Ravel Boots

Wearing: Ravel Boots, Todd Lynn for Debenhams clutch, Topshop Coat, Zara Trousers, Gap Shirt and Asos Bow

I have been looking for perfect brown winter boots and I found them. And although it may sound like a cliche but these Ravel boots were mad for walking. They look great, the quality is fantastic and they are so comfy. I am really enjoying this autumn as I love all four seasons and although I live in London…I am still surrounded by colourful leaves in the parks. I wish I could start every day with a run and followed by a nice cup of tea on the sofa. Well, at least weekends are doable. LOL

 I wanted to ask you for help as I am looking for perfect Christmas Party dress so any tips are welcome. But remember it has to be pretty amazing!

Uz pekne dlouho jsem hledala nejake kvalitni a pohodlne hnede kozacky. A konecne jsem je nasla. A asi to bude znit jako klise, ale tyhle kozacky jakoby byly presne z pisne these boots were made for walking. Ja si uzivam tohle krasne podzimni pocasi a hlavne jako vzdy jsem nadsena jak je priroda krasne zbarvena. Prestoze ziju v Londyne, tak i tak si uziju pestrobarevnych parku.

Chtela jsem se zeptat, zda mate nejake tipy na nejake skvele saty na vanocni vecirek. Musi to byt neco paradniho. Doufam, ze mi neco skveleho najdete.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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14 comments on “Ravel Boots

  1. Lovely outfit!

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