(pic sourcehttp://notyourstandard.com/on-my-desk/)
Social media and different phone applications are one of the pillars of every successful blogger. I used to think that I do not need them and relied on Facebook only however I soon discovered that some of them can be stronger tools and sometimes even more important than the blog itself. I used to reject all these ideas as it was just more and more work. I believe that blogging is constantly developing and I believe that your presence on social media will be more powerful than your actual blog. The reason being is that everybody has got a phone and not everybody has got time to go on the actual website however it is very easy to flick through pictures or follow people on snapchat on a train or whilst you are waiting for your next meeting.
And plus all these different apps and different social media are so well connected and help you to grow your following and blog itself. One cannot be without the other.
So which one are my favourites? If you think Facebook…you are wrong. I am so over Facebook and plus it is hard to reach enough people. Facebook became very stingy and even if you post something on Facebook the content is shown to very few people. I have around 5 000 followers but the reach is much lower. I think Facebook just wants to encourage business to spend more money and pay for boosting their content. I would be silly to do that when I can easily grow my blog somewhere else.
Instagram on the other hand is an amazing place. I start to call it a place of perfection or reflection of perfect life. I think the original intention to provide instant content is gone. Bloggers properly prepare what they share on their pages and they arrange every last detail of each pictures. Some bloggers have stunning profiles that took lot of effort to create. However, I still love Instagram and the more people like your picture the more chance is there for your to be found by more people. It is perfect PR for brands, celebrities or bloggers.
Snachpat is my daily entertaining space . I am obsessed with it so much and I can sometimes overdo it myself. When I was in Paris for Fashion Week I literally could not stop. I love it because it is real and you cannot cheat like on Instagram. You show what you see there and then. I love discovering different personalities and it made me to actually like some bloggers more and some bloggers less. My favourite blogger is Danielle from We Wore What. She is real, she is fun and she is not faking anything. There are also people that really surprised me but not in the best way. LOL. I am snapchatting as evaglamazon so feel free to follow me. However, my normal day is not as exciting as you may think. There are times on the other hand where I think I can create some fun content. Snapchat will definitely be very strong when it comes to PR. I recently got an email that offered collaboration based just on snapchat numbers and your presence. So maybe it is the new thing in bloggers world and PR.
Twitter is and oldie but goodie. I have had my account for years but never used it and started properly last year. It is the best place for doing business but it also helps to drive traffic to your site. I must say UK market is so much more about twitter. I am from Czech and nobody is really using it which is a pity as it offers some huge opportunities. Last year I did a giveaway just on twitter and it lasted 24 hours. It had bigger impact and bigger success than giveway that is open for two weeks on the blog. So there is definitely something about twitter.
I hope you are using all of the above and if not you should definitely think about it. Blogging is all about hard work and if you do this right all these apps can bring you more traffic, new readers and also new business opportunities. And don’t forget to let me know which one is your favourite.
Also let me know your snapchat username so I can have a look a follow you back.
Socialni media a ruzne aplikace jsou jednim ze zakladnich piliru blogovani. A pokud chcete byt v blogovani uspesni, tak se jim urcite nesmite branit. Kdysi jsem si myslela, ze zadne instagramy a twitery nepotrebuju a dneska spoustu firem spise zajima jak si vedu na twitteru ci snapchatu. Moje teorie je, ze blogovani se neustale vyviji a mozna brzo lide budou chodit a sledovat blogery hlavne pres ruzne aplikace a blog uz je nebude tak zajimat. V dnesni dobe ma skoro kazdy telefon a chce jit s dobou, ale co lide nemaji je prave cas. Ja ctu blogy tak jednou tydne jestli ne i jednou za dva tydny, protoze nemam cas. Ale kazdy den kontroluju twitter, instagram a snapchat.
A hlavne tyhle aplikace vam pomahaji o sobe dat vedet a ziskat vice ctenaru a fanousku. Je spousta lidi, kteri treba nemaji ani poneti o existenci blogu, ale treba zrovna je vas ucet na snapchatu zaujme a nebo je bavi vas instagram. Myslim, ze pro kazdeho blogera je to velmi dulezite.
A ktere jsou teda me oblibene? Pokud si myslite, ze Facebook tak se hodne pletete. Na Facebooku mam asi 5000 odberatelu, ale prijde mi, ze Facebook je vice a vice lakomy a kazda vec, kterou tam dam se zobrazi jenom velmi malemu procentu. Urcite se snazi z firem jenom vytriskat vice penez a chteji, abychom si platili reklamy apod. Ale to bych byla blazen, kdybych to delala. Existuji jina mista, kde muzu zaujmout nove potencialni ctenare.
