Category Archives: Outfit

Autumn outfits round up/2023 outfit ideas to keep you warm and stylish

Lisa Pintaud


Outfits left right and center. We are in October and the weather is still so pleasant in London. Well, this Saturday we are expecting to have summer back as the prediction is showing 25 degrees which is mind blowing. However, you know as an autumn lover I just love fashion of layers and textures which autumn is all about.

Here is my weekly round up of my favourite fashion inspiration from Instagram. These ladies are one of my favourite to follow and as always they are serving some incredible looks. It is only few weeks ago when I published my own inspiration article which you can catch up on.

You know I always tone down when it comes to colder months. I wear less colourful items and really fall in to the neutral tones palette. However, I am really loving the red trend. I do not think red particularly suits me but the full red look from Claire is to die for. I love the cut and the textures of the whole styling.

Elsa as always is our cool girl and I mean not many people can pull that off however we can just take some aspects of the styling and make it our own. And I am in love with the texture combination of Laura’s look.

So who else is running to their closet to pick what to wear today. These outfits gave me lots of ideas.

Elsa Hosk
Lisa Pintaud
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Third Trimester Update

Dress: Tiffany Rose Maternity, Shoes: Manolo Blahnik

I am officially in single digits when it comes to weeks until my due date and I better hurry up preparing things for the arrival of the little one. I finally ordered several things for my hospital bag which you can watch in this video and wrote down a list what else needs to be done. Third trimester slows us down a bit so really do not want to leave until the last week before I give birth. And with Christmas ahead I want to be ready for both so I am planning to sort even Christmas shopping in the next few weeks.

I am feeling well but as you may have experienced yourself things start to get harder. The weight gain is the biggest in the last weeks of pregnancy and I feel it. Sleeping becomes harder and I am no exception, walking becomes slower, breath becomes shorter. I have also experienced that being active really takes a lot out of me. My job involves lot of social/work events and there has been so many. To be honest I have to turn a lot down as I simply do not manage that volume. And now when Liam had to stay home from school as he was not well I feel so much more energetic as I am simply home more. So it is a lot about how much you do.

I have got busy weekend ahead with Liam who feels better so will take rest of this week easy and just focus on content creation. I am pretty sure with balance I can easily manage to get through. We are heading to pumpkin patch as well as Gruffalo trail in Kew Gardens. Sadly we missed the Ascot races last weekend due to him feeling poorly but there will be plenty of opportunities again.

As for the preparation for birth I have finally started my pelvic floor exercises, started to read my hypnobirthing book I had from first birth and also starting hypnobirthing meditations as often as possible. I have also received amazing labour kit from the Organic Pharmacy includes some pre-birth homeopatics but I believe you take those around a week before due date.

So fingers crossed the last few weeks go well, I can enjoy a bit of work and social life and be ready for the big arrival.


Jsem oficialne par tydnu do terminu porodu a rikam si, abych si pohnula a konecne poradne pripravila vse, co je treba. Minuly tyden jsem si konecne objednala par veci, ktere budu potrebovat do tasky do nemocnice a na to se muzete podivat v tomto videu. A take jsem si sepsala seznam veci, ktere mi jeste chybi. Posledni trimester je takovy pomalejsi, tak nechci nechavat veci na posledni chvili. A nesmim opomenout, ze mame pred sebou Vanoce a pripravy darku k tomu, to neni zadna sranda.

Citim se celkove dobre, ale co si budeme nalhavat. V poslednim trimesteru je nejvyssi narust vahy a tim padem je clovek pomalejsi, hur se mu spi a take lapa po dechu pri kazdem mensim vystupu do kopce. Mam pocit, ze pokud nejsem extra aktivni a jsem spise doma, vse je v poradku. Jakmile ale zacnu nabirat pracovni prilezitosti, chodit na akce, cestovat po Londyne, tak se to okamzite projevi unavou. Jenze ono je tezke, kdyz se ted po dlouhe dobe roztrhl pytel s pozvankami na akce, schuzky a porad se neco deje. Ale uz jsem si nacitila, ze opravdu je treba balanc a neprehanet to. Ted jsem byla par dni doma s nemocnym Liamkem a je mi skvele. Jde opravdu citit, ze kdyz clovek vypusti tyto hekticke plany, energie je dostatek.

