcetne me. Muzu vam otevrene rict, ze uz se temer vubec nedivam na to jak nastylovat obleceni a na novinky v mode a kosmetice v casopisech. Na Instagramu vyhledavam zajimava mista, dobre restaurace, trendy, typy na styling, kosmetiku a taky destinace na dovolenou. 

A prestoze tolik lidi Instagram pouziva, tak i moji pratele se obcas zeptaji, co je to to Liketoknowit a jak to funguje a taky co je to male srdicko v kolecku, ktere mam tak casto na fotografiich. Liketoknowit je system a aplikace, ktera spada pod tzv. Reward style, coz je affiliate platforma. Reward style shromazduje influencery a diky nim pokazde, kdyz influenceri ovlivni prodej urciteho produktu, ziskavaji influenceri maly podil z prodeje. Opravdu se jedna o par korun za produkt, takze takove ty obavy jak nekteri maji, ze kdo vi kolik jim za to tricko da ci neda, mit clovek nemusi. Pokud to teda nekoho trapi. Cena produktu se pro nakupujiciho vubec nemeni. To male procento, ktere influencer dostane jde z kapsy firmy, ktera produkt prodava. Ja osobne jsem stastna, kdyz diky nekomu objevim neco super, takze to, ze mu firma zaplati par korun z toho, ze me ovlivnil v nakupu je v naprostem poradku. 

A jak tedy na to? Pokud pouzivate Instagram a chcete vedet co mam ja, ci jini blogeri na fotografiich, tak je to zcela jednoduche. Fotografie oznacene v rohu dole malym srdickem v kolecku jenom znaci, ze influencer pouziva Liketoknowit a ze se muzete dozvedet, kde dane produkty koupit. Takze si muzete stahnout na mobilu aplikaci Liketoknowit a pokazde, kdyz se vam nejaky outfit libi udelat screenshot dane fotografie. V aplikaci liketoknowit staci sledovat influencera, v mem pripade me najdete jako evglamazon a u kazde fotky z instagramu vzdy najdete i linky na jednotlive produkty. 

Je to opravdu jednoduche, rychle a prakticke. Sledovatele pak nemusi psat v komentarich odkud je ta sukne, odkud je kabelka atd. Tyhle dotazy a komenty jsou casto prehlednutelne a navic diky jednomu stahnuti aplikace si muzete uz navzdy usetrit cas a uz se nemusite ptat se vsech vasich oblibencu odkud jsou jednotlive produkty. 

Takze happy shopping.

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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