TOP 15 Czech and Slovak bloggers’ photographs

Her pictures usually tell a story and they are fun and sometimes sexy as well. I am sure everybody would like that.
Jeji fotografie vetsinou vypravi pribeh, malokdy se jedna jenom o pouhe pozy nekde na ulici. A taky je vetsina fotografii napadita a je na nich sexy :)
I just love love love her pictures. I could stare at them all the time. The eye for detail is amazing.
Naprosto miluju jeji fotografie. Mohla bych se na ne porad divat a ma skvely cit pro detaily.
Well, take hot model plus good photographer and this is what you get. Usually the pictures are as good as these and you just stare with open mouth.
Takze prekrasna modelka a sikovny fotograf a takhle nejak to dopada. Na vetsinu fotek proste ziram a po peti minutach zjistim, ze jsem zapomela zavrit hubu udivem.
I always get a feel that her photographs are those old and very chic. It is really amazing to watch them.
Vzdy mam pocit, ze kdyz koukam na jeji fotky, ze jsem se vratila do jine doby a ze jsou desne sik.
The colours and the light. Just look at these picture and check her blog and you will see yourself.
Ty barvy a to svetlo no klidne se podivejte na vice fotek na jejim blogu a uvidite.
She is quirky and fun. The opposite of boring and it is always well captured.
Je zajimava a zabavna a je uplny opak nudneho a tradicniho. A tohle vse je vzdy skvele zachycene.
I could tell pretty much one of my top photography ever. She is so talented and there is not a bad picture you could find on her blog.
Troufam si rict, ze jedna z mych top 3. Je tak talentovana a na jejim blogu proste nenajdete spatnou fotku.
Her detailed pictures are my favourite, the way she uses light and she thinks about the whole composition is amazing.
Nejradeji mam jeji fotografie detailu. Libi se mi jak pouziva svetlo a barvy a celkova kompozice je opravdu perfektni.
Veronika si my friend and she lives in Greece and photography is her hobby. So this says it all her passion is well combined with the atmosphere and you get some great results.
Veronika je moje kamaradka a byvala spoluzacka z vysoke skoly. Bydli v Recku a fotografovani je jeji konicek. A kombinace tehle vasne a tak krasneho prostredi proste vyusti v rozkosne vysledky :)
Adela is so talented and she really has invested so much time, effort and money into photography. She gets better and better and I could not tell apart professional pictures from hers.
Adela ma obrovsky talent na kterem uz navic dlouho pracuje. Tolik usili, casu a taky penez, ktere investovala do tohoto konicku se opravdu odrazi na jejich fotografiich. Zacinam mit pocit, ze nevidim rozdil mezi fotkama profesionala a jejima.
She has got such a different way how to capture things and different is good, isn’t it?
Ma proste uplne jiny zpusob nez ostatni a v zaveru to vypada super, nemyslite?
I just love this girl, she is full of great ideas and has got great eye.
Adela je naprosto jedinecna, ma uzasne napady a dokaze je skvele zachytit.
You always get lot of colours and her pictures are just fun.
U Evicky se mi libi barvy, nikdy to neni zadna nuda a fadnost.
Another really talented lady. She thinks of the composition and there is always a story behind it all.
Dalsi mlady talent. Mam pocit, ze ma vzdy dokonale namyslene tema a v kazdem postu vidim pribeh.
I am always stunned with her pictures. They are just amazing.
Jeji fotografie jsou prekrasne, pokazde desne ziram.
Dear readers,

Here is another Top 15 and this time from Czech and Slovakia as well. I am very visual person and I have always preferred blogs with less talking and more pictures. You know I am flirting with photography as well and I take my camera everywhere. I have two Canons and one is my first and my baby 500 D and the second I bought is Canon 5D Mark II. However I am nowhere near these ladies who present amazing pictures on their blogs. So please, check them out.

A mame tu dalsi serii TOP 15. Tentokrat jsem se rozhodla vybrat jak Cesky tak i Slovenky. Jsem hrozne vizualni clovek a vzdy jsem preferovala blogy, kde je min povidani a vice fotek. Sama foceni miluju a prestoze, ze jsem uplny laik, me to bavi vice a vice. Mam dva fotaky, prvni je moje mimco Canon 500 D a druhy je skvely Canon 5D Mark II. I kdyz mam relativne schopne fotaky a casto trenuju, tak nejsem zdaleka tak dobra jako tyhle sikovne blogerky. Tak se presvedcte :)

Love Glamazon xoxo

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