Ceka me nabity vikend s Liamkem, chystame se na dynovou farmu a take do Kew Garden na Gruffala, ktereho ma moc rad. Minuly vikend nam unikly dostihy v Ascots, protoze mu nebylo moc dobre, ale takovych prilezitosti jeste bude.

Co se tyce pripravy na porod, jsem spise clovek, ktery se snazi nechat vecem volny prubeh. Zacala jsem konecne procvicovat panevni dno, vytahla moji starsi knizku o hypnoporodu a dnes zacinam meditace. V Organic Pharmacy jsem take dostala skvely Labour Kit, ktery obsahuje homeopatika, ktere mate jist pred porodem, ale ty se pouzivaji zhruba tyden pred terminem.

Snad mi bude doprano a poslednich par tydnu i porod probehnou v poradku a snad si do te doby uziju co nejvice spolecenskych a pracovnich akci a budu plne pripravena na nas novy prirustek.


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Why are influencers changing their Instagram handle names?

Wearing: Shoes: Manolo Blahnik, Bag: Bulgari, Dress and Blazer: Zara, Belt: Black & Brown

When I was starting to write a blog back in autumn 2009 it was all so new. Most bloggers were using blogspot and there was no Instagram. We were all just having these online diaries, sharing what we wear, what we did and our lives.

Bloggers were looking for a catchy names for their blogs and when you landed on their pages you would see the name of the blog that later became a brand – The Blonde Salad, Glam & Glitter, In the Frow, Hello October, Pink Peonies, Something Navy, Style Scrapbook just to name the few. I will not lie. I often did not know the bloggers by their first and second names and referred to them as Something Navy or in my case Glamazon. And I am still doing it to be fair.

Well, many years later when the websites were taken by Instagram the same “brands” were growing rapidly on this social platform and not just this one. There was a nice continuity and when you loved the blog and wanted to follow your favourite blogger on Instagram, Twitter and many others you could easily find them based on the blog name.

This has shifted recently and I am thinking why. Does it mean it is no longer cool to be found on Instagram as Pink Peonies or Five inch and up? Is it a new trend? Is it lust for fame with your own name? However, so many influencers started to changed their original names which to me were the actual brand and started to use their real names.

I personally find it so hard especially when Instagram does not work the same way as before. Now, if you constantly do not engage with certain content, that feed is not coming up despite you following them. So with some people you do not see a single picture or video for months. This makes it even more difficult if you want to find them. As an example I wanted to send this blogger I know personally from the industry na image that popped up somewhere and I was looking forever for her handle. Sadly, I did not remember her full name so I was lost. It took me so long to find her and yes she was one of the people that changed her original blog name to her name. And this happens so many times. I find it so confusing when I quickly want to look somebody up.

I still have not decided if it is a good or bad thing. There are few people that started their blogs with their own name. One that comes to my mind is a Czech Influencer Pavlina Jagrova. Well, good for her as she does not have to confuse followers with all these changes. There is also one case I can think makes full sense and that is Arielle Charnas from Something Navy. Something Navy became her clothes brand so it was a natural move to keep the traffic of her original brand. She used her blog for her online clothes shop and then change her influencer social accounts to her actual names. This is a brilliant and logic move for sure. There is a lot of gain out of this.

I wish I could answer to my question in the title? Is it trend? Is it where we are heading? Will the original names just fully disappear? I guess only time will show.


Kdyz jsem zacinala s blogem koncem roku 2009, vsechno bylo nove. Vetsina blogeru pouzivala originalni blogspot a Instagram jeste neexistoval. Byly to pro nas takove online diare, kde vetsina z nas sdilela outfity, nas kazdodenni zivot a podobne.

Vetsina blogeru chtela prijit na trh s poutavym jmenem, ktery pritahne pozornost a ktere ji vybuduje znacku. Z tech dob me napadaji jmena jako The Blonde Salad, Glam & Glitter, In the Frow, Hello October, Pink Peonies, Something Navy, Style Scrapbook a jine. A nebudu vam lhat, jmena blogeru jsem moc neznala a brala je jako The Blond Salad nebo v mem pripade Glamazon.

