Dear bloggers,
I went to cinema ‘again’ to see Girl with the dragon tattoo and it was sold out. Oh, hello? last weekend we came late and yesterday sold out? Is that my destiny or some kind of sign?
Anyway, we ended up in Mexican place to get something to eat and went home. I would like to inform you that I have opened all possible fashion and media profiles ever including twitter and others. You can find links in the panel on the side.
Also feel free to participate in my giveaway which you can find there as well :)
Have a great weekend. I feel very lazy today so will do SATC marathon … you can’t go wrong with that…can you? :DDD
Vcera jsem sla znovu do kina na Girl with the dragon tattoo a bylo vyprodano. Jako co to ma znamenat, minuly vikend jsem prisla pozde, ted uz zase nebyly listky? To je nejake znameni?
Tak jsme skoncily s pritelem v Mexicke restauraci na jidle a sly pak domu :) Mimochodem jsem si zalozila profily na vsem moznych i nemoznych modnich a medialnich portalech (dokonce i twitter) a odkazy jsou v mem postrannim panelu.
Nezapomente, ze giveaway stale bezi a odkaz je na stejnem miste :)
Preji vsem krasny vikend. Ja jsem dneska leniva a pohodlna, takze to vidim na SATC maraton, tim nemuzu nic pokazit, ze?
Love Glamazon xoxo
libi se mi zlate detaily!
Tak to mam radost
Skvělý outfit, to sladění barev, zlaté detaily, povedlo se!:)
Moc dekuji
Wow! It’s such a beautiful pink jacket! xoxoo
thank you…its Zara :)
Whoa! That movie must have blown up. It’s a good story. However, I like the swedish version. More authentic.
Skvělý outfit. Všechno se mi moc líbí a sako je opravdu úžasné, stejně tak i Balenciaga.