My new smile thanks to bonding

When I was 13 years old I walked into a casting of one of the biggest modelling agencies in Czech Republic Czechoslovak Models with dreams about a big modelling world and the owner Milada Karasova that discovered top models like Eva Herzigova told me you have all the right things young lady but you need to sort your teeth as you have gaps and it annoys photographers as there is always so much to photoshop after the shoot. I was happy but dreading braces at the same time. Imagine teenager looking at the her role model Cindy Crawford and the idea of wearing braces just wasn’t pleasing back then.

So I went to see the best orthodontist in the region and after few visits left with one of those old school braces you wear over the night. It was a relieve for me that I did not have to wear the permanent but little did I know. I got rid of the gaps but for how long? My teeth have always been straight but because of its smaller size (that is what I was told) there were small gaps and sometimes I felt optically they do not look straight as my attention used to go always to the gaps. And although it is a small thing it bothered me. It bothered me mainly when I was filming as my eyes would always go on the gaps in my teeth so now so many years later in my thirties I decided to do something about it and started to do research. And I made up my mind I wanted Invisaligns.

After doing more due diligence I realised it is not financially the cheapest thing but I wanted to have them so badly I got few quotes and tried to find a place that is going to do it cheap and well and ideally close to where I live. And I found an amazing dental practice Smile dental. I saw a work of Dr Dadashian and I liked what I saw so I booked myself for consultation and his words were like Eva you don’t need Invisaligns. I could not believe my ears as he was a first person that did not give me just another quote of 4000 £. Finally a first person that is not making my gaps bigger than they are and just trying to get lots of money out of my pocket.

He explained to me I always have the option to go for Invisaligns however that there is also a method called bonding where he simply uses technique how to model the teeth and bond them together. He showed me couple of examples and I decided to try to use it one one gap and see how I feel afterward. And guess what I loved it so I decided to have it done on all the gaps. Firstly it does not hurt, secondly it is much cheaper so you pay 120 £ per gap and it brings instant results. After creating a plan of action and three appointments later I have a new smile without gaps and pain free.

I could not be happier with the results. You know there is always advantages and disadvantages of the treatments but you have the option. If I feel I really want Invisaligns few years later I know I can still go for it but at the moment I am over the moon and so happy. I decided to share this with you as there may be so many of you having the same problem and looking for the right doctor to help you. I found mine and I can only speak highly of him. He really changed how I feel and that is what is very important.

Kdyz mi bylo 13 objevila jsem se ve zname agenture Czechoslovak models na castingu a snila o velkem svete modelingu. V hlave mela obraz tenkrat sveho idolu Cindy Crawford a s velkym odhodlanim se na casting tesila. Milada Karasova, ktera objevila napriklad top modelku Evu Herzigovou mi tenkrat rekla, ze vse dobry, ale ze mam mezery mezi zubama. No to bylo neco na trinactiletou holku, ktera mela uplne jine predstavy. Rekla mi, dej si rovnatka a prijd za dva roky.

A tak jsem se rozhodla, ze to udelam, ale predstava, ze mam permanentni rovnatka me desila. Nenecham se prece sikanovat ve skole a tak jsem se rozhodla pro takove ty klasicke stare rovnatka pres noc. Zadne terno to nebylo a mezery to do urcite miry srovnalo ale na jak dlouho? Po par letech se vse vratilo tak jak to bylo a nejak jsem si v posledni dobe rekla, ze s tim chci neco udelat. Neberte to spatne, mam zuby rovne, nebo mi to alespon rikaji zubari, jenom jsem mela par mezirek. A nejak mi to tak vrtalo hlavou a hlavne jsem mela pocit, ze to jde videt, kdyz tocim a tak jsem se rozhodla, ze zkusim Invisalign. 

A tak jsem zacala delat pruzkum, kde si je necham udelat, je to levnejsi v CR, jak bych to vubec udelala? Byla jsem v par klinikach a samozrejme jsem se snazila najit pokazde levnejsi, ale stejne dobrou variantu. Po nejake dobe jsem se rozhodla, ze chci kliniku, ktera bude i bliz k memu bytu, protoze kvuli Liamkovi a hlidani nechci nekde hodinu a pul cestovat na kazdou konzultaci. A nasla jsem skvelou kliniku Smile Dental Practice. Videla jsem praci doktora Dadashian a libilo se mi jak provadi kosmeticke upravy zubu a vubec vse.

Nemohla jsem uverit svym usim, kdyz mi po prvni konzultaci oznamil, ze zadne Invisalign nepotrebuju, ze mam proste rovne zuby a ze mu prijde zbytecni utracet pres tri tisice liber na takovem malem kosmetickem problemu a zminil se o metode bonding. Ukazal mi par prikladu a ja jsem zasla, protoze jsem o tom slysela poprve. Zubar vam zkratka vymodeluje zuby tak, ze je spoji a zbavi vas mezer. Jako vzdy ma vse sve vyhody a nevyhody, ale ja se rozhodla, ze to zkusim na jedne mezere. A po vyzkouseni jsem byla nadsena. Za prve to vubec neboli, za druhe je to mnohem levnejsi a za treti je vysledek videt ihned. Nevyhoda je, ze treba za sest let a vice si mozna budete muset zuby nechat zase upravit, ale zalezi na osobe jak se o zuby stara atd.

Ja jsem si rekla, ze to zkusim a ze kdybych se rozhodla za par let jinak, Invisaligns si muzu dat i pak. Zkratka me doktor presvedcil, ze tohle je pro me ted mnohem efektivnejsi reseni. A ja jsem nadsena. Stacily tri navstevy, zadna bolest a mezery jsou pryc.

Ted se budu smat snad jeste vice. Rozhodla jsem se napsat tento clanek, protoze mozna mate stejny problem a vubec o teto moznosti nevite. A taky se snad musim pochvalit se svym novym usmevem. LOL 

Love Glamazon xoxo

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