Slouchy Trench

Wearing: H&M Coat and Pants and shoes, Forever 21 Top, Vivienne Westwood Bag and Celine Sunglasses, Atmosphere Necklace

Slouchy trenches are my new thing. I am seriously thinking about black one. Of course I am still loving my classic Burberry trench however just having a small affair with these soft and chic new styles. Anyway, I feel it can spice up any outfit and it is perfect for so many occassions. I got mine in H&M however I have seen them around in other highstreet stores.

And one thing I wanted to say today is how greatful I am for all the readers coming to this blog. I have lot of exciting projects and events coming up and it would not be without you. I am so happy I can share everything with you.

Volne trenckoty jsou moji novou zalezitosti, bavi me, ze nedrzi tvar, vlaji ve vetru a pusobi proste lezerne a sik zaroven. Samozrejme na muj klasicky Burberry nedam dopustit, ale tyhle volne strihy me zacaly hodne bavit. A prijde mi, ze se daji nosit k tolika vecem a krasne vse ozivi. Tento jsem si koupila v H&M, ale rekla bych, ze trh bude zaplaveny, takze se nemusite bat.

A chtela jsem podekovat vsem ctenarum, co se sem pravidelne a radi vraci. Bez vas by vlastne tento blog nemel smysl. Mam pred sebou spoustu uzasnych akci a projektu a jsem rada, ze tyto radosti s vama muzu sdilet.

Love Glamazon xoxo

o2 o4 o1 o3

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