Firetrap Deadly Denim Launch

Spooky night with Firetrap…this is how I would call this launch of deadly denim by Firetrap. This is also first fashion event I took my boyfriend to. The event took place in London Fields Brewery premises and that is one of the reasons why I thought my other half should come. He is running with friends a brewery in Brixton so I thought it is time to check out the competition.

To be honest this event was not like other things I have been to…it was more sort of night out with gigs and beer. You know I am more of a wine girl but my boyfriend loved it. The whole evening had a great scary atmosphere, good burgers by Cheeky Burgers (honestly one of the best ones I have ever had). And I also met some fantastic people including super talented Diana Gomez who is incredibly talented celebrity and fashion photographer…Rihanna, Wil.I.Am, Courtney Love, Taylor Swift, Nicole Sherzinger…name it all. What a fantastic portfolio of pictures to have. You know how much I love women that achieved something in life…and Diana is definitely one of them.

If you want check out the deadly denim teaser video.

Strasidelna noc s Firetrap…tak nejak bych nazvala jednu z akci, na kterou jsem byla minuly tyden pozvana. Firma firetrap prisla na trh s novou kolekci dzinu a taky novym videem Deadly Denim. Byla to taky prvni modni akce na kterou jsem vzala sveho pritele a to hlavne, protoze probihala v London Fields Brewery. Mozna si pamatujete, ze moje draha polovicka ma take mini pivovar a to v  Brixtonu. A ja jsem proste chtela, aby videl jak to  vypada u konkurence…trocha inspirace nikdy nezaskodi.

Cely vecer se nesl v uplne jinem duchu, nez jsem zvyknuta…prisla jsem si spise jako v rockovem klubu. Ale jsem rada, ze jsem ochutnala hamburgery od Cheecky Burgers jelikoz to byl jeden z nejlepsich, co jsem kdy mela…jeste ted se mi sbihaji sliny. A take jsem potkala spousty novych lidi vcetne zabavne a velmi talentovane fotografky Diany Gomez.…ve svem portfoliu ma mnoho kampani a nespocet celebrit vcetne Rihanny, Wil.I.Am, Courtney Love, Taylor Swift, Nicole Sherzinger….ale tohle je jenom maly vypis.

A pokud mate chut, tak mrknete na kratke video Firetrap deadly denim.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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