Hey My Dears,
I have not been posting tip of the week for a while. Firstly, I have not been in a place that is worthwhile to mention for a while and secondly I totally forgot about these series. Bad blogger hmmmm.
Well, I would like to introduce Hawksmoor one of my favourite steak houses in London. I have now visited two of their restaurants in London and both are fantastic. If you like good steak and chilled environment with a good service this is the right place for you. I must even say their mash is absolutely stunning and I love their mushrooms. This time I went to their restaurant in Spitalfields and it welcomes you with a really warm atmosphere and the place just feels really relaxed.
So next time when you feel like steak, you know where to go.
Uz dlouho jsem nevydala post Tip of the Week. Castecne diky tomu, ze jsem dlouho nebyla na miste, ktere by stalo za zminku v teto rubrice, ale priznam se, ze jsem na tuhle rubriku trosku zapomela. Spatna blogerka.
Chtela bych predstavit jeden z nejlepsich steak housu v Londyne a to Hawksmoor. Tato restaurace je na nekolika mistech a ja jsem navstivila tu na Guildhall a ted na Valentynskou veceri jsem vyzkousela tu na Spitalfields. Obe jsou fantasticke. Pokud mate radi kvalitni steaky a dobry servis, urcite vam tohle misto doporucim. A priznavam se, ze jejich bramborova kase je velky zazitek. A taky delaji vyborne pecene zampiony s cesnekem. Zejmena na Spitalfieds je atmosfera skvela a uvolnena.
Takze priste, az budete v Londyne a budete mit chut na poradny steak, vite kam mate jit.
Mejte se krasne.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Super tip, ale je nebezpečné koukat na fotky takhle večer, obzvlášť po tom, co jsem před nějakou chvilkou docvičila. :-D