Baggy Sweatshirt

When the weather gets colder I just want to wrap myself up in baggy jumpers and warm and cosy clothes. I got this baggy sweatshirt only recently. I feel the zips on the side give it a bit of twist and plus it does keep me warm even when the temperature drops.

I went to cinema to see Hunger Games Catching Fire and it served well in the cinema too. Nothing better to be cosy in your seat with pop corn and a good movie.

Jakmile se ochladi mam chut se zabalit do teplych svrsku. Nedavno jsou si poridila tuhle sednou mikinu, libila se mi, protoze zipy dole po stranach ji trosku osvezily a hlavne mi prijde teploucka. Vcera kdy byla dost zima jsem si pochvalovala jak je teplounka.

Sla jsem do kina na Hunger Games Catching Fire a tam se mi hodila jeste vic, neni nic lepsiho nez se zachumlat do sedacky v teple a uzivat si dobry film.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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Wearing: Forever 21 Sweathshirt, Dolce and Gabbanna Bag, River Island Skirt, Dune Boots, Marc Jacobs Necklace, Topshop Hat

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