Instagram na druhou stranu je uzasny. Ja sama instagram kontroluju porad a to jestli jsem nekde v rade, toalete ci u obeda. Nemuzu si pomoci. Myslim, ze puvodni zamer tvorit obsah v ten dany moment je uz davno pryc a blogeri si davaji opravdu zalezet. Nekteri jdou do extremu jenom aby meli tu nejlepsi fotku a davaji si pozor, aby jejich profil tvoril sourody celek. Ja az takovy blazen nejsem, ale bavi me objevovat nove a nove ucty. Tady v Britanii je Instagram brany velmi vazne. Vim, ze blogeri uctuji za jednu fotku na instagramu kolikrat vice nez za samotny clanek na blogu. A pokud instagram mate, tak vite, ze je vse krasne propojeno. Cim vice lidi likuje vasi fotografii, tak tim vice sanci mate na to, ze si ji nekdo vsimne a zacne vas sledovat.
Snapchat je moje zavislost. A v posledni dobe se neskutecne rozmohl a narozdil od instagramu se tady neda podvadet. Opravdu ukazujete vsechno v ten moment a konecne mate moznost sledovat zivoty lidi tak jak opravdu jsou. A proto me snapchat tak bavi. Najit me muzete jako evaglamazon a dejte si bacha, protoze je to opravdu zavislost. Treba v Parizi na Fashion Weeku jsem se nemohla zastavit, protoze bylo porad co tocit a fotit. Muj bezny pracovni den neni zase az tak vzrusujici, takze je tezsi neco zajimaveho tocit. Vetsinou se to odehrava stejne…tady mam snidani, tady jdu do prace a ted jdu behat. Nejvic me na tom bavi to, ze clovek odhali svuj charakter a je pravda, ze nektere blogerky se mi razem zmenily pred ocima. Treba takova Kayture (myslim, ze uz mam jejiho snapchatu dost) a nektere blogerky jako treba We wore What si me na druhou stranu ziskaly jeste vic. Danielle je zabavna, je vtipna je sva a je skutecna. Zjistite treba, ze Aimee ze Song of Style ji vice nez deset lidi dohromady anebo ze je nekdo hrozne fake. A hlavne bude snapchat dalsi velmi mocny zpusob, jak promovat produkty. Nedavno mi treba prisel email ohledne spoluprace na festival Coachella a jedine co je zajimalo byl snapchat. To snad mluvi za vse.
Twitter se v Cesku snad nikdy nerozjel a prijde mi to docela divne, protoze tady v Britanii frci porad. Ja jsem mela zalozeny twitter dlouho, ale nepouzivala jsem ho. Jakmile jsem zjistila, ze tady v UK funguje, tak jsem zacala byt na twitteru hodne aktivni. A twitter mi prinesl spoustu novych ctenaru a hlavne spolupraci. Troufam si rict, ze spousta firem me oslovila prave diky twitteru. Minuly rok jsem delala na prani firmy giveaway, ktera trvala jeden den a vse bylo jenom pres twitter. Mela jsem vetsi uspech za jeden den nez za dva tydny primo na blogu! Takze neco na tom bude.
Takze se toho nebojte a pokud jeste nemate nektere ucty a myslite to s blogovanim vazne, tak si je urcite zalozte. Je to sice hodne prace, ale pokud budete aktivni, tak se vam ta prace jednoho krasneho dne vyplati. A pokud mate snapchat, tak mi ho napiste do komentaru a ja se rada podivam.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Such a helpful post, especially for bloggers like me. Thanks for sharing your tips.
Glad you like it x
This is great. I started using my personal insta page to promote blog post and Twitter but I don’t think I am as meticulous about my postings as far as a single theme or style. IDK hopefully it will work! Xo
Good to hear…all the best with your instagram x
I completely agree about facebook – useless! Your post can reach the others only by paying which is sad. First time I hear about snapchat thou.. :/ gonna try it for sure! Thanks for sharing. :) xo
Your welcome and glad you like it x
Thank you for sharing these great apps
Evi, opet super clanek s tipy. Snapchat jsem zalozila nedavno, ale jeste jsem nic nepostla. :) Ale o twitteru premyslim uz delsi dobu.