Par let na to prisel Instagram a vetsina blogeru rozsirovala svuj influence na ruznych socialnich platformach. Vsechno bylo krasne propojeno a kdyz si ctenar chtel najit influencera napriklad na Instagramu, ve vetsinu pripadu stacil nazev blogu. A proc taky ne, bylo to jednoduche, byla to jejich znacka, kterou pilne budovali na webovych strankach a davalo to smysl. A tak kdyz jsem si oblibila napriklad blog Pink Peonies, vedela jsem, ze mi staci tohle zadat na Instagramu do vyhledavace a voila.

Jenze to se ale v poslednich asi dvou letech zacalo menit a spousta at uz top influenceru tak micro-influenceru zacala menit sva jmena na Instagramu na sva skutecna jmena. Sedim tady a premyslim proc? Je to novy trend? Je to out mit nazev blogu jako hlavni jmeno? Nebo je to zkratka jenom touha po slave pod jejich skutecnym jmenem? Tak ci tak, ja to shledavam dost matouci (to bude sranda az tomu prijdu na chut a zmenim si to taky LOL), protoze v dnesni dobe kdyz Instagram ma zcela jiny algoritmus, je tak tezke najit jenom tak blog, kdyz si nepamatujete jejich jmeno.

Jako priklad uvedu, kdyz jsem nedavno chtela poslat fotku jedne influencerce, kterou znam osobne a zacala ji hledat na Instagramu a zkratka to neslo. A jelikoz jsem si nemohla vzpomenout na jeji jmeno, bylo to o to tezsi. Nakonec jsem se po delsi dobe proklikala pres jine lidi a fotku ji poslala. No co vam budu povidat, hrozne me to stvalo. LOL

Vyhodu maji ti blogeri, kteri tak zacali hned na zacatku. Jako priklad uvedu Pavlinu Jagrovou. Ta si svou znacku vybudovala na svem vlastnim jmene a ma to ted jednodussi. Dalsi priklad, kdy mi zmena dava smysl je Arielle Charnas z blogu Something Navy. Arielle si vybudovala znacku obleceni, kterou nazvala Something Navy a velmi chytre tak mohla okamzite vyuzit jak navstevnost blogu, z nehoz se stal online shop a take Instagramovy ucet. Svuj puvodni ucet si zkratka zmenila na sve skutecne jmeno. Ale tohle je opravdu logicky tah, kterym ziska opravdu hodne.

Bohuzel si sama nemohu zodpovedet na svou otazku v titulu? Nevim, jestli je to trend. Nevim, zda je to vyhoda ci nevyhoda, jenom vim, ze kdyz si chci opravdu nekoho najit, ze me to akorat mate. Myslim, ze na tohle nam odpovi jedine cas a treba nakonec jmena blogu jako takovych zcela zmizi.


Designer shoes – The best of sales

Wearing: Shoes: Nicholas Kirkwood, Trousers: River Island, Shirt: River Island, Bag: Stella McCartney, Blazer: Vintage, Earrings: Missoma

One of the things I love about summer are also fabulous summer sales. Now when things are little bit back to normal we can finally appreciate beautiful things like hot summer sandals, cute heels and especially when they come with a chunky discount. It is a perfect investment. You can actually now get on sale these Nicholas Kirkwood beauties I am wearing on the picture and they are a perfect model for any party.

However there are so many other fantastic pieces from even more fantastic brands. One of my favourite brands Aquazzura has some of the hottest shoes on sale and Jimmy Choo is not behind so here is a little selection of some of my favourites.


Jedna z veci, ktere miluju na lete jsou urcite vyprodeje. No samozrejme leto jako takove je uzasne, ale ted kdyz uz mame vetsi volnost v dobe covidove, tak proc neinvestovat do nejakych krasnych sandalku, ktere jsou nadcasove a budou se hodit kazde leto. Ja rada vyuzivam velkych slev a poridim si tak neco luxusniho. Napriklad tyhle nazouvacky, ktere mam na sobe od znacky Nicholas Kirkwood jsou momentalne ve sleve, ale najdete i jine fantasticke kousky.

Jedna z mych oblibenych znacke je urcite Aquazzura a v nabidce najdete opravdu skvele modely s velkou slevou a Jimmy Choo nezustava pozadu. A tak pro vas mam mensi vyber toho nejlepsiho.
